System Design project for System Design course
- post publishing from traveling with photos, small description and location
- post reactions and commenting
- subscribing and notifications
- sight search and posts bind to them
- feed with other traveler posts
- Reliability
- Usability (out of this system design scope)
- Availability (99.95% uptime)
- Scalability
- Linear users grow
- CIS geo region, still huge geo-distribution
- DAU: 10^7 unique users
- Concurrent connections ratio: 0.1
- < 1s average latency for main ops
- peak to average ratio (due to daily phases and seasonality): 10:1
- average post publishing count per day: 1
- 2 images per post in average
- average post reactions per user per day: 10
- average feed reads count per day: 10
- average posts in feed per read: 15
- average post reactions per user per day: 10
- average reaction count per post: 10
- average comments write count per user per day: 5
- average comments reading count per user per day: 10
- average comments batch size per read: 15
- average images per comment: 1
- Posts:
- assumptions:
- average post publishing count per day: 1
- average 2 images per post
- average feed reads count per day: 10
- average posts in feed per read: 15
- request size (~2.5 KB metadata + ~1.5 MB images):
- write:
userId: 16 B (uuid)comes with auth- text: 2 KB (~1000 chars)
- location: 48 B (PostGIS Geometry/Geography)
- images: 2 * 750 KB = 1.5 MB (blob storage)
- read/feed per post (~2 KB metadata + ~1.5 MB images):
- userId: 8 B
- postId: 8 B
- text: 2 KB
- location: 48 B
- createdAt: 8 B
- images: 2 * 0.75 MB ~ 1.5 MB
- write:
- api/traffic:
- write
- RPS: 1e7 * 1 / 86400 ~ 116
- peak RPS (100:1 ratio): 116 * 10 = 1160
- traffic:
- images: 116 * 1.5 MB = 174 MB/s
- metadata: 116 * 2.5 KB = 290 KB/s
- peak traffic:
- images: 17.4 GB/s
- metadata: 29 MB/s
- read/feed:
- RPS: 1e7 * 10 / 86400 = 1 157
- peak RPS: 1157 * 10 = 11570
- traffic:
- images: 1157 * 1.5 MB * 15 = 26.041 GB/s
- metadata: 1157 * 2.5 KB * 15 = 43.4 MB/s
- peak traffic:
- images: 26.041 GB/s * 10 ~ 260.41 GB/s
- metadata: 43.4 MB/s * 10 ~ 434 MB/s
- write
- storage:
- images:
- capacity per year: 174 MB/s * 86400 * 365 ~ 5 487 GB
- Storage options:
- SSD NVMe 16 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 5487.00 TB / 16 TB = 343 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 10000 IOPS = 2 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 278.00 GB/s / 3 GB/s = 93 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(343, 2, 93) = 343 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 343 * 3 + 15% = 1183 disks
- Disks by Capacity: 5487.00 TB / 16 TB = 343 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 1000 IOPS = 13 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 278.00 GB/s / 0.5 GB/s = 556 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(343, 13, 556) = 556 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 556 * 3 + 15% = 1918 disks
- HDD 2 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 5487.00 TB / 2 TB = 2744 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 100 IOPS = 128 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 278.00 GB/s / 0.1 GB/s = 2780 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(2744, 128, 2780) = 2780 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 2780 * 3 + 15% = 9591 disks
- SSD NVMe 16 TB:
- Total Disks with Replication:
- SSD SATA 16 TB: 1918
- Hosts calculation (includes replication): 1 host 2 disks
- total: 1918 / 2 ~ 959
- metadata:
- capacity per year: 290 KB/s * 86400 * 365 ~ 9.145 TB
- Storage options:
- SSD NVMe 8 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 9.14 TB / 8 TB = 2 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 10000 IOPS = 2 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.46 GB/s / 3 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(2, 2, 1) = 2 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 2 * 3 + 15% = 7 disks
- Disks by Capacity: 9.14 TB / 1 TB = 10 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 1000 IOPS = 13 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.46 GB/s / 0.5 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(10, 13, 1) = 13 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 13 * 3 + 15% = 45 disks
- HDD:
- Disks by Capacity: 9.14 TB / 1 TB = 10 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 12740 IOPS / 100 IOPS = 128 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.46 GB/s / 0.1 GB/s = 5 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(10, 128, 5) = 128 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 128 * 3 + 15% = 442 disks
- Total Disks with Replication:
- SSD NVMe 8 TB: 7
- Hosts calculation (includes replication): 1 host 2 disks
- total: 7 / 2 ~ 4
- SSD NVMe 8 TB:
- images:
- assumptions:
- Reactions:
- assumptions:
- average post reactions per user per day: 10
- average reaction count per post: 10
- request size:
- write ~ 100 B:
userId: 16 Bcomes with auth- postId: 16 B
- reactionType: 8 B
- read ~ 100 B:
- userId: 16 B
- postId: 16 B
- reactionId: 16 B
- reactionType: 8 B
- createdAt: 8 B
- write ~ 100 B:
- api/traffic:
- write:
- RPS: 10e7 * 10 / 86400 ~ 1 157
- peak RPS: 1157 * 10 = 11570
