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A table component built with angular that is catered to real-time data.

Feature List

  • column-specific filtering
  • column sorting
  • stacked ordering
  • column resizing
  • column re-ordering
  • localStorage state persistance
  • pagination


$ git clone [email protected]:DataTorrent/malhar-angular-table.git
$ cd malhar-angular-table
$ npm install .
$ bower install

Running the Demo

$ grunt serve

Getting Started

First, include mlhr-table.js and mlhr-table.css in your project. Then, in your markup, instantiate table instances with an <mlhr-table> tag:



The mlhr-table tag can have the following attributes:

attribute type required description
options object no An object containing various options for the table. See Options Object below for details
columns Array yes An array of column definition objects. See Column Definitions below.
rows Array yes An array of data to be displayed. See the note on maintaining $$hashKeys in order to allow for more performant data updates
table-class String no A string of classes to be attached to the actual <table> element that gets created
selected Array no This should be provided when using the selector built-in format. See the Row Selection section below.
track-by String yes This string should be the unique key on data objects that ng-repeat should use to keep track of rows in the table

Options Object

The options object should be available on the parent scope of the <mlhr-table> element. It is optional (defaults are used) and has the following keys:

key type default description
rowPadding number 10 Number of rows to add before and after the viewport
sortClasses Array (see below)
storage Object undefined
storageHash String undefined Non-sequential "version" hash used to identify and compare items in storage.
storageKey String undefined Used as the key to store and retrieve items from storage, if it is specified.
initialSorts Array [] Array of objects defining an initial sort order. Each object must have id and dir, can be "+" for ascending, "-" for descending.
loadingText String 'loading' String to show when data is loading
noRowsText String 'no rows' String to show when no rows are visible
loadingTemplateUrl String undefined Path to template for td when loading
loadingPromise Object undefined Promise object for table data loading. Used to resolve loading state when data is available.
loadingErrorTemplateUrl String undefined Path to template for td when there is an error loading table data.
loadingErrorText String 'error loading results' String to show when loading fails
noRowsTemplateUrl String undefined Path to template for td when there are no rows to show.
scrollDebounce number 100 Wait time when debouncing the scroll event. Used when updating rows. Milliseconds.
bgSizeMultiplier number 1 The background-size css attribute of the placeholder rows is set to bgSizeMultiplier * rowHeight.
defaultRowHeight number 40 When there are no rows to calculate the height, this number is used as the fallback
bodyHeight number 300 The pixel height for the body of the table. Note that unless fixedHeight is set to true, this will behave as a max-height.
fixedHeight boolean false If true, the table body will always have a height of bodyHeight, regardless of whether the rows fill up the vertical space.
onRegisterApi function {} Provides a access to select table controller methods, including selectAll, deselectAll, isSelectedAll, setLoading, etc.
getter function {} Customize the way to get column value. If not specified, get columen value by row[column.key]
highlightRow function undefined Determines whether or not to highlight a table row.
overrideSortOrder Array undefined Array of field names to use as the sort order. This property overrides the sortOrder property stored in storage.
overrideSortDirection Object undefined An object of key/value pairs where the key is the field name and the value is a + or -. + is ascending and - is descending. This property overrides the sortDirection property stored in storage.
overrideSearchTerms Object undefined An object of key/value pairs where the key is the field name and the value is the filter expression for that field. This property overrides the searchTerms property stored in storage.
ignoreDummyRows boolean false If set to true, the dummy rows above and below the actual content table are not created. Dummy rows are paddings above and below the content table. When present, the scrollbar size is more accurate which allows users to drag it directly to the top or bottom of the table. It's also a quick way to render the visible content only. When set to true, then all rows in the data source are render in the table. If there is a significant amount of data to render, then the rendering may be slow down the browser. The ignoreTableHeightStyle property may need to be set to true if this property is set to true in order for the full table to be rendered correctly.
setTableScope boolean false If set to true, the table scope is assigned to the options object under the property named tableScope.
ignoreTableHeightStyle boolean false If set to true, the table height/max-height style is not set. This property should be set to true if the ignoreDummyRows property is also set to true.
passThroughFilter boolean false If set to true, the column filters (searchTerms) will not actually run. This property should be set to true if the REST API support filtering. You can still take advantage of the filter input field and tooltip, but send the filter expressions as part of the REST API requests.


A common requirement for tables showing dynamically loaded data is to show loading feedback. There are several options pertaining to this: loading, loadingText, and loadingTemplateUrl. To disable loading text, a promise object from data loading can be provided, so that setLoading(false) can be attached to promise.then(). Optionally, onRegisterApi function can be specified, which provides direct access to setLoading and other table controller methods. This function specifies a single argument, which is the api object provided by the table. Example: onRegisterApi: function(api) { $scope.tableAPI = api; }.

No Visible Rows

Similar to loading state, there are two options for visual representation of when there are no rows: noRowsText and noRowsTemplateUrl.


Default Value: [ 'glyphicon glyphicon-sort', 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down' ] If a column has a sort function specified, the column header will contain a <span> element with a css class of sorting-icon. This sortClasses array contains three strings that will be appended to the <span> className, one for each state of a sorted column: [classes_for_no_sort, classes_for_ascending_sort, classes_for_descending_sort].


If defined, this requires the presence of storageKey. This object should follow a subset of the API for localStorage; specifically having the methods setItem, getItem, and removeItem. It will use storageKey as the key to set. The most common use-case for this is simply to pass localStorage to this option.

options decoration

An advantage of providing an options object is that mlhrTable decorates it with a few things for greater control. Below are the things mlhrTable adds.


