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Nish Anil edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 3 revisions

These are candidate features to consider for the roadmap.

API handling

Integration event messaging

  • Azure Event Grid: Implement an additional Event Bus implementation based on Azure Event Grid.

Diagnostics and monitoring

  • Monitoring/Diagnostics of microservices based on Application Insights with custom perfkeys.

  • Semantic log - Semantic logic - Related to the Azure app version and Application Insight usage Monitor what microservices are up/down, etc. related to App Insights, but the events are custom ETW events and "Semantic Application Log" from P&P Multiple implementations for the storage of the events, Azure Diagnostics, Elastic Search. Using EventSource base class, etc.

  • Create a new "ServerProblemDetails" response that conforms with RFC 7807, check issue #602 for details.



  • Encrypt secrets at configuration files (like in docker-compose.yml). Multiple possibilities, Azure Key Vault or using simple Certificates at container level, Consul, etc.

  • Other "secure-code" practices

  • Encrypt communication with SSL (related to the specific cloud infrastructure being used)

  • Implement security best practices about app's secrets (conn-strings, env vars, etc.) (However, this subject depends on the chosen orchestrator...) See when using Swarm:

  • Support "multiple redirect urls" for the STS container based on Identity Server 4, check issue #113.

  • Add social login to MVC and SPA apps, check issue #475 for details.

  • Encrypt sensitive information, such as credit card number, along the ordering process, check issue #407


  • Refactor/Improve Polly's resilient code, check issue #177 for details.

  • Add a Jitter strategy to the Retry policy, check issue #188 for details.

Domain Driven Design

  • Enhance the domain logic for Order Root-Aggregate.

    • Already implemented item stock validation (cancels order when quantity is not enough), but could add additional features, check issue #5.
  • Handle validation results from MediatR's pipeline.


  • Include some guidance on testing in CI/CD pipelines, check issue #549 for details.

  • Create load testing alternative that's not dependent on the about-to-be-deprecated load testing feature of VS Enterprise, see issue #950 for more details.


  • Azure Functions integrated with Azure Event Grid: Additional event-driven Azure Function microservice (i.e. grabbing uploaded images and adding a watermark and putting it into Azure blobs) - The notification would come from Azure Event Grid when any image is uploaded into a BLOB storage.

  • Gracefully stopping or shutting down microservice instances - Implemented as an ASP.NET Core middleware in the ASP.NET Core pipeline. Drain in-flight requests before stopping the microservice/container process.

  • Create a building block to handle Idempotency in a generic way (Issue 143)

  • Implement example of Optimistic Concurrency updates and optimistic concurrency exceptions

  • Nancy: Add a Nancy based microservice, also with DocDB, etc.

  • Support other DataProtection providers such as AspNetCore.DataProtection.ServiceFabric

  • In the Windows Containers fork, implement and add a simple WCF microservice/container implementing any logic like a simulated legacy Payment Gateway, as an example of "lift and shift" scenario.

  • Consider using Bash instead of PowerShell scripts, check issue #228 for details.

  • Fix naming inconsistency in EventBus projects and namespaces, they should be EventBus.RabbitMQ" and "EventBus.ServiceBus", check issue #943

  • Keep in mind incompatibilities between RabbitMQ and AMQP 1.0 when considering migration. See issue docs # 5672.

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