Pretty decoration for your Fireplace
Mantel is a plugin for Vim that provides asynchronous, semantic highlighting for Clojure and Clojurescript. We make use of the new asynchronous nrepl communication offered in latest versions of vim-fireplace and some clever tricks to extract the vars in use in your namespace and assign then an appropriate syntax group, augmenting the builtin syntax highlighting.
Mantel uses an active vim-fireplace connection to query for things to highlight. It has been tested and used with:
- Leiningen REPL (Clojure)
- Leiningen + Figwheel (Clojurescript)
- shadow-cljs (Clojurescript)
- Local functions, vars, macros
- Imported (required) functions, vars, macros
- Imported class names + constructors (in clojure)
- Aliased functions, vars, macros (IE things namespaced from
:refer :as
; requires cider-nrepl)
Install with your favorite method. You'll also need vim-fireplace. I like vim-plug:
Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace'
Plug 'dhleong/vim-mantel'
For full semantic coloring support, cider-nrepl is recommended.