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dmetivie committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent ca79999 commit 7b06d69
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 28 deletions.
151 changes: 123 additions & 28 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
using ExpectationMaximization
using Distributions
using Distributions: params
using Test
using Random

using StableRNGs, Random

@testset "Univariate continuous Mixture Exponential + Gamma" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
θ₁ = 10
θ₂ = 5
α = 0.8
β = 0.6
rtol = 6e-2
mix_true = MixtureModel([Exponential(θ₁), Gamma(α, θ₂)], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)
mix_guess = MixtureModel([Exponential(1), Gamma(0.5, 1)], [0.5, 1 - 0.5])
mix_mle =
fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display=:none, atol=1e-3, robust=false, infos=false)
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ using Random
@test isapprox([β, 1 - β], probs(mix_mle); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₁, p[1]...; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=2rtol) # harder to get high accuracy here apparently

# Test rtol
mix_mle2 =
Expand All @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ using Random
@test isapprox([β, 1 - β], probs(mix_mle2); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₁, p[1]...; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=2rtol) # harder to get high accuracy here apparently

@testset "Stochastic EM Univariate continuous Mixture Exponential + Laplace" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
θ₁ = 10
θ₂ = 0.8
Expand All @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ end
μ = -1
rtol = 7e-2
mix_true = MixtureModel([Laplace(μ, θ₁), Normal(α, θ₂)], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)
mix_guess = MixtureModel([Laplace(1), Normal(0.5, 1)], [0.5, 1 - 0.5])
mix_mle = fit_mle(
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ end
p = params(mix_mle)[1]
@test isapprox([β, 1 - β], probs(mix_mle); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₁, p[1][2]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(μ, p[1][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(μ, p[1][1]; rtol=0.1)
@test isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=rtol)

Expand All @@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ end
p = params(mix_mle2)[1]
@test isapprox([β, 1 - β], probs(mix_mle2); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₁, p[1][2]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(μ, p[1][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(μ, p[1][1]; rtol=0.1)
@test isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol=rtol)

@testset "Multivariate Gaussian Mixture" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
rtol = 5e-2
θ₁ = [-1, 1]
Expand All @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ end
mix_true = MixtureModel([D₁, D₂], [β, 1 - β])

# Generate samples from the true distribution
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)

# Initial Condition
D₁guess = MvNormal([0.2, 1], [1 0.6; 0.6 1])
Expand All @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ end

# Bernoulli Mixture i.e. Mixture of Bernoulli Product (S = 10 term and K = 3 mixture components).
@testset "Multivariate Product Bernoulli Mixture" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
rtol = 5e-2

Expand All @@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ end

# Generate samples from the true distribution
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)

# Initial Condition
# Initial Condition -> currently generate `Product` distributions depreacated
mix_guess = MixtureModel(
[product_distribution(Bernoulli.(2θ[:, i] / 3)) for i = 1:K],
[0.25, 0.55, 0.2],
Expand All @@ -154,10 +154,24 @@ end
p = params(mix_mle)[1]
@test isapprox([β / 2, 1 - β, β / 2], probs(mix_mle); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(first.(hcat(p...)), θ, rtol=rtol)

# Initial Condition -> generate Distributions.ProductDistribution (only `...` difference)
mix_guess = MixtureModel(
[product_distribution(Bernoulli.(2θ[:, i] / 3)...) for i = 1:K],
[0.25, 0.55, 0.2],

# Fit MLE
mix_mle =
fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display=:none, atol=1e-3, robust=false, infos=false)

p = params(mix_mle)[1]
@test isapprox([β / 2, 1 - β, β / 2], probs(mix_mle); rtol=rtol)
@test isapprox(hcat([first.([pp...]) for pp in p]...), θ, rtol=rtol)

@testset "Univariate continuous Mixture of (mixture + Normal)" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
θ₁ = -5
θ₂ = 2
Expand All @@ -173,7 +187,7 @@ end
d1 = MixtureModel([Normal(θ₁, σ₁), Normal(θ₂, σ₂)], [α, 1 - α])
d2 = Normal(θ₀, σ₀)
mix_true = MixtureModel([d1, d2], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)

# We choose initial guess very close to the true solution just to show the EM algorithm convergence.
# This particular choice of mixture of mixture Gaussian with another Gaussian is non identifiable hence we execpt other solution far away from the true solution
Expand All @@ -186,7 +200,7 @@ end
mix_guess = MixtureModel([d1_guess, d2_guess], [β + 0.1, 1 - β - 0.1])
mix_mle =
fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display=:none, atol=1e-3, robust=false, infos=false)
y_guess = rand(mix_mle, N)
y_guess = rand(rng, mix_mle, N)

@test probs(mix_mle) [β, 1 - β] rtol = rtol
p = params(mix_mle)[1]
Expand All @@ -200,7 +214,7 @@ end

@testset "Univariate continuous Mixture of (Laplace + Normal)" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
θ₁ = -2
θ₂ = 2
Expand All @@ -209,17 +223,15 @@ end
θ₀ = 0.1
σ₀ = 0.2

α = 1 / 2
β = 0.5
α = 1 / 4
β = 0.3

rtol = 5e-2 #
d1 = MixtureModel([Normal(θ₁, σ₁), Laplace(θ₂, σ₂)], [α, 1 - α])
d2 = Normal(θ₀, σ₀)
mix_true = MixtureModel([d1, d2], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(mix_true, N)
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)

