Releases: diging/citesphere
Release v.1.6.2
Release v1.6.1
Release notes - Citesphere - v1.6.1
GECO-145 Uploads should be checkable by all user who have access to document
Release v1.6
Release notes - Citesphere - CITE-v1.6
CITE-34 Total number of citations on group list page need to be updated if there were changes.
CITE-198 The url of citations isn't generated correctly.
CITE-218 Sometimes there are multiple access token stored for an authentication id
CITE-224 Citesphere seems to delete user accounts after too many API requests
CITE-222 spring security update
CITE-129 Exporter citesphere authencation is broken
CITE-174 There should be an API endpoint to create new items
CITE-186 Manage authority entries page needs to be paginated
CITE-204 Implementing an 'Add Reference' Button for All Groups in Citesphere with a Search Field Feature to Easily Add References to Group's Reference Field
Release v1.5
Release notes - Citesphere Jira Classic - CITE-v1.5
CITE-171 There should be a Person Index page for groups.
CITE-175 Concepts: it should be possible to import concepts from other services.
CITE-181 Upgrade spring security
CITE-188 On the citation list page, table rows need to be clickable even if there is no title.
Release v1.4
Release notes - Citesphere - v1.4
CITE-145 Delete Authority throws error on Manage Authority Page
CITE-149 If someone never imported a group, the sync job page throws a null pointer
CITE-155 Add icon for authors, editors, etc. on edit item page is missing
CITE-157 Edit concept is broken
CITE-164 Moving citations into collection does not work anymore
CITE-169 on citation page: if next or previous is disables, clicking on them creates an invalid link
CITE-176 On the items page there is a lot of whitespace under the table of items
CITE-166 Update log4j to version 2.17.1
CITE-17 Currently only the first 20 collections are shown on items page, there needs to be a more button to see all
CITE-41 It should be possible to filter citations by concepts.
CITE-69 There is no ';' between editors (and presumably between other contributors as well)
CITE-83 like authors, editors, etc. affiliations need a URI field
CITE-85 It should be possible to delete multiple citations from the citation list view
CITE-88 Concepts and concept types need to show the owner
CITE-90 It should be possible to see previous versions of a citation
CITE-91 It should be possible to revert a citation to a previous version
CITE-92 Groups on page after login should be loaded asynchronosly.
CITE-94 Viaf should be added to the authority search on editing a citation
CITE-122 When requesting a collection, or citation page that has not been loaded yet, sync needs to start
CITE-125 Notes need to be shown on citation page
CITE-136 In author authority search there should be a VIAF tab
CITE-148 if contents in extra field is too long, Zotero doesn't accept the item anymore
CITE-153 Upgrade to spring security 5.3.3
CITE-159 Managed authorities: for groups, it needs to show all authorities of that group
CITE-160 Test case needs fixing: AuthorityServiceTest -> test_createWithURI
CITE-161 Import from file is broken due to hard-coded strings
CITE-165 On the items page there needs to be a column that shows if an item has files attached
Release v1.3
Release notes - Citesphere - Version CITE-v1.3
CITE-152 Search in group: if there are not results, the search bar breaks
CITE-151 The end point for seaching should bring up the item list page and searchTerm should not be required
CITE-144 Fix check token endpoint authentication
CITE-143 Menu items need to have correct permission
CITE-154 Citesphere needs an API endpoint to get information about an item
CITE-147 Attachments need to be shown on citation page
CITE-142 Attachments (files that are attached to a reference) are currently shown like citations
CITE-140 There needs to be an endpoint to retrieve all registered apps
CITE-139 Back and next/prev button on item page should work for search
CITE-137 It should be possible to add new authorities
CITE-135 Search author authority pop needs current group tab
CITE-134 Authority Entries should have a new property group
CITE-133 Replace icons with icons from Adhvik's iconset
CITE-127 On the group list page, there should be a button to delete the local copy
CITE-114 Users should be able to upload files for a citation
CITE-95 In the authority popup for editing a citation, database queries should also search for last name only
CITE-86 It should be possible to move multiple citations to another collection
CITE-13 There needs to be an authority importer for Conceptpower
CITE-146 diging-icon-pack files should not be in boostrap folder
Release v1.2.1
Release notes - Citesphere - Version CITE-v1.2.1
- [CITE-138] - References should be indexed in Elasticsearch
Release v1.2
Release notes - Citesphere - Version CITE-v1.2
- [CITE-130] - Fix issue with duplicate groups
- [CITE-108] - Migration of Concepts Page
- [CITE-109] - Migration of User page
- [CITE-111] - Migration of Authorities pages
- [CITE-112] - Migration of Export Pages
- [CITE-113] - Migration of Item Page
- [CITE-115] - Migration of group/editItem.jsp
- [CITE-116] - Migration of Profile page
- [CITE-117] - Migration of See all Imports(Jobs.jsp) page
- [CITE-118] - Migration of upload page(in auth/import)
- [CITE-119] - Migration of "tokens" page
- [CITE-120] - Migration of editConflict.jsp
- [CITE-121] - Migration of page password/change.jsp
- [CITE-123] - Fixing bugs in thymeleaf migration
Release v1.1.1
Release notes - Citesphere - Version v1.1.1
- [CITE-128] - in some situations two groups with the same key are created