When the user is scrolling, this property will be a promise that gets resolved when the user has stopped scrolling. If the user is not scrolling, this will have a value of null. This can be useful if the table has a lot of columns and you want to optimize performance by deferring updates to when the user stops scrolling.

Column Definitions

The columns should be an array of Column Definition Objects. The order in which they appear in this array dictates the order they will appear by default. Column Definition Objects have the following properties:

property key type required default value description
id string yes undefined Identifies the column.
key string yes undefined The field on each row that this column displays or uses in its format function.
label string no id The column heading text. If not present, id is used.
sort function or string no undefined If specified, defines row sort function this column uses. See Row Sorting below.
filter function or string no undefined If specified, defines row filter function this column uses. See Row Filtering below.
format function or string no '' If specified, defines cell format function. See the Cell Formatting section below.
width string or number no 'auto' width of column, can include units, e.g. '30px'
lockWidth boolean no false If true, column will not be resizable.
ngFilter string no undefined Name of a registered filter to use on row[column.key]
template string no undefined A string template for the cell contents
templateUrl string no undefined A template url used with ng-include for cell contents
title string no undefined A tooltip for a column header.
cssClass string no undefined A CSS class name to be applied to this column.

Row Sorting

The rows of the table can be sortable based on a column by setting the sort attribute of a Column Definition Object to a function with the following signature:

 * Defines sort function for ascending order.
 * @param {Object} rowA     First row being compared
 * @param {Object} rowB     Second row being compared
 * @return {Number}         Result of comparison. 
function MySortFunction(rowA, rowB) {
    // Assuming propertyKey is numeric, 
    // this would work as a number sorter:
    return rowA.propertyKey - rowB.propertyKey;

The returned value should mirror how Array.prototype.sort works: If the returned value is negative, rowA will be placed above rowB in the ascending sort order. If it is negative, rowB will be placed above rowA in the ascending sort order. If it is zero, the two rows will be considered the same in terms of sorting precedence.

There are two built-in sort functions availablewhich handle the two most common use-cases: "string" and "number". To use these, simply set the sort attribute to one of these strings.

Sorting can be set by the user by clicking the headers of sortable columns, and can be stacked by holding shift and clicking. The initial sort order can be set using the initialSorts option in the Options Object, shown in the table above.

Row Filtering

If a filter function is set on a Column Definition Object, that column will contain an input field below the main column header where the user can type in a value and the rows will be filtered based on what they type and the behavior of the function. This function should have the following signature:

 * Defines a filtering function
 * @param {String} term          The term entered by the user into the filter field.
 * @param {Mixed} value          The value of row[column.key]
 * @param {Mixed} computedValue  The value of column.format(row[column.key], row). Will be the same as `value` if there is no format function for the column.
 * @param {Object} row            The actual row of data
 * @return {Boolean}
function MyFilterFunction(term, value, computedValue, row) {
    // Assuming row[column.key] is a string,
    // this would work as a simple matching filter:
    return value.indexOf(term) >= 0;

When there is a value provided by the user in the filter field, every row in the dataset is passed through this function. If the function returns true, the row will be included in the resulting rows that get displayed. Otherwise it is left out.

There are several common filter functions that are built-in. Use them by passing one of the following strings instead of a function:

string description
like Search by simple substring, eg. "foo" matches "foobar" but not "fobar". Use "!" to exclude and "=" to match exact text, e.g. "!bar" or "=baz".
likeFormatted Same as "like", but looks at formatted cell value instead of raw.
number Search by number, e.g. "123". Optionally use comparator expressions like ">=10" or "<1000". Use "~" for approx. int values, eg. "~3" will match "3.2".
numberFormatted Same as number, but looks at formatted cell value instead of raw
date Search by date. Enter a date string (RFC2822 or ISO 8601 date). You can also type "today", "yesterday", "> 2 days ago", "< 1 day 2 hours ago", etc.
duration Search by duration using the data model value. Value is expected to be in milliseconds. Filter can be in expressions such as "<= 30 minutes", "= 1 hour", ">= 1 day, 4 hours" or "> 2.5 days & < 3 days". Default operator is "=" and unit is "second". Thus searching "60", "60 seconds", or "= 60" are equivalent to "= 60 seconds".
durationFormatted Search by duration using the string shown in the table. The filter expressions are similar to that of duration filter.
memory Search by memory using the data model value. Value is expected to be in bytes. Filter can be in expressions such as "> 512mb", "= 1.5GB", or ">= 128GB & <= 256GB". Units are not case sensitive. Default operator is "=" and unit is "MB". Thus searching "128", "= 128" or "128 MB" are equivalent to "= 128 MB".
memoryFormatted Search by memory using the string shown in the table. The filter expressions are similar to that of the memory filter.

Cell Formatting

Row Selection

There is a special type of column called a selector, which will render as a checkbox that, when clicked, will populate a selected array that is provided through an attribute of the mlhr-table element. The following is an example column definition for a selector (Usually this column appears first):

$scope.myColumns = [
        id: 'selector',
        key: 'idKeyOfObjects',   // used to populate the selected array
        label: '',               // no label for checkbox column
        selector: true,
        width: '40px',           // Fixed width of 40px
        lockWidth: true,         // to keep it narrow
        selectObject: true       // Optional: by default, selecting a row puts the value of 
                                 // row[idKeyOfObjects] into the selected array. If this option
                                 // is set to true, the entire object will be placed into the 
                                 // selected array.

Browser Support

IE 9+ Firefox 4+ Safari 5+ Chrome 5+