Merchants have many payment transactions of different types.
Transaction Types:
- Authorize transaction - has amount and used to hold customer's amount
- Charge transaction - has amount and used to confirm the amount is taken from the customer's account and transferred to the merchant
- The merchant's total transactions amount has to be the sum of the approved Charge transactions
- Refund transaction - has amount and used to reverse a specific amount (whole amount) of the Charge Transaction and return it to the customer
- Transitions the Charge transaction to status refunded
- The approved Refund transactions will decrease the merchant's total transaction amount
- Reversal transaction - has no amount, used to invalidate the Authorize Transaction
- Transitions the Authorize transaction to status reversed
Goal is to propose an API to create transactions.
=> transations#create
- :amount
- :type # one of (authorized charged refunded)
- :transaction_id # for charged and refunded transaction types
- run app:
docker-compose up app
- run tests:
docker-compose run test rspec
- run rails console:
docker-compose run app rails c