A simple utility to replace tokens in a string with generations from the Chance random generator helper.
npm install chance-token-replacer
var TokenReplacer = require('chance-token-replacer');
var replacer = new TokenReplacer();
var tokenString = 'Hello, my name is <@first@> <@last@>. You can email me at [email protected], or call me at <@phone@>. This is my catchphrase: <@sentence#{words:5}@>';
var processedString = replacer.processString(tokenString);
console.log(processedString); // Hello, my name is Landon McKinney. You can email me at [email protected], or call me at (266) 577-4845. This is my catchphrase: Rokbove ilevuzen ugze monvun mi.
The replacer uses the Chance random generator helper to replace tokens in a string with generated data. The replacer looks for the token format <@chanceMethodName@>
and replaces it with the result of the corresponding Chance method call.
You can use custom starting and ending tokens instead of the default <@
and @>
by passing an options object to the constructor:
var replacer = new TokenReplacer({
endToken: '%]',
startToken: '[%'
replacer.processString('My first name is [%first%].');
The replacer will also accept a custom replacer function to process tokens in addition to the chance api methods. It does not accept anything after the #
inside of a token.
var dummyConfigObject = {
customValue: 'ABC_123'
function customReplacerFn(s) {
var customEvaluation = s;
if (_.startsWith(s, 'dummyConfigObject')) {
var key = s.split('.')[1];
if (!!dummyConfigObject[key]) {
customEvaluation = dummyConfigObject[key];
return customEvaluation;
var options = {
customReplacerFn: customReplacerFn
var replacer = new TokenReplacer(options);
replacer.processString('<@dummyConfigObject.customValue@>'); // 'ABC_123'
You can also pass a configuration object (in JSON5 format) to the method by including a #
followed by a configuration object:
'<@chanceMethodName#{key:value, key2:value2}@>'
'This is my social security number: <@ssn#{dashes:false}@>';
// Evaluates to:
'This is my social security number: 344750126';
'selected letter: <@pickone#["A","B","C"]@>';
// Evaluates to:
'selected letter: B';
The replacer caches every evaluated token to an array using a 1-based index. You can reference these values with bang (!
) and a number corresponding to the order the tokens were replaced.
'My name is <@first@> <@last@>, but you can just call me !1. Mr. !2 is my father.';
// Evaluates to:
'My name is Lawrence Armstrong, but you can just call me Lawrence. Mr. Armstrong is my father.';
Evaluated tokens persist with the replacer instance, so you can even reference replacements from previous calls:
var TokenReplacer = require('./index.js');
var replacer = new TokenReplacer();
var tokenStringOne = 'Say hello to Mr. <@last@>.';
var tokenStringTwo = 'Hi, Mr. !1.';
var evaluatedStringOne = replacer.processString(tokenStringOne);
var evaluatedStringTwo = replacer.processString(tokenStringTwo);
console.log(evaluatedStringOne); // Say hello to Mr. Graham.
console.log(evaluatedStringTwo); // Hi, Mr. Graham.
The evaluated token cache can be reset by calling replacer.resetEvaluatedTokens()
Returns an evaluated string.
Removes cached evaluated token values.