Define global template helpers in underscore. Example:
_.addTemplateHelpers( {
iff : function( condition, outputString ) {
return condition ? outputString : "";
} );
Now in an underscore template:
<script type="text/template">
<div class="button <%= iff( isHightlighted, "highlighted" ) %>">
My button
This mixin comes in handy when used with the Backbone.Subviews View mixin to insert subviews into a view template:
_.addTemplateHelpers( {
subview : function( subviewName ) {
return "<div data-subview='" + subviewName + "'></div>"
} );
Now to create a subview from your template, you just need:
<script type='text/template' id="MyItemViewTemplate">
<h1>This is my item view template</h1>
<%= subview( "mySubview" ) %>