You can clone the source code from GitHub with:
git clone
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
cmake ../mpboot -DIQTREE_FLAGS=avx -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++
Replace avx by sse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture
- Run command
make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes:
Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate an executable file named mpboot-avx
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable file is named mpboot.
- To analyst file example.phy, run command:
./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open a Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
cmake ../mpboot -DIQTREE_FLAGS=avx
Replace avx by sse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture
- Run command
make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes:
Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate an executable file named mpboot-avx
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable file is named mpboot.
- To analyst file example.phy, run command:
./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
- Requirements:
- cmake version >= 3.21
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open a Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DIQTREE_FLAGS=avx ../mpboot
Replace avx by sse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture.
Due to having conflicts with Vectorization, please not using Clang to configure source code.
- Run command
mingw32-make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes:
Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate two executable files named mpboot-avx and mpboot-avx-click
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable files are named mpboot and mpboot-click.
- To analyst file example.phy:
- Run command
./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
- Or:
- Open mpboot-click by double click on it
- Press y to start enter command
- Type -s and press Enter
- Press e to continue entering command
- Type example.phy and press Enter
- Press y to finish command
You can clone the source code from GitHub with:
git clone
Switch to branch which contains MPBoot-MPI source code:
git checkout mpboot-mpi-sync
for synchronous versiongit checkout mpboot-mpi-async
for asynchronous version
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open a Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
Replace avx by sse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture
- Run command
make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes:
Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate an executable file named mpboot-avx
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable file is named mpboot.
- To analyst file example.phy with 2 processes, run command:
mpirun -np 2 ./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
Option np specifies the number of processes used to run MPBoot-MPI
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open a Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
Replace avx by sse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture
- Run command
make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes. Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate an executable file named mpboot-avx
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable file is named mpboot.
- To analyst file example.phy with 2 processes, run command:
mpirun -np 2 ./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
Option np specifies the number of processes used to run MPBoot-MPI
- Requirements:
- cmake version >= 3.21
- Create folder build outside folder mpboot.
- Open a Terminal.
- Change directory to build
- Configure source code with CMake:
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DIQTREE_FLAGS=mpiavx ../mpboot
Replace mpiavx by mpisse4 in above command if you decide to run MPBoot on SSE architecture.
Due to having conflicts with Vectorization, please not using Clang to configure source code.
- Run command
mingw32-make -j4
to compile source code with 4 processes:
Option j specifies the number of processes used to compile source code with make.
The compiler will generate an executable file named mpboot-avx
In case of running MPBoot on SSE architecture, the executable file is named mpboot.
- To analyst file example.phy with 2 processes, run command:
mpiexec -n 2 ./mpboot-avx -s example.phy
Option n specifies the number of processes used to run MPBoot-MPI