Maptool is a small tool to generate nethack-style ASCII dungeons. It is a WIP at the moment so expect breaking changes and bugs.
LICENSE: MIT see LICENSE file in this repository.
require 'maptool'
#Default value from CLI
cols = (args[:cols] || 10)
rows = (args[:rows] || 10)
empty_weight = (args[:prob] || 0.02)
precision = (args[:prec] || 2)
precision = 14 if precision > 14
precision = 2 if precision < 2
# cols, rows, empty_weight, and precision are required
mt =, rows, empty_weight, precision, args[:border], args[:verbose], args[:superverbose])!
Usage: ./maptool.rb [options]
-r, --rows=ROWS Dungeon rows (default: 10)
-c, --cols=COLS Dungeon cols (default: 10)
-e, --empty=PROBABILTY Probablility of creating an empty tile (default: 0.02)
-p, --precision=PRECISION Precision used for calculationg weighted probablities with -e (default: 2, will resort to defaults if <2 || > 14)
-b, --border Print tile border (default: false)
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
-V, --superverbose Super verbose mode
-h, --help Prints this help
To start the server, run ruby app.rb
To view the interface, navigate to localhost:4567
$> docker run -p4567:4567 dragonchaser/maptool:latest
$> docker run -p4567:4567 dragonchaser/maptool:latest-arm32v7
$> docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t <containername>:<tag> .
$> # run it
$> docker run -p4567:4567 <containername>:tag
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