Release v0.17
Release notes - Virtual Spaces 2.0 - Version v0.17
VSPC-186 Making a user staff doesn't seem to work.
VSPC-185 If a module has a start sequence set, but there are no slides in the sequence, the wrong template is returned.
VSPC-178 Register form needs to show errors if user couldn't be created
VSPC-194 It should be possible to use and image for Module links like for space links or external links
VSPC-166 It needs to be more clear, when a user is on the public side and when on the staff side
VSPC-165 Module creation needs to be more obvious
VSPC-164 It should be possible to select an existing image for an image block
VSPC-143 On the public space page should be a full width option
VSPC-140 There should be a search on the staff page
VSPC-188 Add jaxb dependencies for java 11