This repo provides the following services, each of which is stored in a sub-directory
- API - Python based FastAPI back-end
- Tasks - RQ task/job service for batch operations and data processing
- Terminal - Provides an interface to allow manipulation of the inside of a docker container via a web interface over a websocket
- DMC (Domain Model Controller) - Apache Airflow based system for running models and collecting results and artifacts
- UI - React interface that ties the system together
The following services are also required:
The services can be run on a single server, or can be deploy in a distributed fashion.
For convenient testing and development, the entire stack runs via Docker and comes with a make file which will compile the various services in to a single docker-compose stack and ensure that your requirements are all up-to-date.
Please review the targets in the Makefile for further information.
- Clone repo
- Run
$ make init
to ensure environment is properly configured - Add your secrets to the file
- Create a (Dockerhub)[] account, if needed.
- Have properly restricted AWS keys, scoped to this project, handy. Or request on Jataware's Slack.
- envfile secrets updates:
-- NOTE: For local development or testing you should rarely, if ever, need to change any of the host names or ports. You should really only need to set the variables that are wrapped in ${...}
- Run
$ make up
to build and bring online all services - Setup is complete
To start all services: $ make up
To stop all services: $ make down
To view logs: $ make logs
or $ docker-compose logs {service-name}
- Dojo UI: http://localhost:8080/
- Dojo API: http://localhost:8000/
- Terminal API: http://localhost:3000/
- Elasticsearch: http://localhost:9200/
- Redis: http://localhost:6379/
- DMC (Airflow): http://localhost:8090/