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Solicitor User Guide

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

1. Introduction

Today’s software projects often make use of large amounts of Open Source software. Being compliant with the license obligations of the used software components is a prerequisite for every such project. This results in different requirements that the project might need to fulfill. Those requirements can be grouped into two main categories:

  • Things that need to be done to actually fulfill license obligations

  • Things that need to be done to monitor / report fulfillment of license obligations

Most of the above activities share common points:

  • The need to have an inventory of used (open source) components and their licenses

  • Some rule based evaluation and reporting based on this inventory

While working on these easy looking tasks, they might get complex due to various aspects:

  • The number of open source components might be quite large (>> 100 for a typical webapplication based on state of the art programming frameworks)

  • Agile development and rapid changes of used components result in frequent changes of the inventory

  • Open Source usage scenarios and license obligations might be OK in one context (e.g. in the relation between a software developer and his client) but might be completely unacceptable in another context (e.g. when the client distributes the same software to end customers)

  • Legal interpretation of license conditions often differ from organization to organization and result in different compliance rules to be respected.

  • License information for components is often not available in a standardized form which would allow automatic processing

  • Tools for supporting the license management processes are often specific to a technology or build tool and do not support all aspects of OSS license management.

Of course there are specific commercial tool suites which address the IP rights and license domain. But due to high complexity and license costs those tools are out of reach for most projects - at least for permanent use.

Solicitor tries to address some of the issues highlighted above. In its initial version it is a tool for programmatically executing a process which was originally defined as an Excel-supported manual process.

When running Solicitor three subsequent processing steps are executed:

  • Creating an initial component and license inventory based on technology specific input files

  • Rule based normalization and evaluation of licenses

  • Generation of output documents

Solicitor comes with a set of sample rules for the normalization and evaluation of licenses. Even though these included rules are not "intentionally wrong" they are only samples and you should never rely on these builtin rules without checking and possibly modifying their content and consulting your lawyer. Solicitor is a tool for technically supporting the management of OSS licenses within your project. Solicitor neither gives legal advice nor is a replacement for a lawyer.

1.1. Licensing of Solicitor

The Solicitor code and accompanying resources (including this userguide) as stored in the GIT Repository are licensed as Open Source under Apache 2 license (

Specifically observe the "Disclaimer of Warranty" and "Limitation of Liability" which are part of the license.
The executable JAR file which is created by the Maven based build process includes numerous other Open Source components which are subject to different Open Source licenses. Any distribution of the Solicitor executable JAR file needs to comply with the license conditions of all those components. If you are running Solicitor from the executable JAR you might use the -eug option to store detailed license information as file solicitor_licenseinfo.html in your current working directory (together with a copy of this user guide).

2. Architecture

The following picture show a business oriented view of Solicitor.

domain model

Raw data about the components and attached licenses within an application is gathered by scanning with technology and build chain specific tools. This happens outside Solicitor.

The import step reads this data and transforms it into a common technology independent internal format.

In the normalization step the license information is completed and unified. Information not contained in the raw data is added. Where possible the applicable licenses are expressed by SPDX-IDs.

Many open source components are available via multi licensing models. Within qualification the finally applicable licenses are selected.

In the legal assessment the compliance of applicable licenses will be checked based on generic rules defined in company wide policies and possibly project specific project specific extensions. Defining those rules is considered as "legal advice" and possibly needs to be done by lawyers which are authorized to do so. For this step Solicitor only provides a framework / tool to support the process here but does not deliver any predefined rules.

The final export step produces documents based on the internal data model. This might be the list of licenses to be forwarded to the customer or a license compliance report. Data might also be fed into other systems.

A more technical oriented view of Solicitor is given below.


There are three major technical components: The reader and writer components are performing import and export of data. The business logic - doing normalization, qualification and legal assessment is done by a rule engine. Rules are mainly defined via decision tables. Solicitor comes with a starting set of rules for normalization and qualification but these rulesets need to be extended within the projects. Rules for legal evaluation need to be completely defined by the user.

Solicitor is working without additional persisted data: When being executed it generates the output directly from the read input data after processing the business rules.

2.1. Data Model


The internal business data model consists of 6 entities:

  • ModelRoot: root object of the business data model which holds metadata about the data processing

  • Engagement: the masterdata of the overall project

  • Application: a deliverable within the Engagement

  • ApplicationComponent: component within an Application

  • RawLicense: License info attached to an ApplicationComponent as it is read from the input data

  • NormalizedLicense: License info attached to an ApplicationComponent processed by the business rules

2.1.1. ModelRoot

Property Type Description



version number of the data model



timestamp when the data was processed



Solicitor version which processed the model



buildnumber / GitHash of the Solicitor build



build date of the Solicitor build



artifactId of the active Solicitor Extension ("NONE" if no extension)



Version of the active Extension (or "NONE")



Buildnumber / GitHash of the Extension (or "NONE")

2.1.2. Engagement

Property Type Description



the engagement name



the engagement type; possible values: INTERN, EXTERN



name of the client



the go-to-market-model; possible values: LICENSE



does the contract explicitly allow OSS?



is the companies OSS policy followed?



does the customer provide the OSS?

2.1.3. Application

Property Type Description



the name of the application / deliverable



version identifier of the application



release data of the application



URL of the source repo of the application (should be an URL)



programming ecosystem (e.g. Java8; Android/Java, iOS / Objective C)

2.1.4. ApplicationComponent

Property Type Description






is the OSS modified?



URL of the OSS homepage



URL of the Source-Code-Repo



component identifier: maven group



component identifier: maven artifactId



component identifier: Version



component identifier: RepoType



component identifier: PackageType



the Package URL as an technology neutral component identifier



URL referencing a NOTICE file to be included in the attributions (optional, see Experimental Scancode Integration)



resolved content of noticeFileUrl (optional, see Experimental Scancode Integration)



Copyright statements found in the components metadata / code (optional, see Experimental Scancode Integration)



URL for downloading the component (optional, see Experimental Scancode Integration)



URL for downloading the sources of the component (optional, see Experimental Scancode Integration)



Optional status of the data associated with the component. See dataStatus values of the Scancode integration for values used by the Scancode integration. Extensions (see Extending Solicitor) might use different values.



Optional notes for tracing the information about this component back to its origin.

2.1.5. RawLicense

Property Type Description



name of the declared license



URL of the declared license



license text as provided in the input data



detail info of history of this data record



origin of the raw license data; either the lowercase classname of the Reader or "scancode" if licensedata was taken from scancode results



(for controlling rule processing)

2.1.6. NormalizedLicense

Property Type Description



name of the declared license (copied from RawLicense)



URL of the declared license (copied from RawLicense



resolved content of licenseUrl



type of the license, see License types



name of the license in normalized form (SPDX-Id) or special "pseudo license id", see Pseudo License Ids



URL pointing to a normalized form of the license



resolved content of normalizedLicenseUrl



type of the license, see License types



type of the effective license, see License types



effective normalized license (SPDX-Id) or "pseudo license id"; this is the information after selecting the right license in case of multi licensing or any license override due to a component being redistributed under a different license



URL pointing to the effective normalized license



resolved content of effectiveNormalizedLicenseUrl



indicates whether the license is pre approved based on company standard policy



indicates the type of copyleft of the license



indicates if the license is compliant according to the default company policy



URL to the reference license information (TBD)



resolved content of licenseRefUrl



does the license require to include the license text ?



does the license require to deliver source code of OSS component ?



for which release was the legal evaluation done?



comments on the component/license (mainly as input to legal)



indicates whether this usage is legally approved



comments from legal, possibly indicating additional conditions to be fulfilled



detail info of history of this data record (rule executions)



guessed (possibly improved) URL of the effective normalized license (deprecated)



audit info which documents how the guessedLicenseUrl was guessed (deprecated)



resolved content of guessedLicenseUrl (deprecated)

For the mechanism how Solicitor resolves the content of URLs and how the result might be influenced see Resolving of License URLs.

For a description of the URL guessing mechanism (deprecated) see Guessing of license URLs.

License types

Defines the type of license

  • OSS-SPDX - An OSS license which has a corresponding SPDX-Id

  • OSS-OTHER - An OSS license which has no SPDX-Id

  • SCANCODE - A reference to a license represented by a LicenseRef-Id originating from Scancode.

  • COMMERCIAL - Commercial (non OSS) license; this might also include code which is owned by the project

  • UNKNOWN- License is unknown

  • IGNORED- License will be ignored. If set on normalizedLicenseType (and effectiveNormalizedLicenseType) this indicates that the underlying RawLicense does not represent license information which is relevant in the given analysis. (E.g. a Contributor License Agreement might be qualified to be out of scope). If only set on effectiveNormalizedLicenseType this indicates that the license does not apply here - specifically due to selecting an alternative license in a multilicensing situation.

Pseudo License Ids

A "normalized" license id might be either a SPDX-Id, a LicenseRef-Id or a "pseudo license id" which is used to indicate a specific situation. The following pseudo license ids are used:

  • OSS specific - a nonstandard OSS license which could not be mapped to a SPDX-Id

  • PublicDomain - any form of public domain which is not represented by an explicit SPDX-Id

  • Ignored - license will be ignored (see above)

  • NonOSS - commercial license, not OSS

3. Usage

3.1. Executing Solicitor

Solicitor is a standalone Java (Spring Boot) application. Prerequisite for running it is an existing Java 11 runtime environment. If you do not yet have a the Solicitor executable JAR (solicitor.jar) you need to build it as given on the project GitHub homepage .

Solicitor is executed with the following command:

java -jar solicitor.jar -c <configfile>

where <configfile> is to be replaced by the location of the Project Configuration File.

To get a first idea on what Solicitor does you might call

java -jar solicitor.jar -c classpath:samples/solicitor_sample.cfg

This executes Solicitor with default configuration on it own list of internal components and produces sample output.

