Testing approaches for a Flask+SolR-based API
brew install solr
Make sure Solr is running, in my case
/usr/local/Cellar/solr/6.1.0/bin/solr start
Create core, update the default schema, and load data
solr create -c grail # create core named grail
mv schema.xml /usr/local/Cellar/solr/6.1.0/server/solr/grail/conf # move the schema into the conf folder in the running solr server
post -c grail data/grail_demo.csv # load data in CSV format in core named grail
and test it by making a query
curl http://localhost:8983/solr/grail/select?q=*:*&wt=json
Should return a JSON file with the number of entries in the loaded file
- RESTful API: http://blog.luisrei.com/articles/flaskrest.html
- RESTful Auth with Flask: http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/restful-authentication-with-flask
Install Flask and required libraries
pip install flask
pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy # install SQLAlchemy support to the application
pip install flask-httpauth
pip install passlib
pip install pysolr
Run the Flask webserver
python api.py
Users are added via POST messages
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"joe","password":"changeme"}'
If token-based authentication is wanted
curl -u joe:changeme -i -X GET
Returns a JSON file with the token, which expires in 10 minutes
Then, typing in the terminal:
curl -u joe:changeme -i -X GET
curl -u joe:changeme -i -X GET
curl -u token:unused -i -X GET
curl -u token:unused -i -X GET
Will return a JSON file with the entries belonging to the artist Mansun, and the artist with the corresponding ISRC. In the previous call example, the token returned to the GET call before is passed as a username, and there is no need for password (that is why 'unused' appears in that field)