This is a reposiory for a code challenge. The task to address are as follows:
- Given a skill return a list of related job titles
- Given a skill return a list of related skills
Skills are mostly NOUN or forms of NOUN.
Skills can be identified as Entity in a given text (We use spacy for NER)
Given a description, the most common skill/skills (or prominent concepts) can be extracted using word embedding (eucledian) space.
Identify POS tags for all the words and keep only NOUN and forms of NOUN
Identify Named Entity and keep only a set of entities by this rule:
a) Select only if belonging to a predefined set.(predefined set selected based on visual inspection.) b) If single word, its POS be NOUN or its other form c) if multiword, atleast one word must be a NOUN or other forms
Keep a counter of all the neighboring words using word embedding similarity of selected candidates of step 2
Select top k most frequent neighboring words signifying the common concept within the text (or found entity)
Evaluate a similarity score between all the top k most frequent words of step 5 and candidate entity based on following:
a) if single word, directly evaluate the similarity with top k and add them b) if multiword, evaluate similarity for each word with top k and add them followed by division by number of words in the candidate word.
Sort the candidate list of step 2 based on score of step 5.
Associate a weight to each node based on predefined set(visual inspection)
Add the title as a node to a Graph
Add the sorted skills identified in step 6 as nodes.
Join edges between title and edges based on step 7
Update the edge weight if new weight evaluated for any other doc is more than current weight
To execute
python --filepath XXX/Challenge/data/job_descriptions.json/all_en_descriptions.json --modelpath XXX/Challenge/models/fasttext_model.bin --t skill --name ASP.NET --neighbor title --n 5 --graphpath /media/druv022/Data2/Challenge/data/graph_temp.pkl
a) Simple yet effective.
b) Can use any pre-trained embedding (supported in the form of [KeyedVectors](
a) require speedup (dependency on spacy execution on CPU)
b) quality of data; requires better preprocessing
c) doesn't handle titles/skills that it has not seen; requires character based approach to start with.
a) Use latest NER models (with ELMO/BERT embeddings)
b) Use graph based embeddings (node2vec for a start)
c) Learn weights of the edges based on the data rather than using predefined heuristics
As part of the coding challenge, another task was asked to write a proposal for a web crawler for job. Please find the proposal here: link