- Development Status
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- WEMOS LOLIN32 with OLED Board
- Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V1
Working at this whole thing.
- Use VS Code and PlatformIO
I have no idea how to do this or what they are talking about.
Finally, if you're sure no one else had the issue, it's probably you.
Board name WEMOS LOLIN32.
- OLED Connections:
- DATA 5
- RESET 16
Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V1 – ESP32 with OLED and LORA Board
To program you need to hold button labeled PRG near coil antenna.
- I2C Connections:
- SCL 22
- SDA 21
- OLED Connections:
- CLOCK 15
- DATA 4
- RESET 16
Keep at it.