Required Your access key for nodeshift platform.
Required Your secret key for nodeshift platform.
Required Your ssh key to access deployment.
Required Your ssh key name.
OS Image to be installed on the target Virtual Machine Deployment like "Ubuntu-v22.04"
Region where you want to deploy like "USA"
Number of CPU cores for your deployment. Default "1"
Amount of RAM for your Deployment in MB.
Disk size for your Deployment in MB
Disk type for your Deployment. Available options: hdd, ssd
If true assigns a public ipv4 address for your Deployment
If true assigns a public ipv6 address for your Deployment
If true assigns a yggdrasil address for your Deployment
ID of the vpc to deploy your VM into
Host name for your Deployment
UUID of your deployment.
- name: Create cpu action step
id: create-cpu
uses: deweb-services/[email protected]
access-key: 'a12352244527cmzpxg74tq'
secret-key: 'jyezkfffhljjjkfqoiyrjjjgckgospjrm74fkmdik'
ssh-key: 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3afslHAsdkjHJKDFPY+6VWQaM [email protected]'
region: 'USA'
assign-public-ipv4: true
host-name: 'my_deployment'
- name: Get the output uuid
run: echo "The uuid was ${{ steps.create-cpu.outputs.uuid }}, the ip is ${{ steps.create-cpu.outputs.ip }}, the host is ${{ }}"