To get an overview of the available command line options use

java -jar solicitor.jar -h
Addressing of resources

For unique addressing of resources to be read (configuration files, input data, rule templates and decision tables) Solicitor makes use of the Spring ResourceLoader functionality, see . This allows to load from the classpath, the filesystem or even via http get.

If you want to reference a file in the filesystem you need to write it as follows: file:path/to/file.txt

Note that this only applies to resources being read. Output files are addressed without that prefix.

3.2. Project Configuration File

The project configuration of Solicitor is done via a configuration file in JSON format. This configuration file defines the engagements and applications master data, configures the readers for importing component and license information, references the business rules to be applied and defines the exports to be done.

The config file has the following skeleton:

  "version" : 1,
  "comment" : "Sample Solicitor configuration file",
  "engagementName" : "devonfw", (1)
  "applications" : [ ... ], (2)
  "rules" : [ ... ],  (3)
  "writers" : [ ... ], (4)
  "additionalWriters" : [ ...] (5)
  1. The leading data defines the engagement master data, see Header and Engagement Master Data

  2. applications defines the applications within the engagement and configures the readers to import the component/license information, see Applications

  3. rules references the rules to apply to the imported data, see Business Rules

  4. writers configures how the processed data should be exported, see Writers and Reporting

  5. additionalWriters defines optional additional project specific writers without overwriting already defined writers, see Writers and Reporting

The following section describes all sections of the Solicitor configuration file format. Often the configuration of writers and especially rules will be identical for projects. To facilitate the project specific configuration setup Solicitor internally provides a base configuration which contains reasonable defaults for the rules and writers section. If the project specific configuration file omits the rules and/or writers sections then the corresponding settings from the base configuration will be taken. For details see Default Base Configuration.
If locations of files are specified within the configuration files as relative pathnames then this is always evaluated relative to the current working directory (which might differ from the location of the configuration file). If some file location should be given relative to the location of the configuration file this might be done using the special placeholder ${cfgdir} as described in the following.

3.2.1. Placeholders within the configuration file

Within certain parts of the configuration file (path and filenames) special placeholders might be used to parameterize the configuration. These areas are explicitly marked in the following description.

These placeholders are available:

  • ${project} - A simplified project name (taking the engagement name, removing all non-word characters and converting to lowercase).

  • ${cfgdir} - If the config file was loaded from the filesystem this denotes the directory where the config file resides, . otherwise. This can be used to reference locations relative to the location of the config file.

3.2.2. Header and Engagement Master Data

The leading section of the config file defines some metadata and the engagement master data.

  "version" : 1, (1)
  "comment" : "Sample Solicitor configuration file", (2)
  "engagementName" : "devonfw", (3)
  "engagementType" : "INTERN", (4)
  "clientName" : "none", (5)
  "goToMarketModel" : "LICENSE", (6)
  "contractAllowsOss" : true, (7)
  "ossPolicyFollowed" : true, (8)
  "customerProvidesOss" : false, (9)
  1. version of the config file format (currently needs to be 1)

  2. is a free text comment (no further function at the moment)

  3. the engagement name (any string)

  4. the engagement type; possible values: INTERN, EXTERN

  5. name of the client (any string)

  6. the go-to-market-model; possible values: LICENSE

  7. does the contract explicitly allow OSS? (boolean)

  8. is the companies OSS policy followed? (boolean)

  9. does the customer provide the OSS? (boolean)

3.2.3. Applications

Within this section the different applications (=deliverables) of the engagement are defined. Furthermore, for each application at least one reader needs to be defined which imports the component and license information.

 "applications" : [ {
    "name" : "Devon4J", (1)
    "releaseId" : "3.1.0-SNAPSHOT", (2)
    "sourceRepo" : "", (3)
    "programmingEcosystem" : "Java8", (4)
    "readers" : [ { (5)
      "type" : "maven", (6)
      "source" : "classpath:samples/licenses_devon4j.xml", (7) (10)
      "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING", (8)
      "repoType" : "maven" (9)
      "packageType" : "maven" (11)
    } ]
  } ],
  1. The name of the application / deliverable (any string)

  2. Version identifier of the application (any string)

  3. URL of the source repo of the application (string; should be an URL)

  4. programming ecosystem (any string; e.g. Java8; Android/Java, iOS / Objective C)

  5. multiple readers might be defined per application

  6. the type of reader; for possible values see Reading License Information with Readers

  7. location of the source file to read (ResourceLoader-URL)

  8. usage pattern; possible values: DYNAMIC_LINKING, STATIC_LINKING, STANDALONE_PRODUCT; see description below

  9. repoType: repoType to be set in the ApplicationComponent . This parameter is deprecated and should no longer be used, see List of Deprecated Features. The value of repoType in ApplicationComponent will otherwise be determined from the type info in the PackageURL of the component.

  10. placeholder patterns might be used here

  11. packageType: type of the packages in the input data. Must be a valid packageUrl type (see Relevant when using the CSV reader.

Usage Patterns

The usage pattern describes how the ApplicationComponents (libraries, packages) which are read in via the Reader are linked (in)to the Applications executable. The kind of linking might affect the legal evaluation of the license compliance.

  • DYNAMIC_LINKING - The component is dynamically linked and is separated/separable from the rest of the executable and might be exchanged. This specifically covers two cases:

    • The component is not included in the executable but is either already existing on the target system or is deployed separately from the executable. Exchanging the component can be done by replacing the component without touching the executable / other components of the application.

    • The component is included in the executable and is linked into the executable in a way that allows it to clearly distinguish it from the other components. It is possible to separate the component from the rest of the executable and to replace the component with a modified version of the component just using common tooling.

  • STATIC_LINKING - The component is linked into the executable in a way that makes it (practically) impossible to separate it from the rest of the executable. In case that this single component needs to be replaced the linking process has to be re-executed based on the (unlinked) components. De facto this means that separating and/or exchanging the single components with only the executable at hand is practically impossible.

  • STANDALONE_PRODUCT - The component is not linked to other components. It is executed in its own process.

The semantics of DYNAMIC_LINKING and STATIC_LINKING within Solicitor might differ from the common software engineers technical understanding of dynamic and static linking. The main characteristics important in this context are given above. As the legal evaluation of OSS license compliance might rely on the correct specification of the usage pattern you should consult the person being responsible for the legal evaluation if you are not sure about the right value. (Or in case that you are responsible for the legal evaluation: Make sure that the understanding of the possible usage pattern values corresponds to the legal evaluation rules you have defined.)

The different readers are described in chapter Reading License Information with Readers.

3.2.4. Business Rules

Business rules are executed within a Drools rule engine. They are defined as a sequence of rule templates and corresponding XLS (or CSV) files which together represent decision tables.

  "rules" : [ {
    "type" : "dt", (1)
    "optional" : false, (2)
    "ruleSource" : "classpath:samples/LicenseAssignmentV2Sample.xls", (3) (9)
    "templateSource" : "classpath:com/.../rules/rule_templates/LicenseAssignmentV2.drt", (4) (9)
    "ruleGroup" : "LicenseAssignmentV2", (5)
    "description" : "setting license in case that no one was detected", (6)
    "deprecationWarnOnly" : true, (7)
    "deprecationDetails" : "This decision table should be migrated to ..." (8)
    "type" : "dt",
    "optional" : false,
    "ruleSource" : "classpath:samples/LegalEvaluationSample.xls",
    "templateSource" : "classpath:com/.../rules/rule_templates/LegalEvaluation.drt",
    "ruleGroup" : "LegalEvaluation",
    "description" : "final legal evaluation based on the rules defined by legal"
  } ],
  1. type of the rule; only possible value: dt which stands for "decision table"

  2. if set to true the processing of this group of rules will be skipped if the XLS/CSV with table data (given by ruleSource) does not exist; if set to false a missing XLS/CSV table will result in program termination

  3. location of the tabular decision table data. This might either point directly to the XLS or CSV file or only give the resource name without suffix. In this case Solicitor will dynamically test for existing resources by appending suffixes xls and csv.

  4. location of the drools rule template to be used to define the rules together with the decision table data

  5. id of the group of rules; used to reference it e.g. when doing logging

  6. some textual description of the rule group

  7. flag to control which level of deprecation (see Feature Deprecation) applies to this rule group; optional and only applicable if deprecationDetails is also defined.

  8. optional value; if set then the use of the defined decision table is deprecated; the given string will be given as part of the log message

  9. placeholder patterns might be used here

When running, Solicitor will execute the rules of each rule group separately and in the order given by the configuration. Only if there are no more rules to fire in a group Solicitor will move to the next rule group and start firing those rules.

Normally a project will only customize (part of) the data of the decision tables and thus will only change the ruleSource and the data in the XLS/CSV. All other configuration (the different templates and processing order) is part of the Solicitor application itself and should not be changed by end users.

See Working with Decision Tables and Standard Business Rules for further information on the business rules.

3.2.5. Writers and Reporting

The writer configuration defines how the processed data will be exported and/or reported.

  "writers" : [ {
    "type" : "xls", (1)
    "templateSource" : "classpath:samples/Solicitor_Output_Template_Sample.xlsx", (2) (6)
    "target" : "OSS-Inventory-devonfw.xlsx", (3) (6)
    "description" : "The XLS OSS-Inventory document", (4)
    "dataTables" : { (5)
      "ENGAGEMENT"  : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_engagements.sql",
      "LICENSE" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_normalizedlicenses.sql"
  } ]
  1. type of writer to be selected; possible values: xls, velo

  2. path to the template to be used

  3. location of the output file

  4. some textual description

  5. reference to SQL statements used to transform the internal data model to data tables used for reporting

  6. placeholder patterns might be used here

If a writers section is defined in the project configuration then it will replace the writer configuration given in the builtin default configuration. If you want to just add additional project specific writers then you might define them in the (optional) additionalWriters section of the project configuration file. These get processed additionally to the default writers. The section additionalWriters has the same attributes as the standard writers configuration.

