You can sign up for an iyzico account at
PHP 5.3 and later.
You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:
composer require iyzico/iyzipay-php
To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:
If you do not wish to use Composer, you can download the latest release. Then, to use the bindings, include the IyzipayBootstrap.php
$options = new \Iyzipay\Options();
$options->setApiKey("api key");
$options->setSecretKey("secret key");
$request = new \Iyzipay\Request\CreatePaymentRequest();
$paymentCard = new \Iyzipay\Model\PaymentCard();
$paymentCard->setCardHolderName("John Doe");
$buyer = new \Iyzipay\Model\Buyer();
$buyer->setEmail("[email protected]");
$buyer->setLastLoginDate("2015-10-05 12:43:35");
$buyer->setRegistrationDate("2013-04-21 15:12:09");
$shippingAddress = new \Iyzipay\Model\Address();
$shippingAddress->setContactName("Jane Doe");
$billingAddress = new \Iyzipay\Model\Address();
$billingAddress->setContactName("Jane Doe");
$basketItems = array();
$firstBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$firstBasketItem->setSubMerchantKey("sub merchant key");
$basketItems[0] = $firstBasketItem;
$secondBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$secondBasketItem->setName("Game code");
$secondBasketItem->setCategory2("Online Game Items");
$secondBasketItem->setSubMerchantKey("sub merchant key");
$basketItems[1] = $secondBasketItem;
$thirdBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$thirdBasketItem->setCategory2("Usb / Cable");
$thirdBasketItem->setSubMerchantKey("sub merchant key");
$basketItems[2] = $thirdBasketItem;
$paymentAuth = \Iyzipay\Model\PaymentAuth::create($request, Sample::options());
See other samples under samples directory.
Install dependencies:
composer install
Install dependencies as mentioned above (which will resolve PHPUnit), then you can run the test suite:
Or to run an individual test file:
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Iyzipay/Tests/OptionsTest.php