This puppet module manages etcd. It currently uses the operating system's package manager to install the required software. Repo management is not supported. Only tested on etcd v3 api.
A simple include should cover most use-cases.
include etcd
Alternatively, the etcd class accepts following parameters:
class {'etcd':
package_names => ['etcd'],
config => {
'name' => $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
'data-dir' => '/var/lib/etcd',
}, # Set empty to not manage config
config_dir => '/etc/etcd',
config_file => 'config.yaml',
manage_config_dir => true,
purge_config_dir => true,
manage_service => true,
service_name => 'etcd',
See for more information. These params can of course also be overwritten using Hiera.