  "additionalWriters" : [ {
    "type" :
    "dataTables" : {
  } ]

For details on the writer configuration see Reporting and Creating output documents.

3.3. Starting a new project

To simplify setting up a new project Solicitor provides an option to create a project starter configuration in a given directory.

java -jar solicitor.jar -wiz some/directory/path

Besides the necessary configuration file this includes also empty XLS or CSV files for defining project specific rules which amend the builtin rules. Furthermore, a sample license.xml file is provided to directly enable execution of solicitor and check functionality.

This configuration then serves as starting point for project specific configuration.

3.4. Exporting the Builtin Configuration

When working with Solicitor it might be necessary to get access to the builtin base configuration, e.g. for reviewing the builtin sample rules or using builtin reporting templates as starting point for the creation of own templates.

The command

java -jar solicitor.jar -ec some/directory/path

will export all internal configuration to the given directory. This includes:

3.5. Configuration of Technical Properties

Besides the project configuration done via the above described file there are a set of technical settings in Solicitor which are done via properties. Solicitor is implemented as a Spring Boot Application and makes use of the standard configuration mechanism provided by the Spring Boot Platform which provides several ways to define/override properties.

The default property values are given in Built in Default Properties.

In case that a property shall be overridden when executing Solicitor this can easiest be done via the command line when executing Solicitor:

java -jar solicitor.jar <any other arguments>

4. Reading License Information with Readers

Different Readers are available to import raw component / license information for different technologies. This chapter describes how to setup the different build / dependency management systems to create the required input and how to configure the corresponding reader.

4.1. Maven

For the export of the licenses from a maven based project the license-maven-plugin is used, which can directly be called without the need to change anything in the pom.xml.

To generate the input file required for Solicitor the License Plugin needs to be executed with the following command:

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin:1.14:aggregate-download-licenses -Dlicense.excludedScopes=test,provided

The generated output file named licenses.xml (in the directory specified in the plugin config) should look like the following:


In Solicitor the data is read with the following reader config:

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "maven",
  "source" : "file:target/generated-resouces/licenses.xml",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
} ]

(the above assumes that Solicitor is executed in the maven projects main directory)

4.2. CSV

The CSV input is normally manually generated and should look like this:


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "csv",
  "source" : "file:path/to/the/file.csv",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING",
  "packageType": "maven"
} ]

The following 5 columns need to be contained in order (separated with ";"):

  • groupId

  • artifactId

  • version

  • license name

  • license URL

Additionally, an optional configuration can be set in order to customize the given structure of the csv file e.g.:

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "csv",
  "source" : "file:path/to/the/file.csv",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING",
  "configuration" : {
	"charset" = "UTF-8",
	"artifactId" : "0",
	"version" : "1",
	"format" : "EXCEL",
	"skipHeaderRecord" : "true",
	"delimiter" : ";"
} ]

The minimum of following 2 configuration settings need to be contained:

  • artifactId

  • version

With these settings one can specify the position of the value within the csv file. Additional positional settings include:

  • groupId

  • license

  • licenseUrl

If a charset needs to be specified, one can use the following option:

  • charset (string, specified charset for reader e.g. UTF-8)

Furthermore, one can configure a range of other csv structure options based on the Apache Commons CSV API:

  • allowDuplicateHeaderNames (boolean)

  • allowMissingColumnNames (boolean)

  • autoFlush (boolean)

  • commentMarker (char)

  • delimiter (string)

  • escape (char)

  • ignoreEmptyLines (boolean)

  • ignoreHeaderCase (boolean)

  • ignoreSurroundingSpaces (boolean)

  • nullString (string)

  • quote (char)

  • recordSeparator (string)

  • skipHeaderRecord (boolean)

  • trailingDelimiter (boolean)

  • trim (boolean)

These configurations may also be used to overwrite options of a predefined format, which can be set with:

  • format (string, predefined format e.g. EXCEL)

Important: In case that a component has multiple licenses attached, there needs to be a separate line in the csv file for each license.

4.3. NPM

For NPM based projects, the NPM License Checker ( plugin can be used. The NPM License Crawler plugin is deprecated.

4.3.1. NPM License Checker

To install the NPM License Checker the following command needs to be executed.

npm i license-checker -g

To get the licenses, the checker needs to be executed like the following example. We require JSON output here with "--json" and developer dependencies can/should be excluded with "--production".

license-checker --production --json > /path/to/licenses.json

The export should look like the following


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "npm-license-checker",
  "source" : "file:path/to/licenses.json",
  "usagePattern" : "STATIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.3.2. NPM License Crawler

This reader is deprecated and should no longer be used. It requires a specific dependency (license-checker) which is not available on official npm repositories anymore and scans additional developer dependencies. Use NPM License Checker (with --production option) instead. See List of Deprecated Features.

To install the NPM License Crawler the following command needs to be executed.

npm i npm-license-crawler -g

To get the licenses, the crawler needs to be executed like the following example

npm-license-crawler --dependencies --csv licenses.csv

The export should look like the following (The csv file is "," separated)


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "npm-license-crawler-csv",
  "source" : "file:path/to/licenses.csv",
  "usagePattern" : "STATIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.4. Yarn Classic (Yarn 1)

To generate the input file required for Solicitor, yarn needs to be executed with the following command within the directory that contains the project’s package.json (we require JSON output here):

yarn licenses list --json > /path/to/yarnlicenses.json

The export should look like the following


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "yarn",
  "source" : "file:path/to/yarnlicenses.json",
  "usagePattern" : "STATIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.5. Yarn Modern (Yarn 2 and above)

In Yarn Modern the functionality to create a licenses report can be achieved with a separate component:

To generate the input file required for Solicitor, the plugin needs to be executed with the following command within the directory that contains the project’s package.json (we require JSON output here):

yarn licenses list --production --recursive --json > /path/to/yarnmodernlicenses.json

The export should look like the following


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "yarn-modern",
  "source" : "file:path/to/yarnmodernlicenses.json",
  "usagePattern" : "STATIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.6. Pip

To generate the input file required for Solicitor, one has to follow two steps:

  • Capsulate software with all relevant dependencies/requirements in a virtual environment (venv)

  • Install the pip-licenses plugin within this virtual environment

After that, we execute following command within the virtual environment to extract the input file (we require JSON output here):

pip-licenses --from=all --format=json --with-urls --with-license-file > piplicenses.json

The export should look like the following


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "pip",
  "source" : "file:path/to/piplicenses.json",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.7. OSS Review Toolkit (ORT)

In order to use the analyzer library of ORT, one must first install the software and run it to generate the result file. The detailed way on installing ORT can be found here and a tutorial on how to run the analyzer library can be found here.

Usually, the command to run the analyzer and get extract the result file from a project looks like this:

docker run -v C:\\path\\to\\project/:/project ort --info analyze -f JSON -i /project -o /project/ort/analyzer

Note that this command only works for the installation via Docker and that we require JSON as the output format. For other installation methods, you need to adjust the command accordingly.

It might also be necessary to set up a customized configuration for the analyzer. This can be achieved through a configuration file. The default path for that is the .ort/config/ directory below the current user’s home directory. We can place a ort.conf file there, in which we can declare various configurations e.g. allowing dynamic versions in npm components via

analyzer {
    allowDynamicVersions = true

Further information about the configuration file can be found here.

The result file should look like the following


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "ort",
  "source" : "file:path/to/analyzer-result.json",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
} ]
The ORT reader currently does not yet fill the attribute licenseUrl. Any functionality/reporting based on this attribute will be disfunctional for data read by the ORT reader.

4.8. Gradle

Gradle projects should use the Gradle License Report to generate the Solicitor input files. Support for the Gradle License Plugin is deprecated as it might lead to incomplete results.

4.8.1. Gradle License Report Plugin

Pick the correct version of the Gradle License Report Plugin depending on you Gradle version. Add the plugin to the list of plugins in your build.gradle file:

Gradle v7+:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report' version '2.9'

Gradle v1.x to v6.x:

plugins {
    id 'com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report' version '1.17'

Add also the following to the build.gradle file to configure the plugin:

import com.github.jk1.license.render.*
licenseReport {
    configurations = ['runtimeClasspath', 'releaseRuntimeClasspath']

    renderers = [new JsonReportRenderer('dependencies.json', false)]

Execute the plugin:

gradle generateLicenseReport

The report is stored at $projectfolder/build/reports/dependency-license/dependencies.json and should look like this:


In Solicitor the Data is read with the following part of the config

      "readers" : [ {
        "type" : ""type" : "gradle-license-report-json",",
        "source" : "file:$/input/dependencies.json",
        "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
      } ]

4.8.2. gradle-license-plugin, Windows

The gradle-license-plugin does not include dependencies into the report if they have no license info declared. This might result in incomplete data in the Solicitor output. The usage of this plugin is discouraged and the 'gradle2' reader is deprecated (stage 2). Use the Gradle License Report Plugin instead.

For the export of the licenses from a Gradle based project the Gradle License Plugin is used.

To install the plugin some changes need to be done in build.gradle, like following example

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.8.5-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'com.jaredsburrows.license'

Afterwards execute the following command in the console:

For Windows (Java Application)

gradlew licenseReport

The Export should look like this:


In Solicitor the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
  "type" : "gradle2",
  "source" : "file:path/to/licenses.json",
  "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
} ]

4.8.3. gradle-license-plugin, Android

The gradle-license-plugin does not include dependencies into the report if they have no license info declared. This might result in incomplete data in the Solicitor output. The usage of this plugin is discouraged and the 'gradle2' reader is deprecated (stage 2). Use the Gradle License Report Plugin instead.

