A pure luck based gambling game.
Built with React & node.js by DrDreo as a learning experience for React.
Make sure to have the latest Node and npm installed then run npm i
in the root and the client folder.
Additionally, you need to create a firebase project to be able to connect to the database. You will receive the config as JSON like:
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "api-key",
authDomain: "project-id.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://project-id.firebaseio.com",
projectId: "project-id",
storageBucket: "project-id.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "sender-id",
appId: "app-id",
measurementId: "G-measurement-id",
During local development, this config needs to be stored inside root/credentials/.
In production, you need to have the environment variable GCS_CREDENTIALS
set to the exact same JSON data.
- Start the server:
cd server && npm run dev
- Start the client:
cd client && npm start