Welcome to dub3.ai, where your voice takes center stage! 🎤
dub3.ai is an innovative marketplace harnessing the power of Cartesi, enabling users to transform their voice into unique NFTs and generate text-to-speech content using cutting-edge AI technology. 🌟
Our main objective is to empower users to effortlessly upload and monetize their voice samples. These samples undergo advanced processing through the Coqui/TTS library by Hugging Face. The magic unfolds within the Cartesi environment, ensuring seamless, efficient, and reliable execution. Once synthesized, the resulting voice is securely uploaded to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). Simultaneously, an exclusive NFT is minted, representing this synthesized voice as a one-of-a-kind digital asset. 💫
- Upload Your Voice: Share your unique voice samples.
- AI Synthesis: Cutting-edge AI processes your voice via the Coqui/TTS library.
- Cartesi Environment: Seamless execution within the Cartesi environment.
- IPFS Storage: Securely store the synthesized voice on IPFS.
- NFT Creation: Mint a unique NFT representing your synthesized voice.
To get started, execute the following command from the project's directory:
### Running Once the back-end is up and running, open a separate terminal in this project's directory, and execute:
yarn start This will run the front-end application in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
For this project several components have been integrated.
It is used to execute the Text2Speech model inference and various actions such as uploading the output file to ipfs via Pinata.
Chainlink CCIP is used to enable cross-chain communication in order to mint the NFTs on Polygon Mumbai from other chains.
Lighthouse is used to store securely the audio files generated by the AI.
Scroll Sepolia is the chain where we deployed and verified our SpeakerNFT contract. Explorer : https://sepolia-blockscout.scroll.io/address/0xB7C1D2626FE677fbA9789dcD089F800BA0A8Bf00
Polygon MUMBAI : 0x938049a537939AC054FFF6E0CafCe39D726BDd9c Scroll Sepolia : 0xB7C1D2626FE677fbA9789dcD089F800BA0A8Bf00 ,
Polygon MUMBAI : 0x59087174Dd6F511C73e62618DaeE710F2db0819F
Ethereum SEPOLIA : 0x7e28Bca799F90AB6e8264E93B123cE9990987567
Ethereum SEPOLIA : 0xF0228036FC21aD442250d4c887F492c50b5A3A37