For the Export of the the Licenses from a Gradle based Android Projects the Gradle License Plugin is used.

To install the Plugin some changes need to be done in the build.gradle of the Project, like following example

buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.jaredsburrows:gradle-license-plugin:0.8.5'

Also there is a change in the build.gradle of the App. Add the line in the second line

apply plugin: ''

Afterwards execute the following command in the Terminal of Android studio: For Windows(Android Application)

gradlew licenseDebugReport

The Export is in the following folder


It should look like this:


In Solicitor the Data is read with the following part of the config

      "readers" : [ {
        "type" : "gradle2",
        "source" : "file:$/input/licenses.json",
        "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
      } ]

4.9. CycloneDX

The CycloneDX reader can read SBOMs in CycloneDX 1.4 or 1.5 format ( CDXGEN ( is one tool which can create an SBOM in the required format.

To install CDXGEN, the following command needs to be executed.

sudo npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen

To run CDXGEN, change into the project directory containing the build file (i.e. pom.xml, package.json). For npm projects, execute "npm-install" before running CDXGEN to create a package-lock.json.

Set the FETCH_LICENSE environmental variable, to fetch the declared licenses.

export FETCH_LICENSE=true

Then execute the following command:

cdxgen -o sbom.json

The export should look like the following


In Solicitor, the data is read with the following part of the config

"readers" : [ {
      "type" : "cyclonedx",
      "source" : "file:$/input/sbom.json",
      "usagePattern" : "DYNAMIC_LINKING"
   	} ]
Currently, Solicitor only has packageUrlHandlers for maven, npm and pip. For all other package types, Solicitor will ignore the packageUrl.

5. Working with Decision Tables

Solicitor uses the Drools rule engine to execute business rules. Business rules are defined as "extended" decision tables. Each such decision table consists of two artifacts:

  • A rule template file in specific drools template format

  • An Excel 97 (XLS) table or CSV table which defines the decision table data.

When processing, Solicitor will internally use the rule template to create one or multiple rules for every record found in the Excel (or CSV) sheet. The following points are important here:

  • Rule templates:

    • Rule templates should be regarded as part of the Solicitor implementation and should not be changed on an engagement level.

  • Excel decision table data

    • The file needs to be in Excel 97 format. File suffix needs to be xls.

    • The Excel tables might be extended or changed on a per project level.

    • The rules defined by the tabular data will have decreasing "salience" (priority) from top to bottom

    • In general multiple rules defined within a table might fire for the same data to be processed; the definition of the rules within the rule template will normally ensure that once a rule from the decision table was processed no other rule from that table will be processed for the same data

    • The excel tables contain header information in the first row which is only there for documentation purposes; the first row is completely ignored when creating rules from the xls

    • The rows starting from the second row contain decision table data

    • The first "empty" row (which does not contain data in any of the defined columns) ends the decision table

    • Decision tables might use multiple condition columns which define the data that a rule matches. Often such conditions are optional: If left free in the Excel table the condition will be omitted from the rule conditions. This allows to define very specific rules (which only fire on exact data patterns) or quite general rules which get activated on large groups of data. Defining general rules further down in the table (with lower salience/priority) ensures that more specific rules get fired earlier. This even allows to define a default rule at the end of the table which gets fired if no other rule could be applied.

  • CSV decision table data

    • The file suffix needs to be csv.

    • The same points as for the Excel decision table data apply here.

    • The CSV has to use a comma as delimiter.

    • All values in the CSV need to be surrounded by double quotation marks to escape the comma character.

  • rule groups: Business rules are executed within groups. All rules resulting from a single decision table are assigned to the same rule group. The order of execution of the rule groups is defined by the sequence of declaration in the config file. Processing of the current group will be finished when there are no more rules to fire in that group. Processing of the next group will then start. Rule groups which have been finished processing will not be resumed even if rules within that group might have been activated again due to changes of the facts.

5.1. Extended comparison syntax

By default any conditions given in the fields of decision tables are simple textual comparisons: The condition is true if the property of the model is identical to the given value in the XLS (or CSV) sheet.

Depending on the configuration of the rule templates for some fields, an extended syntax might be available. For those fields the following syntax applies:

  • If the given value of the XLS (or CSV) field starts with the prefix NOT: then the outcome of the remaining condition is logically negated, i.e. this field condition is true if the rest of the condition is NOT fulfilled.

  • A suffix of (REGEX) indicates that the remainder of the field defines a Java Regular Expression. For the condition to become true the whole property needs to match the given regular expression.

  • The prefix RANGE: indicates that the remainder of the field defines a Maven Version Range. Using this makes only sense on the artifact version property.

  • If no such prefix is detected, then the behavior is identical to the normal (verbatim) comparison logic

Fields which are subject to this extended syntax are marked explicitly in the following section.

The former prefix notation of REGEX: is deprecated and should no longer be used. See List of Deprecated Features.

6. Standard Business Rules

The processing of business rules is organized in different phases. Each phase might consist of multiple decision tables to be processed in order.

6.1. Phase 1: Determining assigned Licenses

In this phase the license data imported via the readers is cleaned and normalized. At the end of this phase the internal data model should clearly represent all components and their assigned licenses in normalized form.

The phase itself consists of two decision tables / rule groups:

6.1.1. Decision Table: Explicitly setting Licenses

With this decision table is is possible to explicitly assign NormalizedLicenses to components. This will be used if the imported RawLicense data is either incomplete or incorrect. Items which have been processed by rules of this group will not be reprocessed by the next rule group.

Decision table data: LicenseAssignmentV2*.xls/csv

  • LHS conditions:

    • Engagement.clientName

    • Engagement.engagementName

    • Application.applicationName

    • ApplicationComponent.groupId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.artifactId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.version [magic]

    • RawLicense.origin [magic] (new with "V2" version of rules)

    • RawLicense.declaredLicense [magic]

    • RawLicense.url [magic]

  • RHS result:

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicenseType

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicenseUrl

    • NormalizedLicense.comment

[magic]: On these fields the Extended comparison syntax might be used

All RawLicenses which are in scope of fired rules will be marked so that they do not get reprocessed by the following decision table.

With the "V2" version of rules the additional field/condition origin was introduced. This can be used to fire rules only if the raw license data was obtained from a specific data source. Its primary intention is to distinguish between data obtained via normal readers or from Scancode data. Decision table data for the new data structure is named LicenseAssignmentV2*.xls/csv. The old decision table structure LicenseAssignment*.xls/csv is deprecated but for compatibility reasons still supported.

6.1.2. Decision Table: Detecting Licenses from Imported Data

With this decision table the license info from the RawLicense is mapped to the NormalizedLicense. This is based on the name and/or URL of the license as imported via the readers.

Decision table data: LicenseNameMapping*.xls/csv

  • LHS conditions:

    • RawLicense.declaredLicense [magic]

    • RawLicense.url [magic]

  • RHS result:

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicenseType

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense

[magic]: On these fields the Extended comparison syntax might be used

6.2. Phase 2: Selecting applicable Licenses

Within this phase the actually applicable licenses will be selected for each component.

This phase consists of two decision tables.

6.2.1. Choosing specific License in case of Multi-Licensing

This group of rules has the specialty that it might match to a group of NormalizedLicenses associated to an ApplicationComponent. In case that multiple licenses are associated to an ApplicationComponent one of them might be selected as "effective" license and the others might be marked as Ignored.

Decision table data: MultiLicenseSelection*.xls/csv

  • LHS conditions:

    • ApplicationComponent.groupId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.artifactId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.version [magic]

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense (licenseToTake; mandatory)

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense (licenseToIgnore1; mandatory)

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense (licenseToIgnore2; optional)

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense (licenseToIgnore3; optional)

  • RHS result

    • license matching "licenseToTake" will get this value assigned to effectiveNormalizedLicense

    • licenses matching "licenseToIgnoreN" will get IGNORED assigned to effectiveNormalizedLicenseType Ignored assigned to effectiveNormalizedLicense

[magic]: On these fields the Extended comparison syntax might be used

It is important to note that the rules only match, if all licenses given in the conditions actually exist and are assigned to the same ApplicationComponent.

6.2.2. Selecting / Overriding applicable License

The second decision table in this group is used to define the effectiveNormalizedLicense (if not already handled by the decision table before).

Decision table data: LicenseSelection*.xls/csv

  • LHS conditions:

    • ApplicationComponent.groupId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.artifactId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.version [magic]

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicenseType

    • NormalizedLicense.normalizedLicense

  • RHS result:

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseType (if empty in the decision table then the value of normalizedLicenseType will be taken)

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicense (if empty in the decision table then the value of normalizedLicense will be taken)

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseUrl (if empty in the decision table then the value of normalizedLicenseUrl will be taken)

[magic]: On these fields the Extended comparison syntax might be used

The third phase is the legal evaluation of the licenses and the check, whether OSS usage is according to defined legal policies. Again this phase comprises two decision tables.

6.3.1. Pre-Evaluation based on common rules

Within the pre evaluation the license info is checked against standard OSS usage policies. This roughly qualifies the usage and might already determine licenses which are OK in any case or which need to be further evaluated. Furthermore, they qualify whether the license text or source code needs to be included in the distribution. The rules in this decision table are only based on the effectiveNormalizedLicense and do not consider any project, application of component information.

Decision table data: LegalPreEvaluation*.xls/csv

  • LHS condition:

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseType

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicense

  • RHS result:

    • NormalizedLicense.legalPreApproved

    • NormalizedLicense.copyLeft

    • NormalizedLicense.licenseCompliance

    • NormalizedLicense.licenseRefUrl

    • NormalizedLicense.includeLicense

    • NormalizedLicense.includeSource

6.3.2. Final evaluation

The decision table for final legal evaluation defines all rules which are needed to create the result of the legal evaluation. Rules here might be general for all projects or even very specific to a project if the rule can not be applied to other projects.

