I'm Dustin, a software developer mainly writing Typescript, Go, and Rust (really loving Rust right now), but I find myself doing a bit of everything (or a lot...). I'm a big fan of Neovim, and working almost entirely in my terminal. I also spend way too much time scrolling GitHub Trending.
I've started blogging again to improve my writing skills, talk about existing projects or new ideas, and soon to go in to skills around management and tech leading.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Oatmeal
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Gleam
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any of the projects you see below!
- 📫 How to reach me: I have no socials, there's no good way to do so.
- ⚡ Fun facts:
- Once upon a time (a long time) I was the creator of one of the biggest League of Legends apps, Championify, with over 250,000 users in 41 languages, and got me in to the first Riot Games community hackathon!
- My Discord bot Gravebot if memory serves hit 70,000 users before a buddy and I called it quits. Fun times! It's partially what has inspired my current chat app Oatmeal.