This application is currently only a proof of concept implementation and should be used at your own risk.
An implementation of the ICP HTTP Gateway Protocol that enables end-to-end secure connections with dApps being served from the Internet Computer.
Connect to the ICP network without the need for any trusted intermediaries.
Verify HTTP responses received from the ICP network for authenticity.
Resist censorship by bypassing traditional DNS infrastructure.
Enable resolution of crypto domains (not implemented yet).
Translate between ICP API calls and HTTP Asset Requests.
Terminate TLS connections locally with a self-generated root certificate authority.
Detect IC domains from principals and custom domain DNS records.
Bypass remote HTTP gateway denylists.
Other platforms can also be supported by adding the generated root certificate to the device's trusted store and adding the proxy HTTP server to the active network interface configuration.
To install the ICP HTTP Proxy, you can follow these steps:
Choose the appropriate installation package for your operating system:
Download the installation package for your operating system.
Run the downloaded package to start the installation process.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Once the installation is complete, you can start using the ICP HTTP Proxy.
External code contributions are not currently being accepted to this repository.
The package manager of this monorepo is yarn and the applications are built for nodejs. The usage of nvm is recommended to keep the node version in sync.
The following steps can be used to set up the proxy for local development and to package it to your system architecture.
This will set up yarn with the latest stable release.
corepack enable
corepack prepare [email protected] --activate
Yarn can also be enabled through npm
npm install --global yarn
yarn set version 3.5.0
All dependencies can be installed with a single install command from the root of the monorepo.
yarn install
A recursive build is triggered for all of the monorepo
yarn build
Produces the required binaries and installation bundles for the supported platforms.
yarn pkg
The proxy graphical interface is started and added to the operating system menu bar.
yarn start
This monorepo has multiple locally maintained packages in the root package.json configuration.