EMS Motion Data Visual Analytics
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Versions: python v3.6.3, D3 v5.9.2, safari v12.1, chrome v73
Report: VAML_Project_Report.pdf
- Download /dashboard-d3 entire directory ONLY (this includes the data in it)
- In terminal navigate into /dashboard-d3 directory
- Execute: python3 -m http.server
- Open either safari or google chrome and clear cache
- In broser navigate to:
- Click and interacte with dashboard
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GitHub: https://github.com/dmscul11/EMS-Prediction
Box for Original Data: https://vanderbilt.app.box.com/folder/66875332205
Python Background Server for D3: python3 -m http.server
Tinker for CNN: /home/scullydm/DoDHandsFree/ (use python3.6, pip3.6): nohup python3.6 combined_NN.py &
- both squares D3 implementation
- final squares and dashboard D3 implementation
- Tree D3 implementation
- Squares D3 implementation
- Squares and Tree combined D3 implementation
Main Code:
***read_processed_data.py = Main function to read in processed data and run ML random forest
visualizations.py = Main function to read in ML output and create visualizations**************
combined_NN.py = Main function to read in processed imputated data and run CNN
--> input from combined-data --> Update params in main() function, lines 165 - 167
Parse and Combine Data Code (Run just once, UNLESS EVENTS TIMING HAS CHANGED OR MORE DATA ADDED):
- imputate_data_small.py (combine_data.py) = Main function to read in processed data and output imputation to small row size and wrap the rest --> input from processed-data --> Update params in main() function, lines 242-248
- imputate_data_large.py (combine_data.py) = Main function to read in processed data and output imputation to max row size --> input from processed-data --> Update params in main() function, lines 242-248
- parse_data_files.py = preprocess raw data and split data into individual csvs by event files info and data collection --> input from raw-data and event-files
Run Once Code:
- combine_data.py = Main function to read in processed data, combine and preprocess data, and run Neural Network
- handheatmap_script_NNData.py = generates csv files from openpose output
- analyze-watchdata-separate-events.py = generate basic plots of apple watch data
- limbs_randomforest.py = run random forest predictor on openpose data
- parse_data_files.py = preprocess and split data into csvs by procedure and data collection
- csv imputated data files of all same size and all data types by experiment, participant, event, trail #, time zeroed out
- input to combined_NN
- output from imputate_data.py combining data type
- generated from processed-data
- csv files of data time specific to experiment, participant, event, trial #, timestamp, data type
- input to imputate_data.py
- output from parse_data_files.py
- generated from raw-data
- csv files of data time specific to experiment, participant, and data type
- generated from SQL pulls (apple watch) or from Box (MYO) or AWS (video and open pose output)
- procedure event details csv files for data for each experiment and participant