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A repository for exploring the pinochet dataset [freire2019pinochet] and hopefully more data. Read more about this dataset in

Main highlights


This project follows a monorepo structure. The main services are:

Each service has its own Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file to run locally. You can explore commands in the Makefile in the root directory. For those projects that use python, you can use poetry to manage the dependencies.

Using poetry and pipx

Install poetry with pipx and install the dependencies

# install pipx
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

# install poetry
pipx install poetry

# install dependencies
poetry install

After installing the dependencies, you need to configure your dbt at ~/.dbt/profiles.yml.

# ~/.dbt/profiles.yml
      type: postgres
      threads: 1
      port: 5433
      user: postgres
      pass: postgres
      dbname: pinochet
      schema: api

  target: dev

See the credentials being used in the file and those set in the postgis instance set in docker-compose.postgis.yml

you can now run dbt models with

dbt build --target dev

Get the dbt documentation with

make dbt_docs.devserver

Check other commands with make help.


These services are deployed locally using docker compose. You can start them with docker compose -f <docker-compose-file>.yml up -d.

You need to provide a valid .env file, see example.env for an example.

Postgis {#postgis}

A database with postgis extension enabled. The database is empty by default, and it is populated by dbt with

docker compose -f docker-compose.postgis.yml up -d
dbt build --target dev

pinochet-rettig-dbt {#pinochet-rettig-dbt}

We use dbt to transform the raw csv into actionable data. The models are in ./models. You can run the models with

dbt deps
dbt build --target dev

Virtual knowledge graph {#pinochet-rettig-linked-data}

We use ontop to serve a virtual knowledge graph to query the database with SPARQL.

cp .env.example .env
cp ./pinochet-rettig-linked-data/ontop/input/ ./pinochet-rettig-linked-data/ontop/input/
docker compose -f docker-compose.postgis.yml -f docker-compose.ontop.yml up -d

And go to <> to run an example query with the virtual knowledge graph.

PREFIX foaf: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?victim ?lastName {
  ?victim a :Victim ; foaf:lastName ?lastName .

FastAPI {#pinochet-rettig-fastapi}

We use fastapi to serve the data as a REST API. You can start the service with

make api.upd

Check the necessary configuration parameters in the docker compose file.

Using devcontainers (experimental)

Install the devcontainer CLI with

npm install -g devcontainer-cli

and run devcontainer open to start the a visualstudio code instance from the fastapi service at /app/.


The whole repository is mounted inside in /workspaces/ but the application is being run from /app/. I need to figure out yet a clean workflow, but so far it is working.


Authentication is done using JWT. You can get a token with the credentials for a default user created as a migration script


We use strawberry-graphql to serve the data as a GraphQL API. It is located under localhost:8000/graphql.

Note: the graphql endpoint is still in progress. It accepts very few queries at the moment

Deployment with

I'm using to deploy the services. The configuration is in fly.toml files inside ./pinochet-rettig-fastapi and ./postgis.

You must install the flyctl cli tool to deploy the services. See for details. After installing the cli tool, you can deploy the services with

cd pinochet-rettig-fastapi
flyctl deploy


cd postgis
flyctl deploy

You will need to set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD secret for the fastapi deployment, with flyctl secrets set. Note that other secrets were set by automatically, you can check them with flyctl secrets list:

$ cd pinochet-rettig-fastapi
$ flyctl secrets list
NAME             	DIGEST          	CREATED AT
DATABASE_URL     	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	23h7m ago
POSTGRES_PASSWORD	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	22h49m ago
SECRET_KEY       	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	22h30m ago
SENTRY_DSN       	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	21h37m ago

Set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD secret with

flyctl secrets set POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password_from_flyio_db

You will also need to activate the postgis extension, by connecting to the database with flyctl pg connect and running CREATE EXTENSION postgis;:

❯ fly pg connect --app pinochet-api-prod --database pinochet_api
Connecting to fdaa:3:d37e:a7b:1be:de4c:ba0b:2... complete
psql (15.3 (Debian 15.3-1.pgdg120+1))
Type "help" for help.

pinochet_api=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

Metabase {#metabase}

We can use metabase to explore the data visually. You can start metabase with

docker compose -f docker-compose.postgis.yml -f docker-compose.metabase.yml up -d

And go to localhost:3010 to explore the data. Metabase will ask you to create an admin user and setup the database connection.

Example metabase chart

Streamlit {#pinochet-rettig-streamlit}

We use streamlit to explore the data visually. You can start the service with

docker compose -f docker-compose.postgis.yml -f docker-compose.streamlit.yml up -d