As a full-stack Python 🐍 developer and researcher, involved and interested in scientific applications, I have extensive knowledge in areas such as Computing, Physics, Electronics, Engineering, and Mathematics. This is part of my T-shaped personality, and I have been using this to build and integrate many solutions everywhere I work. I'm the creator of the Python PyMR framework for programming Magnetic Resonance systems, which incorporates all those concepts.
Formally I’m PhD in Science with an emphasis in Computational Physics. I’m also experient in managing projects and people (8+), creating reports (12+), presenting lectures and courses (8+). I am a creative, investigative, and inventive person, attuned to new technologies and techniques, and open to learning and improving new skills.
I have been working with international teams since 2017. I collaborated closely with the University of Minnesota (professors, students, and researchers) during my doctorate and postdoctoral programs, and with software development teams from Spyder IDE\Quansight (Anaconda) in the open-source community.
I am active in the open-source community as the author, maintainer, and contributor of many tools (HelpDev, InspectExtensions, QDarkStyle, Spyder, QtPy, Sphinx, and others) and always looking for new projects!
I'm also immersed in educational and social causes with volunteer work (Projetando o Futuro - ONG, AFEALC, Empresa Júnior do IFSC/USP).
I have idealized and organized many events during my undergraduate and graduate program, which includes the establishment of the current annual workshop and recruiting fair ‘SIFSC - Semana Integrada do Instituto de Física de São Carlos’ (CPWG/SEMAFIS/SIFSC 1/SIFSC 2) and short courses in Linux/Shell.
In 2022 I was honored be the academic holder of ‘Academia Ferreirense de Artes, Letras e Ciências’, occupant of Chair nº 22 of the perpetual patroness Lilian Aparecida Máscia Braga Ramos, in the city of Porto Ferreira, SP, Brazil.
Maker/DIY enthusiast in my free time.