A script that automates benchmark testing via a collection fio and iozone tests and simple tools for disk performance testing.
You can find a list of all current tests within the available-tests/ folder.
In order to enable a test I have been creating a symlink from the enabled-tests/ folder pointing to a test in the available-tests folder. For example:
cd enabled-tests;
ln -s ../available-tests/libaio-buffered-4m-randrw ./
That will enable the "libaio-buffered-4m-randrw" test and it will run the next time you start the fio-runner.sh script.
By default all the tests are enabled.
Once you have enabled the tests you want to run all you need to do is execute is the diskbench.sh script:
Usage: ./diskbench.sh: [OPTIONS]
-u : Directory/mountpoint to test
-s : Test file size (default: 4G)
-i : I/O depth (used by fio) (default: 256 - heavy)
-n : Test name (used for the comparaison)
-p profile_name : Enable tests based on a profile (optional)
-g 500 : Number of pgs for the rados bench pool (default: 500) (optional)
-t : Set the runtime for individual fio tests (default: 3600 seconds)
-x : Run extra tests: IOZone and Bonnie++ (optional)
-l : List available tests
This will execute each of the fio tests and their results will be stored into the results folder.