VogonWeb v0.3.1
Release Notes - VogonWeb - Version 0.3.1
- [VGNWB-162] - On the concept detail view, the textual basis (stringRep) for each appellation should be shown.
- [VGNWB-163] - On the concept detail view, The layout should have two columns, with the label/description on the left, and appellations on the right.
- [VGNWB-164] - On the concept detail view, add a panel that shows related concepts.
- [VGNWB-166] - The relations view should have two columns
- [VGNWB-167] - The relations view should show details about each RelationSet involving the selected concepts
- [VGNWB-168] - The relations view should have a panel for each of the two concepts, with details about each concept
- [VGNWB-180] - Create a new view that returns appellation data for a given concept
- [VGNWB-181] - On the front page, bind a listener to the node select event
- [VGNWB-151] - Unable to create collection in the dashboard page
- [VGNWB-169] - When user submits their profile form, the value for the "link" field is not updated in the database
- [VGNWB-178] - Article is interesting and easy to appellate, plus...
- [VGNWB-12] - Texts should be flagged as either public or private
- [VGNWB-24] - Users should be able to see the number of relations that they have created for each text
- [VGNWB-34] - Users should be able to see a network visualization of relations, filtered by text, text collection, concept type(s), relation type(s), and/or user(s)
- [VGNWB-35] - Users should be able to see the annotations that other users have made for a text
- [VGNWB-111] - The boxes that come up when adding appellations/relations be movable in order to read the text and add the relevant information simultaneously
- [VGNWB-134] - When an anonymous user accesses a text, they should see a network representation of the relations on the page
- [VGNWB-136] - When an anonymous user views a text, they should see a list of relations for that text
- [VGNWB-137] - On the text page, when a user clicks on a relation they should see the text passage for that relation
- [VGNWB-161] - Concept detail view should be reorganized and improved
- [VGNWB-165] - Improvements to the relations view
- [VGNWB-179] - On the front page, when a user clicks on a node, the texts in which that concept occurs should be shown, along with a snippet of text showing the appellation