1. Setup Project Structure (Frontend):
- 1.1. Initialize a new React application.
- 1.2. Setup routing for the different pages in your app (e.g., Dashboard, Create Model, other pages, etc.).
- 1.3. Setup a global state management solution (like Redux or MobX) if necessary.
2. User Authentication (Frontend):
- 2.1. Create UI for user registration and login.
- 2.2. Implement functionality to make GraphQL mutations for user registration and login. done?
- 2.3. Implement client-side session management. done?
3. Data Selection UI (Frontend):
- 3.1. Create a UI component for users to select data for their model.
- 3.2. Store user's data selection in local state.
4. Feature Selection and Creation UI (Frontend):
- 4.1. Create a UI component for users to select or create new features using Python snippets.
- 4.2. Implement a code editor for users to write Python snippets.
- 4.3. Store user's feature selection and created features in local state.
5. Model Selection UI (Frontend):
- 5.1. Create a UI component for users to select a machine learning model for training.
- 5.2. Store user's model selection in local state.
6. Training Session Configuration UI (Frontend):
- 6.1. Create a UI component for users to configure their training session (e.g., device, machine). need small changes.
- 6.2. Store user's training session configuration in local state.
7. Create Training Session (Frontend):
- 7.1. Once the user finishes their setup, generate a JSON configuration from the local state.
- 7.2. Implement functionality to make a GraphQL mutation to start a training session with the JSON configuration.
8. Results Display and Model Export UI (Frontend):
- 8.1. Create a UI component to display training results.
- 8.2. Implement functionality to make a GraphQL query to fetch training results.
- 8.3. Create a UI component for users to export their models.
- 8.4. Implement functionality to make a GraphQL mutation to export models.
9. Setup Testing (Frontend):
- 9.1. Setup a testing framework (like Jest).
- 9.2. Write unit tests for your components.
- 9.3. Write integration tests for your app.
10. Implement Error Handling (Frontend):
- 10.1. Implement error boundary components to catch errors in your React component tree.
- 10.2. Display error messages to users in case of GraphQL errors.
11. Responsive Design and Accessibility (Frontend):
- 11.1. Implement responsive design for various screen sizes.
- 11.2. Make sure your app is accessible to all users (e.g., those with disabilities).
12. Admin Role and Permissions (Frontend):
- 12.1. Implement admin user identification (recognizing an admin user after login).
- 12.2. Hide/Show admin specific features based on the user role.
13. Admin Editable Content (Frontend):
- 13.1. Identify the components that need to be editable by the admin.
- 13.2. Implement edit buttons visible only to the admin on those components.
- 13.3. Store updates from admin edits in local state, and include in the GraphQL mutation when saving.
14. Admin Specific Pages (Frontend):
- 14.1. Create admin specific pages (like 'Users', 'Admin Dashboard').
- 14.2. Add these pages to the sidebar menu, visible only to the admin.
#trello link https://trello.com/b/pnX4LXfx/deeptrade-product-board
#Figma link https://www.figma.com/file/2VP8rCyYAbU7T9bkrX5UD6/Deeptrade-Dashboard?t=EMtk6xay3LdiZypy-0