Fetch tool for video game meta data from various sources. Writes fetched data into a zip archive.
Supported sources:
This application provides a setup.py which helps installing this application. To install run:
pip install -e .
# create config.yml
daft --init
# fetch full dataset
daft SOURCE --fetch
# update dataset (if available)
daft SOURCE --update
# export standardized dataset
daft --export
# start daft api
daft api
The config.yml need to be in the project root directory and looks like this:
name: "test"
data_dir: "../../game_metadata/sources"
export_dir: "../../game_metadata/daft_export"
api_key: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>"
- mobygames
- title
- alt_titles
- platforms
- title
- alt_titles
- platforms
- data_dir: directory for the raw source datafiles (e.g. generated via the fetch command)
- export_dir: directory for the stadardized dataset exort
- sources: configuration for the fetchers (api-keys etc.)
- export: configuration for the standardized dataset export (fields must be spezified in the respective dataset reader classes)
- api: list of datasets available through the api
daft provides reader classes for all supported datasets. Theses reader classes provide a standardized interface. A factory method is also provided.
from daft.reader import get_dataset
# load mobygames dataset
mobygames = get_dataset("path_to_daft_directory", "mobygames")
# iterate through mobygames dataset
for game in mobygames:
# get specific mobygames entry via id
game = mobygames["1564"]
The reader class returns game entries in the dataset with the following information:
- "id"
- "title"
- "alt_titles"
- "platforms": standardized platform names
- "raw": the complete dataset as a json dict
- Peter Mühleder [email protected]
- Florian Rämisch [email protected]
GNU Affero General Public License
2019, 2020 Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig [email protected]