Logs and output for testing Dronekit-LA.
This repo contains sample ArduPilot DataFlash logs and MAVLink telemetry logs that you can freely use for testing DroneKit Log Analyzer (DroneKit-LA).
It also contains typical dronekit-la output which can be used to validate log analyzer changes.
We welcome new logs and analysis-output updates. These must be provided with the permission of the owner, and permit free use by anyone.
Here are a few basic rules for adding logs:
- The permission of the log owner must be granted before a log is uploaded
- Logs should be kept as short as possible (to make the repo usable). 5MB is the "nominal" maximum size.
- Please state log ownership in the commit message.
NOTE: Before adding a log, please consider any sensitive information that it may contain.
The Analyser output is used to validate that changes to (DroneKit-LA)](http://la.dronekit.io/) output are improvements. Typically we use a diff tool (e.g. WinDiff, Beyond Compare) to verify that changes result in better/more useful output.
Note: When comparing outputs, ensure that changes aren't due to platform issue (e.g. precision of floats on output).
All the files are licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).