Patch build/development instructions are available below.
The current patches are only compatible with Nook system software 1.2.0 and 1.1.5 (Glowtouch original firmware).
create a new "nookmods" folder
download and unzip patch.exe to the "nookmods" folder
download and extract 7za.exe to the "nookmods" folder
download and save the following files to the nookmods folder: baksmali, smali
Download and save the appropriate patches to the nookmods folder.
For system 1.2.0 and 1.2.1, use android.policy.patch and services.patch
For system 1.1.5, use android.policy.patch and services.patch
cd nookmods
adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar android.policy.orig.jar
java -jar baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o android.policy android.policy.orig.jar
patch -p1 < android.policy.patch
7za.exe e android.policy.orig.jar -oandroid.policy-bin
java -jar smali-1.4.0.jar -o android.policy-bin\classes.dex android.policy
cd android.policy-bin
..\7za.exe a -mx9 -tzip ..\android.policy.jar *
cd ..
adb pull /system/framework/services.jar services.orig.jar
java -jar baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o services services.orig.jar
patch -p1 < services.patch
7za.exe e services.orig.jar -oservices-bin
java -jar smali-1.4.0.jar -o services-bin\classes.dex services
cd services-bin
..\7za.exe a -mx9 -tzip ..\services.jar *
cd ..
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push android.policy.jar /system/framework/
adb push services.jar /system/framework/
adb reboot
After your nook reboots, you can install the Nook Touch Mod Manager to configure the mods.
D:\>cd nookmod
Volume in drive D has no label.
Directory of D:\nookmod
11/14/2012 01:07 AM <DIR> .
11/14/2012 01:07 AM <DIR> ..
11/18/2010 11:27 AM 587,776 7za.exe
11/14/2012 12:38 AM 9,192 android.policy.patch
11/05/2012 10:20 AM 524,051 baksmali-1.4.0.jar
06/04/2010 12:48 PM 176,128 patch.exe
11/14/2012 12:38 AM 57,910 services.patch
11/05/2012 10:21 AM 693,227 smali-1.4.0.jar
7 File(s) 3,168,844 bytes
2 Dir(s) 45,238,874,112 bytes free
D:\nookmod>adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar android.policy.orig.jar
D:\nookmod>java -jar baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o android.policy android.policy.orig.jar
D:\nookmod>patch -p1 < android.policy.patch
patching file android.policy/com/android/internal/policy/impl/LockScreen.smali
patching file android.policy/com/android/internal/policy/impl/ModUtils.smali
patching file android.policy/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.smali
D:\nookmod>7za.exe e android.policy.orig.jar -oandroid.policy-bin
7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
Processing archive: android.policy.orig.jar
Extracting META-INF
Extracting classes.dex
Everything is Ok
Folders: 1
Files: 2
Size: 176807
Compressed: 82207
D:\nookmod>java -jar smali-1.4.0.jar -o android.policy-bin\classes.dex android.policy
D:\nookmod>cd android.policy-bin
D:\nookmod\android.policy-bin>..\7za.exe a -mx9 -tzip ..\android.policy.jar *
7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
Updating archive ..\android.policy.jar
Compressing classes.dex
Compressing MANIFEST.MF
Everything is Ok
D:\nookmod\android.policy-bin>cd ..
D:\nookmod>adb pull /system/framework/services.jar services.orig.jar
error: device not found
D:\nookmod>java -jar baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o services services.orig.jar
D:\nookmod>patch -p1 < services.patch
patching file services/com/android/server/status/BNGossamerQuickNavbar.smali
patching file services/com/android/server/status/ModUtils$1.smali
patching file services/com/android/server/status/ModUtils.smali
patching file services/com/android/server/status/StatusBarService.smali
D:\nookmod>7za.exe e services.orig.jar -oservices-bin
7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
Processing archive: services.orig.jar
Extracting META-INF
Extracting classes.dex
Everything is Ok
Folders: 1
Files: 2
Size: 1111087
Compressed: 515208
D:\nookmod>java -jar smali-1.4.0.jar -o services-bin\classes.dex services
D:\nookmod>cd services-bin
D:\nookmod\services-bin>..\7za.exe a -mx9 -tzip ..\services.jar *
7-Zip (A) 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18
Updating archive ..\services.jar
Compressing classes.dex
Compressing MANIFEST.MF
Everything is Ok
D:\nookmod\services-bin>cd ..
