Buy the book:
- Setting up a Scala development environment with Eclipse Scala IDE
- Basic Constructs of the language like: var, val, for, if, switch, operator overload.
- Difference between Functional Programing and Object Oriented Programing
- Principles of Functional Programing: Immutability, No Side Effects, State Discipline, Composition and High Order Functions.
- Concepts of Functional Programing such as: Lambda, Recursion, For Comprehensions, Partial Functions, Monads, Currying and functions.
- Pattern Matcher, Recursion, Reflection, Package Objects, implicits and Concurrency.
- Overall Architecture
- SBT Basics: Installation, structure and dependencies
- Creating your SBT Application
- Principles of Web Development in Scala
- Anatomy of a Play Framework Application
- Creating our Models
- Creating our Views
- Adding Validations
- Working with Session
- Reactive Programing principles and the Reactive Manifesto.
- Understand the importance of Non-blocking- IO.
- Observables, Functions and Error Handling with Rx.
- Refactoring our controllers and models to call our services.
- Adding Rx Scala to our Services
- Adding Logging
- Testing Principles with Scala and JUnit.
- Behavior Driven Development principles.
- Using ScalaTest Specs and DSL in our tests
- Running our Tests with SBT
- Principles database persistence with Slick
- Working with Functional Relational Mapping in our application
- Creating the Queries we need with SQL support
- Improving the code with Async database operations
- Understanding Jasper Reports
- Adding Database reports to our application
- Understanding the Actor Model
- Actor Systems, Actor Routing and Dispatchers
- Mailboxes, Actor Configuration and Persistence
- Creating our Chat Application
- Testing our Actors
- Adding the new UI
- REST and API Design
- Creating our API with REST and JSON
- Adding Validations
- Adding Back Pressure
- Creating a Scala client
- Architecture Principles
- Scalling up the UI
- Reactive Drivers and Discoverability
- Midd-tier load-balancer, timeouts, back pressure and caching
- Scalling up Microservices with Akka Cluster
- Scalling up the Infrastructure with Docker and AWS Cloud.
Note: Chapter 10 Talks about scalability including: Akka Cluster, Docker, MySQL Server, AWS Cloud, NetflixOSS Stack(Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul, Dynomite)
Diego Pacheco is an experienced Software Architect and DevOps practitioner with over 10 years of solid experience. He has led architecture teams using Open Source solutions such as Java, Scala, AWS Cloud, Akka, Cassandra, Redis, ActiveMQ, NetflixOSS Stack: Simian Army, RxJava, Karyon, Eureka, and Ribbon on Big Customers in Brazil, London, Barcelona, India, and the USA. Diego has a passion for functional programming and is currently working as a Software Architect/Agile Coach with Scala, Akka, and NetflixOSS. During his free time he enjoys playing wicked tunes on guitar, gaming, and blogging. You can check out his blog
- Architecture Design and Architecture Coding for high scalable systems
- Distributed Systems using SOA and Microservices Principles, tools, and techniques
- Performance Tuning & DevOps Engineering
- Functional Programming and Scala
- Agile Coaching & Servant Leadership for Architecture Teams
- Consultancy on Development Practices with XP / Kanban
More about him can be found at the following:
- Linkedin:
- Blog:
- Github:
- Slideshare:
- Presentations:
His recent lectures include:
- Netflix
- QCon
- Amazon
First of all I'm very thankful for everything God did to me during my life. So I need say thank you to God at least 3 times. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God. I’m very glad to finish this book and I also need say a big thank you for all my family and supportive friends specially to: Andressa Bicca my true love, to my mother Denise Maris, to my Grandmother Walkyria and my dear friends Margarida Avila, Adão Avila, Israel Prestes, Tais da Rosa for all the love and support they provided me. I need say thanks for Packt specially to Kirk D'costa and Rohit Kumar Singh for being a great editor. Also need say a thank you to and specially to Ivã Boesing and Romulo Dornelles for all the space, trust and support. Also could not forget to say thank you to my co-workers, customers and friends are great people to work and I’ve learned a lot from: Sam Sgro, Daniel Wildt, Anibal Rojas, Alexandre Poletto, Jeferson Machado, Nilseu Padilha, Jackson Santos, Christophe Marchal, Joel Correa and Rafael Souza. Finally Thank you who bought this book and read it - you are awesome!
Primeiro de tudo eu sou muito grato por tudo o que Deus fez para mim durante a minha vida. Então eu preciso de dizer obrigado a Deus pelo menos 3 vezes. Obrigado Deus, obrigado Deus, obrigado Deus. Estou muito contente de terminar este livro e eu também preciso mandar um grande obrigado a todos os meus amigos da família pelo apoio especialmente para: Andressa Bicca meu verdadeiro amor, a minha mãe Denise Maris, a minha avó Walkyria e meus queridos amigos Margarida Avila , Adão Avila, Israel Prestes, Tais da Rosa por todo o amor e apoio que me deram. Eu preciso dizer obrigado a Packt especialmente para Kirk D'Costa e Rohit Kumar Singh por ser um grande editor. Também preciso dizer um obrigado a e especialmente para Ivã Boesing e Romulo Dornelles para todo o espaço, confiança e apoio. Também não poderia esquecer de dizer obrigado aos meus colegas de trabalho, clientes e amigos são grandes pessoas para trabalhar e eu aprendi muito com: Sam Sgro, Daniel Wildt, Anibal Rojas, Alexandre Poletto, Jeferson Machado, Nilseu Padilha, Jackson Santos, Christophe Marchal, Joel Correa e Rafael Souza. Finalmente Obrigado a você que comprou este livro e por telo lido - você é incrível!