This is a Nut/OS repository, which started with Nut/OS v5.0.5.
We fixed serious things at PPP implementation - proper process terminating, where we modified at which context (thread) some actions are processed. We also fixed a possibility to reenter a closed session and added a keep alive request sending to keep a connection with no data transfer established. Even such a connection is closed by some providers, e.g. O2.
We also added a NutUseCritical macro, which was finally the only way, how to deal with our GCC compiler for m68k. Without this, there was a really hard issue at NutThreadResume, which sometimes resulted in probably lost condition flags due to interrupts. Construction
if (cnt) {
was compiled for some code optimizations as below. The problem is, if status word (condition flags) changes between point B and C. These changes are lost, because they are overwritten at point D. This was really very hard to find and after this was fixed, several "problems" were fixed.
I tried many ways, how to stay without NutUseCritical, but I was unable to find any.
NutEnterCritical, point A
move.w %sr, %d0 move.w %d0, %d1 ori.l #0x700, %d0 move.w %d0, %sr
NutExitCritical, point B move.w %d1, %sr
NutEnterCritical, point C move.w %sr, %d0 move.w %d0, %d2 ori.l #0x700, %d0 move.w %d0, %sr
NutExitCritical, point D move.w %d1, %sr