Volume in drive D has no label.
Directory of D:\nookmod
11/14/2012 01:12 AM <DIR> .
11/14/2012 01:12 AM <DIR> ..
11/18/2010 11:27 AM 587,776 7za.exe
11/14/2012 01:08 AM 523,145 android-policy.jar
11/14/2012 01:07 AM <DIR> android.policy
11/14/2012 01:08 AM <DIR> android.policy-bin
11/14/2012 01:12 AM 81,793 android.policy.jar
10/13/2010 01:29 PM 82,207 android.policy.orig.jar
11/14/2012 12:38 AM 9,192 android.policy.patch
11/05/2012 10:20 AM 524,051 baksmali-1.4.0.jar
06/04/2010 12:48 PM 176,128 patch.exe
11/14/2012 01:08 AM <DIR> services
11/14/2012 01:08 AM <DIR> services-bin
11/14/2012 01:12 AM 523,145 services.jar
10/13/2010 01:29 PM 515,208 services.orig.jar
11/14/2012 12:38 AM 57,910 services.patch
11/05/2012 10:21 AM 693,227 smali-1.4.0.jar
11 File(s) 3,773,782 bytes
6 Dir(s) 45,228,691,456 bytes free
To develop and test patches, you'll need to import the project into eclipse and configure and external build command to build the jars and copy them to your nook. You should also install msysGit to manage revisions of your smali patches.
File | Import
Git | Projects from Git
Branch Selection: check master
Destination: Leave defaults or set custom path
Use the New Project wizard
Android | Android Project from Existing Code
Root Directory: Browse to folder you specified for the destination
download and extract 7za.exe to the "build\bin" folder
download and save the the following files to the "build\bin" folder: baksmali, smali, unix2dos
Export VER to match the platform you're targetting (1.2.0 or 1.1.5)
set VER=1.2.0
cd build
adb pull /system/framework/android.policy.jar jar/%VER%/android.policy.orig.jar
bin\7za.exe e -ojar\%VER%\android.policy jar\%VER%\android.policy.orig.jar
java -jar bin\baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o smali/%VER%/android.policy jar/%VER%/android.policy.orig.jar
cd smali\%VER%\android.policy
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git tag -a base -m "Original source"
..\..\..\bin\patch -p2 < ..\..\..\..\patches\%VER%\android.policy.patch
git add *
cd ..\..\..
adb pull /system/framework/services.jar jar/%VER%/services.orig.jar
bin\7za.exe e -ojar\%VER%\services jar\%VER%\services.orig.jar
java -jar bin\baksmali-1.4.0.jar -o smali/%VER%/services jar/%VER%/services.orig.jar
cd smali\%VER%\services
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git tag -a base -m "Original source"
..\..\..\bin\patch -p2 < ..\..\..\..\patches\%VER%\services.patch
git add *
cd ..\..\..
From the Eclipse menu, select Project | Properties
From the tree on the left, select Builders, click New and select Program
Name: BuildJars
Location: Click Browse Workspace, select builder.bat in your "build" folder
Working Directory: Click Browse Workspace, select your "build" folder
Arguments: The system version you are targeting (ex 1.2.0 or 1.1.5).
Build options: Run the builder: During manual builds
Check Specify working set of relavent resources and click the Specify Resources button
Check the "src" directory and the "build\smali" directory under the NookTouchPatches project
From the menu, select Windows | Preferences
From the tree, choose Android | Build
uncheck "Skip packaging and dexing until export or launch. (Speeds up automatic builds on file save)"
From the Eclipse menu, select Run | Run Configurations
Right click Android Application and choose "New"
Name: NookTouchPatches
Project: click browse, select NookTouchPatches
Launch Action: Do Nothing
You can now edit the files in eclipse, as well as the smali files in build\smali<version>. When you're ready to try out your patches, click the run button. The jars will automatically be built and copied to you nook and android will be restarted to use the new packages.