Responsify your menus! Just give me a CSS or jQuery style selector of your menu and I will make it mobile friendly (when the time is right).
For many use cases, the default settings will be enough. Turn it on = done.
I am a huge fan of 0-config, too many things to configure in Drupal already.
That said, there are plenty of configuration options at:
Alternatively, you can use Responsive Menus as a Context reaction with all the same options.
These options vary depending on the style chosen, but may include:
- CSS/jQuery selectors for which menus to responsify
- Text or HTML to use as the menu toggle button
- Screen width to respond to
- Open from Left or Right side of screen
- Remove other classes/id's when responded
The 'Simple' and 'MeanMenu' styles are included with this module, the others must be downloaded. The URL to download a library will be presented to you if you try to choose any other style.
MeanMenu & codrops' Multi styles require jQuery 1.7+
Sidr & codrops integrate with the Libraries 2.x module in order to work.
- This can be bypassed using hook_responsive_menus_styles_alter.
- See API & HOOKS below.
Google Nexus style takes over all the time (not just small screen).
- May be updated later to have a mobile only option.
- Declare your own style.
hook_responsive_menus_styles_alter(&$styles) - Alter existing styles.
@see responsive_menus.api.php
Joshua Walker 'drastik'