# We choose initial guess very close to the true solution just to show the EM algorithm convergence.
# This particular choice of mixture of mixture Gaussian with another Gaussian is non identifiable hence we execpt other solution far away from the true solution
d1_guess = MixtureModel(
[Normal(θ₁ - 4, σ₁ + 2), Laplace(θ₂ + 2, σ₂ - 1)],
+ 0.1, 1 - α - 0.1],
Expand All @@ -232,7 +244,7 @@ end
# without print
# 1.368 s (17002715 allocations: 1.48 GiB)
# 1.485 s (17853393 allocations: 1.61 GiB)
y_guess = rand(mix_mle, N)
y_guess = rand(rng, mix_mle, N)

@test probs(mix_mle) [β, 1 - β] rtol = rtol
p = params(mix_mle)[1]
Expand All @@ -245,18 +257,101 @@ end
@test σ₀ p[2][2] rtol = rtol

@testset "Univariate discrete Mixture of Mixture (Poisson + Geom)" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
N = 50_000
θ₁ = 5
θ₂ = 1/2
σ₁ = 10
σ₂ = 1/5

α = 1 / 4
β = 0.3

rtol = 8e-2 #
d1 = MixtureModel([Poisson(θ₁), Geometric(θ₂)], [α, 1 - α])
d2 = MixtureModel([Poisson(σ₁), Geometric(σ₂)], [α, 1 - α])
mix_true = MixtureModel([d1, d2], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(rng, mix_true, N)

d1_guess = MixtureModel(
[Poisson(θ₁+2), Geometric(θ₂+0.2)],
+ 0.15, 1 - α - 0.15],
d2_guess = MixtureModel(
[Poisson(σ₁+2), Geometric(σ₂+0.2)],
+ 0.15, 1 - α - 0.15],

mix_guess = MixtureModel([d1_guess, d2_guess], [β + 0.1, 1 - β - 0.1])

for meth in [ClassicEM(), StochasticEM(rng)]
mix_mle, hist =
fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display=:none, atol = 2e-4, robust=true, infos=true, method = meth, maxiter = 100_000)

@test hist["converged"]
#note: atol seems more appropiate for [0,1] numbers
@test probs(mix_mle)[1] β atol = rtol
p = params(mix_mle)[1]
@test p[1][2][1] α atol = rtol
@test p[2][2][1] α atol = rtol

@test θ₁ p[1][1][1][1] rtol = rtol
@test θ₂ p[1][1][2][1] atol = rtol
@test σ₁ p[2][1][1][1] rtol = rtol
@test σ₂ p[2][1][2][1] atol = rtol

@testset "Most likely category identification" begin
rng = StableRNG(123)
m = MixtureModel([Normal(), Laplace(2)], [0.2, 0.8])
α = probs(m)
dists = components(m)
N = 1000
z = zeros(Int, N)
y = zeros(N)
for i = 1:N
z[i] = rand(Categorical(α))
y[i] = rand(dists[z[i]])
z[i] = rand(rng, Categorical(α))
y[i] = rand(rng, dists[z[i]])
= predict(m, y)
@test count(ẑ .== z) / N > 0.85

@testset "LatentClassAnalysis.jl like test i.e. Mixture of Product Distribution of Categorical" begin
rng = StableRNG(12)

n_samples = 10000 # Increased sample size
n_categoriesⱼ = [4, 2, 3, 5] # number of possible values for each element depending on the col
n_items = length(n_categoriesⱼ) # number of cols
n_classes = 3 # latent class / hidden state

# `Dirichlet` distribution generate random proba vector i.e. sum = 1
prob_jck = [rand(rng, Dirichlet(ones(n_categoriesⱼ[j])), n_classes) for j in 1:n_items]

prob_class = rand(rng, Dirichlet(ones(n_classes)))

dist_true = MixtureModel([product_distribution([Categorical(prob_jck[j][:,k]) for j in 1:n_items]) for k in 1:n_classes], prob_class)
data_with_mix = rand(rng, dist_true, n_samples)

prob_jck_guess = [rand(rng, Dirichlet(ones(n_categoriesⱼ[j])), n_classes) for j in 1:n_items]
prob_class_guess = prob_class + 0.02*(rand(rng, Dirichlet(ones(n_classes))) .- 1/n_classes) #

dist_ini = MixtureModel([product_distribution([Categorical(prob_jck_guess[j][:,k]) for j in 1:n_items]) for k in 1:n_classes], prob_class_guess)

dist_fit = fit_mle(dist_ini, data_with_mix, atol=1e-5, maxiter=10000) #

# with this seed indices of latent classes get inverted hence the reorder
kk = [1,3,2]
@test probs(dist_fit)[kk] probs(dist_true) rtol=1e2
for k in 1:n_classes
@test all(isapprox.(probs.(components(dist_fit)[kk[k]].v), probs.(components(dist_true)[k].v), atol = 10e-2))

dist_fit = fit_mle(dist_ini, data_with_mix, atol=1e-3, maxiter=100, method = StochasticEM(rng)) # just to check it runs
# @btime ExpectationMaximization.fit_mle(dist_ini, $(data_with_mix), atol=1e-3, maxiter=1000)
# 1.159 s (33147640 allocations: 1.73 GiB) # before @views
# 862.141 ms (27640 allocations: 254.45 MiB) # after some @views in Estep
# @profview [ExpectationMaximization.fit_mle(dist_ini, (data_with_mix), atol=1e-3, maxiter=1000) for i in 1:10]

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