Releases: dsaidgovsg/terraform-modules
Releases · dsaidgovsg/terraform-modules
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Restrict aws upper limit version to 4.0.0 @guangie88 (#287)
- Nexus: update to
@guangie88 (#285)
🚧 Maintenance
- Core: add config for additional security group IDs @jrlonan-gt (#289)
- Upgrade SSL policy @qbiqing (#290)
- Lb: add option to disable load balancer HTTP listener @guangie88 (#288)
- Alb: default to drop invalid headers @guangie88 (#286)
- Support weekly fluent indexes @xtrntr (#284)
- Fluentd: root user @xtrntr (#282)
- Es: recombine and remove
@qbiqing (#281) - Curator: add docs to extend pruning for custom prefixes @xtrntr (#280)
💥 Breaking Changes
- Nomad: rework cidr acceptance @guangie88 (#275)
- Fluentd: redirect logs from hashi services @qbiqing (#257)
- Add vars to enable and config master nodes @qbiqing (#252)
✨ Features
- Elasticsearch: add Consul service health check @guangie88 (#276)
- Vault: upgrade service to 1.5 @guangie88 (#273)
- Elasticsearch: allow availability zone count override value @guangie88 (#272)
- Core: allow Nomad server and client separate names @guangie88 (#271)
- Iam: update cluster reusable modules @guangie88 (#269)
- Traefik: expose prometheus metrics @xtrntr (#265)
- Prometheus: update prometheus version @xtrntr (#264)
- Feature(nomad): Add spot price for nomad cluster @briantjt (#259)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fluentd: fix incorrect interpolation syntax @jrlonan-gt (#278)
- Fluentd: use TF variables for CPU/mem resource in jobspec @jrlonan-gt (#277)
- Fluentd: disable storing logs locally @qbiqing (#262)
- Aws: upgrade to use non-deprecated attributes @qbiqing (#256)
- Add vars to enable and config master nodes @qbiqing (#252)
🔧 Code Improvements
- Nomad: rework cidr acceptance @guangie88 (#275)
- Fluentd: make fluentd_pre and fluentd_new @qbiqing (#255)
- Core: core takes in base_domain as a var @qbiqing (#254)
- Es: remove dependency on consul @qbiqing (#251)
🚧 Maintenance
- Update syntax to TF v1 compatible @guangie88 (#279)
- Fluentd: allow permissions boundary @guangie88 (#274)
- Vault: update helper script @guangie88 (#270)
- Remove placement_tenancy @xtrntr (#268)
- Upgrade nomad and consul versions @xtrntr (#267)
- Change security group ingress protocol @xtrntr (#266)
- Fluentd: optimize memory and CPU usage @qbiqing (#263)
- Fluentd: redirect logs from hashi services @qbiqing (#257)
- Prometheus: remove deprecated var for new packer version @xtrntr (#258)
💥 Breaking Changes
- Tf: upgrade all modules to tf 0.12 compatible @guangie88 (#247)
✨ Features
- Tf: upgrade all modules to tf 0.12 compatible @guangie88 (#247)
- Replace travis with gh actions @guangie88 (#246)
Uncategorized Changes
- Chore/provision nexus @binhoul (#236)
- Upgrade Consul, Nomad Clients, Nomad Servers, and Vault @KnightNiwrem (#235)
- Replace ansible ppa to pip @guangie88 (#244)
- Say this is for Ansible 2.7 @flimqp (#243)
- Output load balance arn @binhoul (#241)
- Fix path append for run-consul-template @guangie88 (#240)
- Add GetObject for Fluentd to properly retry sending logs @KnightNiwrem (#239)
- EFS descriptions and encryption cleanup @guangie88 (#238)
- Add EFS module @guangie88 (#237)
- Dynamically find absolute python3 path @KnightNiwrem (#233)
- Update Traefik to v1.7.12 @guangie88 (#234)
- Explicitly set generate_signing_key to true to prevent breaking changes @guangie88 (#232)
- Update traefik to 1.7.10 to support multiple frontends @guangie88 (#231)
- Add optional feature to add private Route53 zone @guangie88 (#230)
- Update vault-ssh to use vault_ssh_secret_backend_ca @binhoul (#229)
- Use non-deprecated bound_iam_role_arns for vault_aws_auth_backend_role @guangie88 (#228)
- Add AWS ECR module @guangie88 (#227)
- Update netshare version @guangie88 (#226)
- Allow core to forward docker_privileged flag @guangie88 (#225)
- Pin fluentd template provider min version @guangie88 (#224)
- Update fluentd template for 2.0.0 @sturdek (#223)
- Output Internal LB Security Group ID for Core @lawliet89 (#222)
- Bump Vault Module Again @lawliet89 (#221)
- Update vault module @lawliet89 (#220)
- Update upgrade script for auto-unseal @lawliet89 (#219)
- Bump Min Packer Version for Prometheus Data AMI @lawliet89 (#217)
- Bump to Vault 1.0.1 @lawliet89 (#218)
- Add Vault Auto unseal helper module @lawliet89 (#216)
- Support Vault 1.0 @lawliet89 (#215)
- Add upgrade script for Consul, Nomad server and Vault @guangie88 (#213)
- Update ansible version to 2.7.4 @sturdek (#214)
- Add Consul fix for RCE vulnerability @guangie88 (#211)
- Add Grafana Module @lawliet89 (#210)
- Fix Ansible APT Deprecation warnings (#183) @sunakan (#209)
- Increase Idle Timeout for Core ELB @lawliet89 (#208)
- Bump Consul and Vault versions @lawliet89 (#207)
- Bump Consul to 1.3.1 @lawliet89 (#205)
- Fix
not being used in Core @lawliet89 (#206) - Various fixes to Vault @lawliet89 (#203)
- Fix Prometheus Regex with relabelling @lawliet89 (#201)
- Bump Ansible @lawliet89 (#200)
- Prometheus Server @lawliet89 (#198)
- Configure Telegraf to output to a Prometheus Client @lawliet89 (#190)
- Configure td-agent to ship
logs @lawliet89 (#196) - Fix issue where the CIDR block of Traefik LB is not correctly specified @lawliet89 (#199)
- Fix Consul DNS Race Condition @lawliet89 (#195)
for ELB Target Groups @lawliet89 (#193)- Add Elasticsearch Curator Module @lawliet89 (#188)
- Use DNSMasq as default Docker Daemon DNS server @chrissng (#191)
- Update tflint @chrissng (#192)
- Fix errors in Elasticsearch Alarms @lawliet89 (#189)
- Add chrony for NTP sync + default timezone @guangie88 (#184)
- Remove default empty values for LB log buckets @guangie88 (#185)
- Fix lint not returning non-zero error code and fix alarm type issue @guangie88 (#186)
- Configure Vault ELB X-Forwarded-For @lawliet89 (#181)
- Configure different subnets for Traefik LBs @lawliet89 (#182)
- Add Cloudwatch alarm for Elasticsearch @sturdek (#165)
- Configure Access Logging for ELB @lawliet89 (#178)
- Fix update apt cache @guangie88 (#177)
- Inject source to fluentd logs @lawliet89 (#176)
- Add option to add additional config for Fluentd @lawliet89 (#174)
- Use splat syntax instead to avoid warning @guangie88 (#173)
- Add additional output for Nomad ACL @lawliet89 (#172)
- Bump Vault version to 0.11.1 @lawliet89 (#171)
- Workaround for
No package matching 'gcc' is available
@lawliet89 (#170) - Fix spelling mistake @lawliet89 (#168)
- Fix typo in version syntax change for Vault @guangie88 (#167)
- Update bound_iam_role_arn to make it work for Vault provider >= 1.1.4 @guangie88 (#166)
- Custom task
for checking submodule Tasks @guangie88 (#164) - Use
tags for Vault audit logs @lawliet89 (#163) - Upgrade to Consul 1.2.3 @lawliet89 (#162)
- Fix bound ARNs not being a list @lawliet89 (#161)
- Fix issue related to ES Service linked role @lawliet89 (#160)
- Remove Kibana redirection Job @lawliet89 (#159)
- Update LB Listeners to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS @lawliet89 (#157)
- Upgrade to Nomad 0.8.5 @lawliet89 (#156)
- Add more outputs to the
module @lawliet89 (#155) - Couple of small fixes @lawliet89 (#154)
- Remove serf gossip rules @lawliet89 (#153)
- Update Packer Templates to use t3 instances @lawliet89 (#151)