Drogon Assist is a 3rd party toolkit (even though the author is a maintainer of Drogon) for features that doesn't make it into Drogon's repository. Either because it is out of scope for the core framework, too much dependency or just because.
- libbsd (if not on *BSD)
- Botan-2
Note: This library is in early development. The APIs may change without prior notice
Note: You need to recompile this library after any update to Drogon. Otherwise ABI incompatablity may cause unexpected issues.
- Password hashing
- BasicAuth parsing
- HTTP Signature genration and verifing (RSA only)
- SHA3/Blake2b hash
- Auxiliary Plugins
#include <drogon/assist/passwdhash.hpp>
std::string hashed = drassist::passwdhash::hash("12456");
// ARGON2:QrrB8NQCF5JlfWoA:$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$+HCM3JuBVPkeF3QiGo7PdA$zIOLPhwKVdSCUfMtq1zd+rCJ9DSMVhkSV+43TRUGtLw
drassist::passwdhash::verify("123456", hashed); // true
drassist::passwdhash::verify("abcdef", hashed); // false
- Stop HTTP parameter pollution
/*Add this into Drogon's configuration file*/
"name": "drassist::ParameterPollutionProtector",
- Remove BOM from common content types
/*Add this into Drogon's configuration file*/
"name": "drassist::BOMRemover",