This repository contains the materials for D-Lab [WorkshopName] workshop.
No prior experience in either Git or GitHub is necessary.
In this workshop, we provide an short introduction to GitHub Desktop.
After this workshop, you will be able to:
- Understand why we use version control and GitHub
- Learn basic terms used in GitHub, such as clone, commit, push, pull, and merge
- Learn how to clone repositories, make changes, and update changes on local and remote repositories
- Handle branches and resolve merge conflicts
We will use GitHub to go through the workshop materials, which requires installation of GitHub Desktop. Complete the following steps:
- Make a GitHub account.
- Download and install GitHub Desktop
- Download these workshop materials:
- Click the green "Code" button in the top right of the repository information.
- Click "Download Zip".
- Extract this file to a folder on your computer where you can easily access it (we recommend Desktop).
Check out the following resources to learn more about [Workshop topics]:
D-Lab works with Berkeley faculty, research staff, and students to advance data-intensive social science and humanities research. Our goal at D-Lab is to provide practical training, staff support, resources, and space to enable you to use R for your own research applications. Our services cater to all skill levels and no programming, statistical, or computer science backgrounds are necessary. We offer these services in the form of workshops, one-to-one consulting, and working groups that cover a variety of research topics, digital tools, and programming languages.
Visit the D-Lab homepage to learn more about us. You can view our calendar for upcoming events, learn about how to utilize our consulting and data services, and check out upcoming workshops.
Leah Lee