◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜ Welcome to Skywalker Chatbot! Skywalker is here to help you manage your tasks efficiently, keeping you on top of your to-do list with an easy-to-use interface. With its fun personality, Skywalker makes task management interactive and engaging. (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡
- Add tasks: Supports various types of tasks (ToDos, Events, and Deadlines).
- List tasks: Displays all current tasks in your list.
- Mark tasks: Mark tasks as done or undone.
- Find tasks: Search for tasks by keyword.
- Delete tasks: Remove tasks from your list.
- Error Handling: Handles common errors with user-friendly messages.
Here are the main commands you can use with Skywalker:
1. todo [task description]
Adds a ToDo task.
todo Read book
2. deadline [task] /by [date] Adds a task with a deadline. **note: time format in YYYY-MM_DD
Example: deadline Submit assignment /by 2024-09-30
3. event [task] /from [start] /to [end] Adds an event with a start and end date. **note: time format in YYYY-MM_DD'T'TIME
event Project meeting /from 2024-09-15T1400 /to 2024-09-15T1600
4. list
Displays all tasks in your task list.
5. mark [task number] Marks the specified task as done. Example: mark 2
6. unmark [task number] Marks the specified task as undone. Example: unmark 2
7. delete [task number] Deletes the specified task. Example: delete 3
8. bye Exits the application.
make use of java -jar Duke.jar to run.