Decision table data: LegalEvaluation*.xls/csv

  • LHS condition:

    • Engagement.clientName

    • Engagement.engagementName

    • Engagement.customerProvidesOss

    • Application.applicationName

    • ApplicationComponent.groupId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.artifactId [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.version [magic]

    • ApplicationComponent.usagePattern

    • ApplicationComponent.ossModified

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseType

    • NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicense

  • RHS result:

    • NormalizedLicense.legalApproved

    • NormalizedLicense.legalComments

[magic]: On these fields the Extended comparison syntax might be used

6.4. Amending the builtin decision tables with own rules

The standard process as described before consists of 6 decision tables / rule groups to be processed in sequence. When using the builtin default base configuration all those decision tables use the internal sample data / rules as contained in Solicitor.

To use your own rule data there are three approaches:

  • Include your own rules section in the project configuration file (so not inheriting from the builtin base configuration file) and reference your own decision tables there.

  • Create your own "Solicitor Extension" which might completely redefine/replace the builtin Solicitor setup including all decision tables and the base configuration file. See Extending Solicitor for details.

  • Make use of the optional project specific decision tables which are defined in the default base configuration: For every builtin decision table there is an optional external decision table (expected in the filesystem) which will be checked for existence. If such external decision table exists it will be processed first - before processing the builtin decision table. Thus is it possible to amend / override the builtin rules by project specific rules. When you create the starter configuration of your project as described in Starting a new project, those project specific decision tables are automatically created.

7. Reporting and Creating output documents

After applying the business rules the resulting data can can be used to create reports and other output documents.

Creating such reports consists of three steps:

  • transform and filter the model data by using an embedded SQL database

  • determining difference to previously stored model (optional)

  • Template based reporting via

    • Velocity templates (for textual output like e.g. HTML)

    • Excel templates

7.1. SQL transformation and filtering

7.1.1. Database structure

After the business rules have been processed (or a Solicitor data model has been loaded via command line option -l) the model data is stored in a dynamically created internal SQL database.

  • For each type of model object a separate table is created. The tablename is the name of model object type written in uppercase characters. (E.g. type NormalizedLicense stored in table NORMALIZEDLICENSE)

  • All properties of the model objects are stored as strings in fields named like the properties within the database table. Field names are case sensitive (see note below for handling this in SQL statements).

  • An additional primary key is defined for each table, named ID_<TABLENAME>.

  • For all model elements that belong to some parent in the object hierarchy (i.e. all objects except ModelRoot) a foreign key field is added named PARENT_<TABLENAME> which contains the unique key of the corresponding parent

7.1.2. SQL queries for filtering and transformation

Each Writer configuration (see Writers and Reporting) includes a section which references SQL select statements that are applied on the database data. The result of the SQL select statements is made accessible for the subsequent processing of the Writer via the dataTable name given in the configuration.

7.1.3. Postprocessing of data selected from the database tables

Before the result of the SQL select statement is handed over to the Writer the following postprocessing is done:

  • a rowCount column is added to the result which gives the position of the entry in the result set (starting with 1).

  • Columns named ID_<TABLENAME> are replaced with columns named OBJ_<TABLENAME>. The fields of those columns are filled with the corresponding original model objects (java objects).

The result table column OBJ_<TABLENAME> gives access to the native Solicitor data model (java objects), e.g. in the Velocity writer. As this breaks the decoupling done via the SQL database using this feature is explicitly discouraged. It should only be used with high caution and in exceptional situations. The feature might be discontinued in future versions without prior notice.

7.2. Determining difference to previously stored model

When using the command line option -d Solicitor can determine difference information between two different data models (e.g. the difference between the licenses of the current release and a former release.) The difference is calculated on the result of the above described SQL statements:

  • First the internal reporting database is created for the current data model and all defined SQL statements are executed

  • Then the internal database is recreated for the "old" data model and all defined SQL statements are executed again

  • Finally for each defined result table the difference between the current result and the "old" result is calculated

To correctly correlate corresponding rows of the two different versions of table data it is necessary to define explicit correlation keys for each table in the SQL select statement. It is possible to define up to 10 correlation keys named CORR_KEY_X with X in the range from 0 to 9. CORR_KEY_0 has highest priority, CORR_KEY_9 has lowest priority.

The correlation algorithm will first try to match rows using CORR_KEY_0. It will then attempt to correlate unmatched rows using CORR_KEY_1 e.t.c.. Correlation will stop, when

  • all correlations keys CORR_KEY_0 to CORR_KEY_9 have been processed OR

  • the required correlation key column does not exist in the SQL select result OR

  • there are no unmatched "new" rows OR

  • there are no unmatched "old" rows

The result of the correlation / difference calculation is stored in the reporting table data structure. For each row the status is accessible if

  • The row is "new" (did not exist in the old data)

  • The row is unchanged (no changes in the field values representing the properties of the Solicitor data model)

  • The row is changed (at least one field corresponding to the Solicitor data model changed)

For each field of "changed" or "unchanged" rows the following status is available:

  • Field is "changed"

  • Field is "unchanged"

For each field of such rows it is further on possible to access the new and the old field value.

7.3. Sample SQL statement

The following shows a sample SQL statement showing some join over multiple tables and the use of correlations keys.

Above example also shows how the case sensitive column names have to be handled within the SQL

7.4. Writers

The above described SQL processing is identical for all Writers. Writers only differ in the way how the output document is created based on a template and the reporting table data obtained by the SQL transformation.

7.4.1. Velocity Writer

The Velocity Writer uses the Apache Velocity Templating Engine to create text based reports. The reporting data tables created by the SQL transformation are directly put to the into Velocity Context.

For further information see the

  • Velocity Documentation

  • The Solicitor JavaDoc (which also includes details on how to access the diff information for rows and fields of reporting data tables)

  • The samples included in Solicitor

7.4.2. Excel Writer

Using Placeholders in Excel Spreadsheets

Within Excel spreadsheet templates there are two kinds of placeholders / markers possible, which control the processing:

Iterator Control

The templating logic searches within the XLSX workbook for fields containing the names of the reporting data tables as defined in the Writer configuration like e.g.:



Whenever such a string is found in a cell this indicates that this row is a template row. For each entry in the respective resporting data table a copy of this row is created and the attribute replacement will be done with the data from that reporting table. (The pattern #…​# will be removed when copying.)

Attribute replacement

Within each row which was copied in the previous step the templating logic searches for the string pattern $someAttributeName$ where someAttributeName corresponds to the column names of the reporting table. Any such occurrence is replaced with the corresponding data value.

Representation of Diff Information

In case that a difference processing (new vs. old model data) was done this will be represented as follows when using the XLS templating:

  • For rows that are "new" (so no corresponding old row available) an Excel note indicating that this row is new will be attached to the field that contained the #…​# placeholder.

  • Fields in non-new rows that have changed their value will be marked with an Excel note indicating the old value.

7.4.3. Generic Excel Writer

The Generic Excel Writer exists purely for debugging purposes. This writer writes the contents of the dataTables defined in the writer configuration to an Excel file. Each dataTable will be available in a separate Excel sheet. To use this writer, an additionalWriter (see Writers and Reporting ) needs to be set in the solicitor.cfg. Example:

  "additionalWriters" : [ {
    "type" : "genericxls",
	"templateSource" : "", (1)
	"target" : "${cfgdir}/output/GenericXLS.xlsx",
	"description" : "Excel workbook with a separate sheet for each defined dataTable",
	"dataTables" : {
	    "ENGAGEMENT"  : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_engagements.sql",
		"APPLICATIONCOMPONENT" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_applicationcomponents.sql",
		"LICENSE" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_normalizedlicenses.sql",
		"OSSLICENSES" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/ossapplicationcomponents.sql",
  } ]
  1. This is unused and can be left empty.

8. Resolving of License URLs

Resolving of the content of license texts which are referenced by the URLs given in NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseUrl and NormalizedLicense.licenseRefUrl is done in the following way:

  • If the content is found as a resource in the classpath under licenses this will be taken. (The Solicitor application might include a set of often used license texts and thus it is not necessary to fetch those via the net.) If the classpath does not contain the content of the URL the next step is taken.

  • If the content is found as a file in subdirectory licenses of the current working directory this is taken. If no such file exists the content is fetched via the net. The result will be written to the file directory, so any content will only be fetched once. (The user might alter the files in that directory to change/correct its content.) A file of length zero indicates that no content could be fetched.

The determined content is available as NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseContent and NormalizedLicense.licenseRefContent

8.1. Encoding of URLs

When creating the resource or filename for given URLs in the above steps the following encoding scheme will be applied to ensure that always a valid name can be created:

  • If the scheme is https it will be replaced with http.

  • All "non-word" characters (i.e. characters outside the set [a-zA-Z_0-9]) are replaced by underscores (“_”).

  • In case that the resulting filename exceeds a length of 250 it will be replaced by a new name concatenated from

    • the first 40 characters of the (too) long filename

    • two underscores

    • a sha256 (hex encoded) of the (too) long filename

    • two underscores

    • the last 40 characters of the (too) long filename

9. Guessing of license URLs

This feature is deprecated and will be removed soon.

Fetching the license content NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseContent based on the URL in NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseUrl will often result in content which is in HTML format instead of plain text and is not properly rendered when included in reports. Sometimes the URL even does not point to the license text itself but just the homepage of the project. In general it is possible to manually correct this by editing the downloaded and cached content as described in the previous section. This approach might require a lot of manual work. Solicitor therefore includes a mechanism named license url guessing which tries to guess an alternative license URL which should point to a representation of the content better suited for rendering.

Currently license URL guessing is based solely on the URL given in NormalizedLicense.effectiveNormalizedLicenseUrl. It will try the following approaches:

  • If the original URL is a Github-URL and matches patterns which are known to return HTML-formatted content then the URL is rewritten to point to a raw version of the content.