- traffic: 1157 * 100 B ~ 115.7 KB/s
- peak traffic: ~ 1.157 MB/s
- read:
- RPS: 10e7 * 10 / 86400 ~ 1 157 (10 - feed reads count, since reactions are fetched in batch for entire feed)
- peak RPS: 1157 * 10 = 11570
- traffic: 1157 * 100 B * 15 * 10 ~ 17.355 MB/s
- peak traffic: ~ 173.6 MB/s
- write:
- storage:
- capacity per year: 115.7 KB/s * 86400 * 365 ~ 3.65 TB
- Storage options:
- SSD NVMe 1 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 3.65 TB / 1 TB = 4 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 23140 IOPS / 10000 IOPS = 3 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.17 GB/s / 3 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(4, 3, 1) = 4 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 4 * 3 + 15% = 14 disks
- Disks by Capacity: 3.65 TB / 1 TB = 4 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 23140 IOPS / 1000 IOPS = 24 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.17 GB/s / 0.5 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(4, 24, 1) = 24 disks
- HDD 1 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 3.65 TB / 1 TB = 4 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 23140 IOPS / 100 IOPS = 232 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.17 GB/s / 0.1 GB/s = 2 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(4, 232, 2) = 232 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 232 * 3 + 15% = 800 disks
- Total Disks with Replication:
- SSD NVMe 1 TB: 14
- Hosts calculation (includes replication): 1 host 2 disks
- total: 14 / 2 ~ 7
- SSD NVMe 1 TB:
- assumptions:
- Comments:
- assumptions:
- average comments write count per user per day: 5
- average comments reading count per user per day: 10
- average comments batch size per read: 15
- average images per comment: 1
- request size:
- write (~0.75 MB images + ~2 KB metadata):
- text: 1 KB (~500 chars)
- postId: 8 B (uuid)
- image: 1 * 750 KB = 0.75 MB (blob storage)
- read per comment (~0.75 MB images + ~2 KB metadata):
- text: 1 KB
- userId: 8 B
- postId: 8 B
- commentId: 8 B
- createdAt: 8 B
- image: 0.75 MB
- write (~0.75 MB images + ~2 KB metadata):
- api/traffic:
- write:
- RPS: 1e7 * 5 / 86400 = 580
- peak RPS: 579.7 * 10 = 5797
- traffic:
- images: 580 * 0.75 MB ~ 435 MB/s
- metadata: 580 * 2 KB/s ~ 1.16 MB/s
- peak traffic:
- images: 435 MB/s * 10 = 4.35 GB/s
- metadata: 1.16 MB/s + 10 = 11.6 MB/s
- read:
- RPS: 1e7 * 10 / 86400 = 1 157
- peak RPS: 1157 * 10 = 11570
- traffic:
- images: 1157 * 0.75 MB * 15 ~ 13.016 GB/s
- metadata: 1157 * 2 KB * 15 ~ 34.71 MB/s
- peak traffic:
- images: 13.016 GB/s * 10 ~ 130.2 GB/s
- metadata: 34.71 MB/s * 10 ~ 347.1 MB/s
- write:
- storage:
- images:
- capacity per year: 435 MB/s * 86400 * 365 ~ 13.718 PB
- Storage options:
- SSD NVMe 24 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 13718.00 TB / 24 TB = 572 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 10000 IOPS = 2 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 134.55 GB/s / 3 GB/s = 45 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(572, 2, 45) = 572 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 572 * 2 + 15% = 1316 disks
- Disks by Capacity: 13718.00 TB / 24 TB = 572 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 1000 IOPS = 18 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 134.55 GB/s / 0.5 GB/s = 270 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(572, 18, 270) = 572 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 572 * 2 + 15% = 1316 disks
- HDD 16 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 13718.00 TB / 16 TB = 858 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 100 IOPS = 174 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 134.55 GB/s / 0.1 GB/s = 1346 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(858, 174, 1346) = 1346 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 1346 * 2 + 15% = 3096 disks
- Total Disks with Replication:
- SSD SATA 24 TB: 1316
- Hosts calculation (includes replication): 1 host 2 disks
- total: 1316 / 2 ~ 658
- SSD NVMe 24 TB:
- metadata:
- capacity per year: 1.16 MB/s * 86400 * 365 ~ 36.582 TB
- Storage options:
- SSD NVMe 8 TB:
- Disks by Capacity: 36.58 TB / 8 TB = 5 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 10000 IOPS = 2 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.36 GB/s / 3 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(5, 2, 1) = 5 disks
- Disks with Replication x3+ 15%: 5 * 3 + 15% = 18 disks
- Disks by Capacity: 36.58 TB / 8 TB = 5 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 1000 IOPS = 18 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.36 GB/s / 0.5 GB/s = 1 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(5, 18, 1) = 18 disks
- Disks with Replication x3 + 15%: 18 * 3 + 15% = 63 disks
- HDD:
- Disks by Capacity: 36.58 TB / 1 TB = 37 disks
- Disks by IOPS: 17367 IOPS / 100 IOPS = 174 disks
- Disks by Throughput: 0.36 GB/s / 0.1 GB/s = 4 disks
- Total Disks (maximum of the above): max(37, 174, 4) = 174 disks
- Disks with Replication + 15%: 174 * 2 + 15% = 601 disks
- Total Disks with Replication:
- SSD NVMe 8 TB: 12: 18
- Hosts calculation (includes replication): 1 host 2 disks
- total: 18 / 2 ~ 9
- SSD NVMe 8 TB:
- images:
- assumptions: