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Sendy is an excellent piece of software written for sending out newsletters via Amazon SES. One current limitation of Sendy is that it does not have the ability to read an RSS feed and use the contents of that feed for generating newsletters.

SendyRSSPub is a script that pulls an Atom/RSS feed and generates a newsletter using the Sendy API.

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Basic Usage


This software requires Python. It has been tested and is currently in active use with Python 2.7. It may work with older or newer versions, however it has not been tested in those environments.

In order to install the rest of the prerequisites, you need Pip. The most recent versions of Python (2.7.9+) come with Pip by default. If you don't already have it, then you need to install it. Installation instructions can be found at

Once pip is installed, the remaining prequisites can be installed as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

SendyRSSPub can be run from anywhere, it does not need to run on the same system as your RSS feed or your Sendy installation. As long as the system has network access to both, everything should work.

SendyRSSPub does not take responsibility for scheduling. If you want it to run on a periodic basis, you will need to run it via a job scheduling system such as cron.

The Basics

The command is the only command you need to use in order to use this software. There are, however, a few supporting files that are required in order for everything to work:

  • the default settings, which can be overridden on the command line.
  • templates: the directory which contains the text and html templates used for rendering newsletters.
  • feed_log.db: a database of feed items that have been processed. This is required to prevent duplicate messages from being sent. This file is automatically created on first use.

Getting Help

Most commands are documented via help on the command line. For example, to see the top level commands, you can type the following:

python -h

To see additional help about a specific command (i.e. in this case, the test_feed command), you can type the following:

python test_feed -h

Now onto getting the software setup...

  1. Configure Default Settings

Edit the file and change the settings to match your current environment. Generally, you can leave the default database name (feed_log.db) as-is; there are very few cases when you will need to change this. For testing, you can also leave the default template names as-is.

  1. Test Reading the Feed URL

Enter the following command on the command line:

python test_feed

This will read the RSS feed and output the contents as a Python data structure. You will need this information for creating your newsletter templates. If you like, you can output this data to a text file by as follows:

python test_feed > feed_data.txt
  1. Test the Newsletter Templates

You can test the currently configured newsletter templates by typing the following on the command line:

python test_template

This command will read the feed and use the data from that feed to render the templates configured in to stdout. To render a specific template, other than those configured in, you can type the following instead:

python test_template --template template_name.html

You can create your own newsletter templates, using the example ones as a basic reference. Templates are rendered using the Jinja 2 templating engine. For more info on how this templating engine works, you can visit the documentation at

The data supplied to the templates comes from the data from the feed, as was tested in step 2. Once you create your own custom templates, you can configure those templates to be used by default in the file.

  1. Send the Newsletter

Once the template rendering is working as expected, you can send a newsletter as follows:

python send_newsletter

You can run this command via cron at any interval you like to have a newsletter sent automatically. If there are no new items in the feed, no newsletter will be sent.

  1. Maintaining the Database

The database can be cleaned and/or pruned using the db_clean and db_prune commands. See the command-line documentation for more details.

Other Resources

Other articles from around the web:

  • Chekcout this blog post on for detailed instructions on installing and configuring the software.

Getting More Help

If you need professional/paid help getting this software up and running in your environment, or have special feature requests, get in touch by sending me an email (see my profile).


Sendy RSS Newsletter Generator







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