  • If the original URL points to a Github project page (not to a file), then the algorithm will try different typical locations (like e.g. looking for file LICENSE). If found it will return this URL as result.

  • If no "better" URL could be guessed it will return the original URL.

The result of the license URL guessing is available via three attributes:

  • NormalizedLicense.guessedLicenseUrl: The (possibly) improved URL pointing to the license text.

  • NormalizedLicense.guessedLicenseUrlAuditInfo: A text which gives info how the guessed url was determined (available for auditing purposes).

  • NormalizedLicense.guessedLicenseContent: The content downloaded from the guessed URL

Downloading the license content (also including the checking if a certain resource is available when trying different possible filenames) is done using the same (caching) mechanisms as downloading the content for other URLs, see the previous section.

9.1. Caching of guessed URLs

The information about guessed URLs for given original URLs (also including the audit info on the guessing process) uses a caching mechanism which is mainly identical to the caching of downloaded content. The files containing the cached data are stored in directory licenseurls (instead of licenses for the content itself).

The file content looks as follows: (1)
-------------------------                                     (2)
URL changed from to (3)
  1. the guessed URL

  2. a line of dashes as separator

  3. the audit info (might be multiple lines)

It is possible to manually change this cached information and thus correct it - similar to manually correcting the license text as described above.

9.2. License guessing feature usage

From version 1.23.0 on the license guessing logic is deprecated. No standard report will use the guessed properties.

To use license guessing in a template, an additionalWriter (see Writers and Reporting ) needs to be set in the solicitor.cfg. Example:

  "additionalWriters" : [ {
	"type" : "velo",
	"templateSource" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/templates/Solicitor_Output_Template_Sample_v2.vm",
	"target" : "${cfgdir}/output/OSS-Report_${project}_v2.html",
	"description" : "The HTML OSS-Report",
	"dataTables" : {
	    "MODELROOT"  : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/modelroot.sql",
	    "ENGAGEMENT"  : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/allden_engagements.sql",
	    "OSSLICENSES" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/ossapplicationcomponents_guessedlicenses.sql",
	    "UNIQUELICENSES" : "classpath:com/devonfw/tools/solicitor/sql/uniqueguessedlicenses.sql"
  } ]

10. Feature Deprecation

Within the lifecycle of the Solicitor development features might be discontinued due to various reasons. In case that such discontinuation is expected to break existing projects a two stage deprecation mechanism is used:

  • Stage 1: Usage of a deprecated feature will produce a warning only giving details on what needs to be changed.

  • Stage 2: When a deprecated feature is used Solicitor by default will terminate with an error message giving information about the deprecation.

By setting the property solicitor.deprecated-features-allowed to true (e.g. via the command line, see Configuration of Technical Properties), even in second stage the feature will still be available and only a warning will be logged. The project setup should in any case ASAP be changed to no longer use the feature as it might soon be removed without further notice.

Enabling the use of deprecated feature via the above property should only be a temporary workaround and not a standard setting.
If usage of a feature should be discontinued immediately (e.g. because it might lead to wrong/misleading output) the first stage of deprecation will be skipped.

10.1. List of Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated via the above mechanism:

11. Experimental Scancode Integration

Starting from version 1.4.0 Solicitor can be integrated with the tool ScanCode to include detailed information gathered from the "deep license scan" performed by ScanCode. This includes detected Licenses, Copyrights and Notice-Files.

The current integration with ScanCode is experimental: The used ScanCode parameters, interfacing and curations logic and all parts of the data persistence are experimental and thus might result in insufficient quality of results. The current workflow and implementation is subject to change in future versions without further notice.

11.1. General workflow

The general workflow when integrating with ScanCode consists of the following 3 steps:

  1. Execute Solicitor in a "classic" way i.e. just based on the data provided via the Readers as described in Reading License Information with Readers. Besides the normal reports/documents generated this will also create scripts for downloading the needed OSS source codes and run Scancode.

  2. Download source codes and run ScanCode by executing the generated scripts. The downloaded sources and ScanCode results will be saved to a directory tree in the local filesystem.

  3. Execute Solicitor a second time. For all ApplicationComponents where ScanCode information is available (stored in the local directory tree) the license data as obtained from the Readers is replaced by this information. The data model is enriched with the found copyright and notice file information. Reports (see Reporting and Creating output documents) are now based on the ScanCode data (where available).

11.2. Prerequisites

11.2.1. Bash

The scripts generated by Solicitor to download sources and run ScanCode are in Bash syntax. So either run it on a system using natively Bash (linux) or install an appropriate environment (e.g. Git Bash) if you are using a windows environment.

11.2.2. ScanCode

Download and install ScanCode (Solicitor is assuming version 32, tested with 32.2.1) from Make sure that the executable is included in the search PATH for executables.

11.2.3. Activate feature

As the ScanCode integration is still experimental it is currently deactivated by default. To enable it set system property solicitor.feature-flag.scancode=true. (See Built in Default Properties for information how to do so.) If this feature flag is not activated then Solicitor will not try to attempt to read ScanCode information from the local file system.

11.3. Detailed workflow

11.3.1. Solicitor 1st run

Execute Solicitor in a classic way. As part of the report creation step this will generate two scripts:

  • output/ (for downloading the sources, also calls

  • output/ (for running ScanCode on the downloaded sources)

Scripts will include all ApplicationComponents with exception of those where normalizedLicenseType was set to COMMERCIAL.

11.3.2. Download Sources and run Scancode

Change to directory output and execute sh This will download all sources and process them via ScanCode. This might take several hours to complete. Results are stored in subdirectory Source of the directory output and is organized in a tree structure given by the PackageURL of the ApplicationComponents.

Origin file

The Scancode integration scripts try to download ApplicationComponent sources from default URLs derived from the PackageUrl (e.g. Maven Central). In cases where the sources are not available at these locations, the download will fail (and the subsequent source scan will be skipped). In this case it is possible to manually download the sources from some other location and store it in the directory structure. Restarting the Scancode integration script might then perform the source scan.

To be able to document the (non default) origin of the ApplicationComponent sources a file origin.yaml is created in the components directory in the file system. If the failed source download has been performed manually it is possible to edit this file and correct the data given in this file.

# This file contains metadata about the orgin of the package and the sources.
# This file was automatically created but might manually be edited if the contained data is not correct
sourceDownloadUrl: https://url/pointing/to/the/source/archive.jar  (1)
packageDownloadUrl: https://url/pointing/to/the/binary/archive.jar (2)
# note: to add comments: write them here and remove the hash at the beginning of the line (not yet processed by Solicitor)
  1. URL for downloading the sources - will be available as property ApplicationComponent.sourceDownloadUrl in the Solicitor data model.

  2. URL for downloading the binaries - will be available as property ApplicationComponent.packageDownloadUrl in the Solicitor data model.

The content of the file origin.yaml currently just affects the above given two properties, it does not affect the downloading of sources by the scripts.

11.3.3. Solicitor 2nd run

Execute Solicitor a second time. After reading the component/license information from the Readers (but before starting the rule engine) Solicitor will try to look up ScanCode information from the directory tree in output/Sources for all processed ApplicationComponents. If information is found for an ApplicationComponent the following is done:

  • License information (including URL of license text) as obtained from the Readers is replaced by the license info found by ScanCode

  • Copyrights are taken from ScanCode results

  • Info on NOTICE file is taken from the ScanCode results

  • If the ScanCode results contain information about project URLs this is stored as sourceRepoUrl and/or ossHomepage

  • sourceDownloadUrl and packageDownloadUrl are set to the values given in file origin.yaml

11.3.4. Output

Main target of the additional information obtained from ScanCode is currently the new report Attributions_PROJECTNAME.html which lists

  • all ApplicationComponents (excluding those which are not OSS licensed)

  • with all found copyrights

  • and all licenses

  • including all different license texts

  • and contents of all found NOTICE files

11.3.5. dataStatus values of the Scancode integration

When using the Scancode integration the following values are used for field ApplicationComponent.dataStatus:

Value Description


No data available. Scancode integration disabled. License info from reader was preserved.


No data available. No scan results existing and no indication that attempting download/scanning has failed. License info from reader was preserved.


No data available. No scan results existing. Processing (downloading or scanning) had failed. License info from reader was preserved.


Data available but did not contain any license information. Issues were detected in the data which probably need to be curated. License info from reader was preserved.


Data available but did not contain any license information. No curations applied. No issues were detected (despite the fact that no license info was found). License info from reader was preserved.


Data available but did not contain any license information. Curations were applied. No issues were detected (despite the fact that no license info was found). License info from reader was preserved.


Data available (including licenses). Issues were detected in the data which probably need to be curated.


Data available (including licenses). No curations applied. No issues were detected.


Data available (including licenses). Curations were applied. No issues were detected.

11.4. Automatic mapping of RawLicense data obtained from Scancode to NormalizedLicense

Within the normal workflow NormalizedLicense objects are created from RawLicense objects via the rules given in the different LicenseAssignment and LicenseNameMapping decision tables, see Phase 1: Determining assigned Licenses. The "raw" license data obtained from Scancode represents licenses either by SPDX-IDs or (if licenses are detected which do not have a corresponding SPDX-IDs) via LicenseRef-scancode-XXXXX qualifiers. This is an improved data quality as compared to RawLicenses obtained from normal Readers. (See Reading License Information with Readers.) Solicitor makes use of this improved data quality and by default performs an automatic mapping of RawLicense data to NormalizedLicense s in this case:

  • If the raw license matches a SPDX-ID then a NormalizedLicense is created with normalizedLicenseType set to OSS-SPDX.

  • If the raw license starts with LicenseRef-scancode- then a NormalizedLicense is created with normalizedLicenseType set to SCANCODE.

