The way you will want to create Chat and Canvas Apps for SberSalute. Use the power of generator based scripts and simple interface of the framework. Based on SmartApp API
The framework is published in NPM, thus you can simply install it into your existing
$: npm install dialute
The preferred way to initialize the project is to clone needed template and immediately start development.
$: git clone
# or simply
$: npx degit dikower/dialute-starter-svelte
Dialute uses Express behind to handle requests from SmartMarket. Thanks to the framework, you can skip all boring and routine stuff about parsing request bodies and managing sessions of users and focus on logic and dialog creation using JavaScript Generators. If you are using example or template and familiar with ngrok, just run
# Shell №1
$: npm run dev
# Shell №2
$: ngrok http 8000
The generator represents a dialog. When a user sends a message it triggers the update of SberRequest object, that is passed to the generator as reference. That's why you can easily read the updated message from the same variable. On the other hand, yield will return the content, you pass to user, and then will wait until next message to continue executing script. The generator saves context inside, so it helps us to construct state dependent dialog using just plain JavaScript or TypeScript
Import the framework starter and SberRequest for type annotation
import { Dialute, SberRequest } from 'dialute';
Write a generator, that describes the dialog. It must have one required argument: SberRequest and one optional argument Context, you can
// You can use any name for generator you want // r: this is a ref for SberRequest, it will be updated after each user message // ctx: Optional argument for advanced techniques, you can skip it for now // function* script(r: SberRequest, ctx: any) { function* script(r: SberRequest) { // Also possible while (true) { // send the message to user yield 'Hello world from Dialute!'; // yield r.msg // This will make echo-bot, that repeats user input } }
Set the entrypoint of dialog and start the server
// Creates ready to start server from generator const d = Dialute.fromEntrypoint(script as GeneratorFunction); // Starts listening for requests from SmartMarket d.start();
Use nodemon in package.json scripts to enable hot reload
"scripts": { "dev": "nodemon --exec npx ts-node src/index.ts", }
Run ngrok tunnel on port 8000. Paste https link into Webhook field in SmartApp settings.
$: ngrok http 8000
The whole code can be found inside example directory
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