Arduino ESP-32 CapButton Library Copyright (C) 2019 Thorsten Godau (dl9sec).
Based upon Arduino Button Library Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Jack Christensen (see
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
The ESP-32 CapButton library is for debouncing and reading momentary capacitive buttons. "Long presses" of arbitrary length can be detected. Works well in state machine constructs. Use the read() function to read each button in the main loop, which should execute as fast as possible.
The simplest way to use a button with an ESP-32 is to wire the button at the appropriate GPIO pin (2, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 32, 33). The Button class constructor takes four arguments, but three have default values that work for a button wired in this manner.
A derived class, ToggleCapButton, implements button objects that need only "push-on, push-off" functionality.
Tested on an AZ-Delivery ESP-32 DevKitC.
The following example sketches are included with the CapButton library:
- SimpleOnOff: Just turns the Arduino's pin 1 LED on and off.
- LongPress: Demonstrates detecting long and short button presses.
- UpDown: Counts up or down, one number at a time or rapidly by holding the button down.
- Toggle: Demonstrates ToggleButton functionality.
The constructor defines a capacitiove button object.
Button(pin, dbTime, thHold, invert);
pin: Arduino pin number that the capacitive button is connected to (byte)
dbTime: Debounce time in milliseconds. Defaults to 25ms if not given. (unsigned long)
thHold: Threshold to detect a pushed button. Defaults to 50. (byte)
invert: false interprets a high logic level to mean the button is pressed, true interprets a low level as pressed. true should be used when a pull-up resistor is employed, false for a pull-down resistor. Defaults to true if not given. (bool)
// capbutton connected to pin 13, 25ms debounce, threshold 50, logic inverted
CapButton myCapButton(13);
// same as above but this button needs a longer debounce time (50ms)
CapButton myCapButton(13, 50);
// a capbutton wired to pin 14, threshold set to 25 and inverted logic
CapButton myCapButton(14, 25, 30, false);
The constructor defines a capacitive toggle button object, which has "push-on, push-off" functionality. The initial state can be on or off. See the section, ToggleButton Library Functions for functions that apply specifically to the ToggleCapButton object. The ToggleCapButton class is derived from the CapButton class, so all CapButton functions are available, but because it is inherently a more limited concept, the special ToggleCapButton functions will be most useful, along with begin()
and read()
ToggleCapButton(pin, initialState, dbTime, thHold, invert);
pin: Arduino pin number that the capacitive button is connected to (byte)
initialState: Initial state for the button. Defaults to off (false) if not given. (bool)
dbTime: Debounce time in milliseconds. Defaults to 25ms if not given. (unsigned long)
thHold: Threshold to detect a pushed button. Defaults to 50. (int)
invert: false interprets a high logic level to mean the button is pressed, true interprets a low level as pressed. true should be used when a pull-up resistor is employed, false for a pull-down resistor. Defaults to true if not given. (bool)
// capbutton connected pin 13, initial state off,
// 25ms debounce, theshold 50, logic inverted
ToggleCapButton myCapToggle(13);
// same as above but this capbutton is initially "on" and also
// needs a longer debounce time (50ms).
ToggleCapButton myCapToggle(13, true, 50);
// a capbutton wired to pin 14, threshold set to 25 and inverted logic
// initial state is off.
Button myButton(4, false, 25, 25, false);
Initializes the Button object and the pin it is connected to.
Reads the button and returns a boolean value (true or false) to indicate whether the button is pressed. The read() function needs to execute very frequently in order for the sketch to be responsive. A good place for read() is at the top of loop(). Often, the return value from read() will not be needed if the other functions below are used.;
true if the button is pressed, else false (bool);
These functions check the button state from the last call to read()
and return false or true accordingly. These functions do not cause the button to be read.
true or false, depending on whether the button has been pressed (released) or not (bool)
if ( myCapButton.isPressed() )
//do something
//do something else
These functions check the button state to see if it changed between the last two calls to read()
and return false or true accordingly. These functions do not cause the button to be read. Note that these functions may be more useful than isPressed()
and isReleased()
since they actually detect a change in the state of the button, which is usually what we want in order to cause some action.
true or false, depending on whether the button was pressed (released) or not (boolean)
if ( myCapButton.wasPressed() )
//do something
These functions check to see if the button is pressed (or released), and has been in that state for the specified time in milliseconds. Returns false or true accordingly. These functions are useful to detect "long presses". Note that these functions do not cause the button to be read.
ms: The number of milliseconds (unsigned long)
true or false, depending on whether the button was pressed (released) for the specified time (bool)
if ( myCapButton.pressedFor(1000) )
// button has been pressed for one second
Under certain circumstances, it may be useful to know when a button last changed state. lastChange()
returns the time the button last changed state, in milliseconds (the value is derived from the Arduino millis() function).
The time in milliseconds when the button last changed state (unsigned long)
unsigned long msLastChange = myCapButton.lastChange();
Returns a boolean value (true or false) to indicate whether the toggle button changed state the last time read()
was called.
true if the toggle state changed, else false (bool)
if (myCapToggle.changed())
// do something
// do something different
Returns a boolean value (true or false) to indicate the toggle button state as of the last time read()
was called.
true if the toggle is "on", else false (bool)
if (myCapToggle.toggleState())
// do something
// do something different