  • If the raw license matches a given "ignorelist" (see below), then a NormalizedLicense is created with normalizedLicenseType set to IGNORE and normalizeLicense set to Ignore.

  • If the raw license does not match any of the above criteria or matches a "blacklist" (see below) then no automatic mapping is done.

11.4.1. Ignorelist and Blacklist

The ignorelist allows to automatically map licenses so that they are ignored in the further evaluation. The blacklist allows suppressing the automatic mapping of specific licenses. Both lists are configured via properties and are represented by a comma separated list of regular expressions.

The default is:


This prohibits automatic mapping of licenses ids which are ambiguous. No ignore mapping is done by default.

11.4.2. Feature flag

The automatic mapping might be disabled by setting the corresponding feature flag to false:


11.5. Correcting data

The data obtained from ScanCode might be affected by false positives (wrongly detected a license or copyright) or false negatives (missed to detect a license or copyright). To compensate such defects there are two mechanisms: Applying Curation information from a "curations" file or changing the license information via the decision table rules.

11.5.1. Curating data via a curations file

Structure of curations file

To define curations you might create a file output/curations.yaml containing the following structure:

  - name: pkg/npm/@somescope/somepackage/1.2.3                  (1)
    url:                             (2)
    licenseCurations:                                           (3)
    - operation: REMOVE
      path: "sources/package/"
      ruleIdentifier: "proprietary-license_unknown_13.RULE"
      matchedText: ".* to be paid .*"
      comment: "just a generic remark, not a license"
    - operation: ADD
      newLicense: "Apache-2.0"
      comment: "License as given on website"
    copyrightCurations:                                         (4)
    - operation: REMOVE
      path: "sources/package/lib/test.js"
      oldCopyright: "(c) R.apv"
      comment: "some minified code fragment, not a copyright"
    excludedPaths:                                              (5)
    - "sources/src"                                             (6)
  - name: pkg/npm/@anotherscope/anotherpackage/4.5.6            (7)
  1. Path of the package information as used in the file tree. Derived from the PackageURL.

  2. URL of the project, will be stored as sourceRepoUrl. (Optional: no change if not existing.)

  3. Rules for curating license findings, see below.

  4. Rules for curation copyright findings, see below.

  5. Excluded paths to be set. Optional. If defined then all scanned files, whose path prefix contain any given string here, are excluded from the ScanCode information.

  6. A single path prefix. All scanned files starting with this path prefix are excluded from the Scancode information.

  7. Further packages to follow.

Rules for curating licenses

Curating licenses is done by REMOVING (i.e. ignoring) specific license findings from ScanCode, by REPLACING the detected license with another one or by ADDING license findings either to specific files or on top level (not related to specific file of the package sources). In addition to the conditions/data which is specific for any of the below described operations it is always possible to define a comment which is intended to be included in any audit trail log for documentation purposes (not yet used/implemented).

Licenses: REMOVE

Removing found licenses is done by defining rules which result in ignoring the license finding(s) of scancode rules in files within the scanned codebase. The following "conditions" are used for defining the rule

  • path of the file within the sources (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].path in the scancode json file)

  • ruleIdentifier of the rule (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].licenses[].matched_rule.identifier in the scancode json file)

  • matchedText of the finding (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].licenses[].matched_text in the scancode json file)

  • oldLicense of the finding (defined as regular expression; matches to files[].licenses[].spdx_license_key

The first three conditions can uniquely identify any license finding listed in the scancode json file. The oldLicense condition can be used to select findings to be ignored based on the found license instead of the ruleIdentifier. All conditions are optional but at least one needs to be defined. By using RegEx syntax the curations can be written very flexible. By using solely oldLicense as a condition it is e.g. possible to remove all findings of a specific license.

Licenses: REPLACE

Instead of removing licenses (ignoring the finding) they might be replaced with a different license key and/or URL pointing to the license text. The conditions are the same as for REMOVE, the replacement is defined as follows


  • newLicense is the key / id of the license to use instead (replacing files[].licenses[].spdx_license_key)

  • url is the url pointing to the license text

At least one of the two parameters has to be set.

Licenses: ADD

Adding new licenses is done by defining rules which add new license info (to the licenses found in a source file) - or "on top level".


  • path of the file within the sources to which the license should be added (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].path in the scancode json file). Note that this will only work if there are files[].path in the scancode json for which this conditions matches.

It is not possible to associate licenses to files which are not listed in scancode json. The path condition might be omitted which results in the given license to be added to the result without any relation to a specific path.


  • newLicense: the key/SPDX-ID of the license to add

  • url: URL to the license text

Rules for curating copyrights

Curating copyrights is based on the same principles as curation of licenses, providing REMOVE, REPLACE and ADD operations.

Copyrights: REMOVE

REMOVING found copyrights is done by defining rules which result in ignoring the copyright finding(s) in files within the scanned codebase. The following "conditions" are used for defining the rule

  • path of the file within the sources (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].path in the scancode json file)

  • oldCopyright the found copyright text to ignore (defined as a regular expression; matches to files[].copyrights[].copyright in the scancode json file)

At least one of the conditions has to be defined.

This follows the above principles. It uses the same conditions as REMOVE and uses a parameter to define the copyright to use instead:

Data: * newCopyright: The copyright entry to use instead of the originally found copyright

Adding new copyrights is done by defining rules which add new copyright info (to the copyrights found in a source file) - or "on top level".


  • path of the file within the sources (defined as a regular expression; if omitted the copyright will be applied on "top level"). Note that it is again only possible to add copyrigts to paths which are listed in the scancode json


  • newCopyright: the copyright string to add

Redefining all licenses / copyrights of a component

Instead of curating license / copyrights on a "per finding" level as given above it is alternatively possible to completely replace the list of found licenses and/or copyrights with a new list.

Up to version 1.23.0 this was the only way of doing license / copyright curations. Use of this way of curating data is still possible but discouraged and might be deprecated/removed soon.

The file output/curations.yaml looks as follows when doing curations this way:

  - name: pkg/npm/@somescope/somepackage/1.2.3                  (1)
    url:                             (2)
    licenses:                                                   (3)
      - license: MIT                                            (4)
        url:  (5)
    copyrights:                                                 (6)
      - (c) 2021 Donald Duck                                    (7)
      - "(c) 2019 Mickey Mouse <http://mickey.mouse>"           (8)
    excludedPaths:                                              (9)
    - "sources/src"                                             (10)
  - name: pkg/npm/@anotherscope/anotherpackage/4.5.6            (11)
  1. Path of the package information as used in the file tree. Derived from the PackageURL.

  2. URL of the project, will be stored as sourceRepoUrl. (Optional: no change if not existing.)

  3. Licenses to set. Optional. If defined then all found licenses will be replaced by the list of licenses given here.

  4. SPDX identifier of license.

  5. URL pointing to license text.

  6. Copyrights to set. Optional. If defined then all found copyrights will be replaced by the list of copyrights given here.

  7. A single copyright.

  8. Another copyright. Note that due to YAML syntax any string containing : needs to be enclosed with parentheses

  9. Excluded paths to be set. Optional. If defined then all scanned files, whose path prefix contain any given string here, are excluded from the ScanCode information.

  10. A single path prefix. All scanned files starting with this path prefix are excluded from the Scancode information.

  11. Further packages to follow.

Hierarchical definition of rules

Different version of a package/component or even different packages/components within the same namespace often require mostly the same curations to be applied. To avoid being forced to redefine curations for every single version it is possible to define curations by just specifying a prefix part in the name attribute.

Example of available levels/prefixes for pkg:/maven/ch.qos.logback/[email protected]

  • pkg

  • pkg/maven

  • pkg/maven/ch

  • pkg/maven/ch/qos

  • pkg/maven/ch/qos/logback

  • pkg/maven/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic

  • pkg/maven/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.2.3

The complete tree will be checked for curations. Any found curations will be merged

  • Attribute name: latest encountered in the hierarchy will be taken

  • Attribute note will be joined using delimiter " / "

  • Attribute url: latest encountered in the hierarchy will be taken

  • Attribute copyrights (old style of curations): Lists will be merged

  • Attribute licenses (old style of curations): Lists will be merged

  • Attribute excludedPaths: Lists will be merged

  • Attribute licenseCurations: License curation rule lists (REMOVE/REPLACE/ADD) will be merged; order is more specific ones first; when evaluating for a specific license finding in the scancode json only the first matching curation rule will be taken.

  • Attribute copyrightCurations: Copyright curation rule lists (REMOVE/REPLACE/ADD) will be merged; order is more specific ones first; when evaluating for a specific copyright finding in the scancode json only the first matching curation rule will be taken.

The resulting curation will then be applied to the scancode data of the component.

11.5.2. Decision table rules

As for license information obtained from the Readers the license information from ScanCode can also be altered using decision table rules. A new attribute origin was introduced in the RawLicense entity as well as condition field in decision table LicenseAssignmentV2*.xls/csv. The origin attribute in Rawlicense either contains the string scancode if the license information came from ScanCode or it contains the (lowercase) class name of the used Reader.

Using the Extended comparison syntax it is possible to qualify whether a rule should apply for licenses found by ScanCode or not:

Value of condition Origin rule applies for …​


…​ licenses obtained from ScanCode information


…​ licenses obtained from normal Readers


…​ in both cases

Due the automatic mapping of scancode based RawLicenses to NormalizedLicenses (see Automatic mapping of RawLicense data obtained from Scancode to NormalizedLicense) such explicit mapping rules are only required for licenses not handled by the automatism.

12. Chapter 12: Build-Breaker

The Velocity template Statistics.vm creates a Statistics.json file that currently looks like this:

  "Statistics": {
    "legal-evaluation": {
      "yes": 100,
      "no": 2,
      "Conditional": 30,
      "blank": 10
    "data-status": {
      "ND:NOT_AVAILABLE": 5,
      "NL:WITH_ISSUES": 10,
      "NL:NO_ISSUES": 2,
      "NL:CURATED": 1,
      "DA:NO_ISSUES": 70,
      "DA:CURATED": 20

The individual categories can be customized in the statistics.sql template. Using these fields, you can create a Build-Breaker.

For instance, if there are artifacts in your project that have the legal-evaluation value "no", you can break the build.

To achieve this, you can use the JSON processor jq and add a script like the following:

# Check if the count for "no" is greater than 0
NO_COUNT=$(jq '.["Statistics"]["legal-evaluation"]["no"]' Statistics.json)

# If NO_COUNT is greater than 0, break the build
if [ -n "$NO_COUNT" ] && [ "$NO_COUNT" != "null" ] && [ "$NO_COUNT" -gt 0 ]; then
  echo "Build failed: 'no' count in legal-evaluation is $NO_COUNT"
  exit 1
  echo "Build successful"

Appendix A: Default Base Configuration

The builtin default base configuration contains settings for the rules and writers section of the Solicitor configuration file which will be used if the project specific config file omits those sections.

Default Configuration

Appendix B: Built in Default Properties

The following lists the default settings of technical properties as given by the built in file.

If required these values might be overridden on the command line when starting Solicitor:

java -Dpropertyname1=value1 -Dpropertyname2=value2 -jar solicitor.jar <any other arguments>

Appendix C: Reporting Templates

There are different templates that can be used for reporting. For usage, the templates have to be specified in the “writers” section of the solicitor configuration file (see Writers and Reporting). In the default solicitor configuration all templates are specified. (see Appendix A: Default Base Configuration.asciidoc)

C.1. Solicitor_Output_Template_Sample.xlsx

With this template a report in Excel format can be created. The spreadsheet contains data from the internal database (see Database structure) which can be fetched by specifying the path to the SQL statements files in the solicitor configuration file.

C.2. Solicitor_Diff_Template_Sample.vm

This template creates a HTML document which has a table containing the relevant data from the internal database. Cells that have been changed, compared to a previous solicitor run, are marked in a different color. For usage, the option -d <filename> needs to be appended with filename being saved_latest_model.json.

C.3. Solicitor_Output_Template_Sample.vm

This template creates an HTML document which has an overview of OSS components used in the project. The data is displayed in a table with the columns: Name, GroupId, Version, Application, License, LicenseUrl.

C.4. Solicitor_Output_Template_Sample_v2.vm

Similar to the above but uses guessed license URLs and content, see Guessing of license URLs. As license URL guessing is deprecated this template is no longer included in the standard configuration. For activation see License guessing feature usage.

C.5. Quality_Report.vm

This template creates an HTML document which contains OSS components that have been mapped to multiple licenses. The data is displayed in a table with the columns: Application, OSS Name/Product, OSS ArtifactId, OSS Version, Effective Normalized Licenses, License Count.

C.6. Source_Download_Script.vm

This template creates a bash script for downloading package sources for all packages where the license requires the source code to be included in the distribution.

C.7. ScancodeScript.vm, ScancodeScanScript.vm

These templates create script files for downloading package sources and using ScanCode to do a "deep license scan" for finding licenses, copyright information (statements, holders, authors) and NOTICE files for each artifact within a project. See Experimental Scancode Integration.

Generating these scripts is an experimental feature and might be changed or removed in future versions without any notice.

C.8. Attributions.vm

This template creates an attributions document which lists all used OSS components with their licenses, license texts and found copyrights information as well as found information from NOTICE files. The template is part of the Experimental Scancode Integration and requires ScanCode to be used to collect all necessary information.

Appendix D: Extending Solicitor

Solicitor comes with a sample rule data set and sample reporting templates. In general it will be required to correct, supplement and extend this data sets and templates. This can be done straightforward by creating copies of the appropriate resources (rule data XLS/CSV and template files), adopting them and further on referencing those copies instead of the original resources from the project configuration file.

Even though this approach is possible it will result in hard to maintain configurations, especially in the case of multiple projects using Solicitor in parallel.

To support such scenarios Solicitor provides an easy extension mechanism which allows to package all those customized configurations into a single archive and reference it from the command line when starting Solicitor.

This facilitates configuration management, distribution and deployment of such extensions.

D.1. Format of the extension file

The extensions might be provided as JAR file or even as a simple ZIP file. There is only one mandatory file which contains (at least metadata) about the extension and which needs to be included in this archive in the root folder.

This file is included via the standard Spring Boot profile mechanism. Besides containing naming and version info on the extension this file might override any property values defined within Solicitor.

Any other resources (like rule data or templates) which need to be part of the Extension can be included in the archive as well - either in the root directory or any subdirectories. If the extension is active those resources will be available on the classpath like any resources included in the Solicitor jar.

Overriding / redefining the default base configuration within the Extension enables to update all rule data and templates without the need to touch the projects configuration file.

D.2. Activating the Extension

The Extension will be activated by referencing it as follows when starting Solicitor:

java -Dloader.path=path/to/the/ -jar solicitor.jar <any other arguments>

D.3. Java Extensions

It is also possible to extend the functionality of Solicitor within an extension by implementing Spring Beans which implement certain interfaces. As the resources contained in the extension are included into Solicitors classpath those beans might be discovered through the Spring component scan mechanism and thus be activated.

The Spring components scanning mechanisms by default searches only in package (and subpackages). You either need to define the extension classes in these packages or create a specific configuration class in this package which has an appropriate @ComponentScan annotation which points to your packages.
Extending Solicitor via Java is an advanced topic. Only the Interfaces given below should be used. Even those should be regarded as unstable and might change without notice. For any details on the interfaces see the Solicitor source code and corresponding Javadoc.

D.3.1. Extension Interfaces

A spring bean implementing this interface might provide ComponentInfo/LicenseInfo data for ApplicationComponents identified by their packageUrl. (The buildin implementation of this interface is reading such component info from scancode result files from the local file system, see Experimental Scancode Integration.) Alternative implementations might e.g. get this information from a corporate server or even a public service available on the internet.

Spring beans implementing this interface will be called at certain points in the Solicitor processing lifecycle. See the Javadoc for details. Implementations should preferably use as base class which contains NOOP functionality for all methods which might be overridden as required.

Appendix E: Release Notes

Changes in 1.28.0 New statistics Velocity and SQL template which can be used in a build-breaker.

Changes in 1.27.0
Changes in 1.26.0
  • Solicitor now assumes ScanCode v32 to be used within the ScanCode integration. ScanCode JSON result files of v30 and v31 can still be processed but the scripting for doing the scans assumes v32 to be installed.

Changes in 1.25.0
Changes in 1.24.2
Changes in 1.24.1
Changes in 1.24.0
Changes in 1.23.0
Changes in 1.22.0
Changes in 1.21.0
Changes in 1.20.0
Changes in 1.19.0
Changes in 1.18.0
Changes in 1.17.1
Changes in 1.17.0
Changes in 1.16.0
Changes in 1.15.0
Changes in 1.14.0
Changes in 1.13.0
Changes in 1.12.0
Changes in 1.11.0
Changes in 1.10.0
Changes in 1.9.0
Changes in 1.8.1
Changes in 1.8.0
Changes in 1.7.0
Changes in 1.6.0
Changes in 1.5.0
  • Fixed the bug by allowing multiple NormalizedLicense entries with same id per ApplicationComponent if the declared license differs. This allows to assign multiple licenses of same type (e.g. MIT) to a component and also will allow multiple "UNKNOWN" licenses to be reported for the same component. Note that as a side effect additional and unexpected NormalizedLicense entries might now be created. This might be caused from multiple LicenseAssignment*.xls rules firing for different RawLicense entries in the same ApplicationComponent and resulting in identical NormalizedLicense id. In this case it is necessary to restrict those different rules to only fire for specific RawLicense entries.

Changes in 1.4.0
Changes in 1.3.0
Changes in 1.2.3
Changes in 1.2.2
  • Fixed bug which resulted in corrupt XLS report due to cell comment exceeding maximum allowed size.

Changes in 1.2.1
  • Fixed by making sure that formulas get evaluated when opening the workbook with excel.

  • Fixed bug when reading saved data model for delta calculation. (repoType was not read correctly and resulted in always reporting a difference.)

Changes in 1.2.0
  • Added some license name mapping rules in LicenseNameMappingSample.xls.

  • New "Quality Report" which might be helpful in validating the outcome of the Solicitor run. Currently this report contains a list of all application components which have more than one effective license attached. This might be helpful for spotting cases where appropriate rules for selecting the applicable license in case of dual-/multilicensing is missing.

Changes in 1.1.1
  • Corrected order of license name mapping which prevented Unlicense, The W3C License, WTFPL, Zlib and Zope Public License 2.1 to be mapped.

Changes in 1.1.0
  • Inclusion of detailed license information for the dependencies included in the executable JAR. Use the '-eug' command line option to store this file (together with a copy of the user guide) in the current work directory.

  • Additional rules for license name mappings in decision table LicenseNameMappingSample.xls.

  • Solicitor can now run with Java 8 or Java 11.

Changes in 1.0.8
  • New Reader of type npm-license-checker for reading component/license data collected by NPM License Checker ( The type of the existing Reader for reading CSV data from the NPM License Crawler has been changed from npm to npm-license-crawler-csv. (npm is still available but deprecated.) Projects should adopt their Reader configuration and replace type npm by npm-license-crawler-csv.

Changes in 1.0.7
  • Enable continuing analysis in multiapplication projects even is some license files are unavailable.

  • Described simplified usage of license-maven-plugin without need to change pom.xml. (Documentation only)

  • Ensure consistent sorting even in case that multiple "Ignored" licenses exist for a component

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