A heatmap of crime in Salt Lake City on the web.
The heatmap is based off of Salt Lake City's Police Cases. To create the heatmap, I changed the x & y coordinates to a global coordinate system and had to clean up some of the data. You can view the raw data, along with my modifications in the raw-data folder.
You can view the web heatmap live here
To run it yourself, you'll want to download this repository and get a google maps api key (since the current key is restricted to https://dylngg.github.io/slc-crime-heatmap/). Enter that key in the index.html
, where <script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=KEY&sensor=false"></script>
appears with an actual key. After that, you should be able to open the heatmap by opening index.html
To run the script which converts the x and y location data of the crime from EPSG:32043 to WGS84, you'll need the pandas
and pyproj
To install the required modules, run:
$ pip install pandas pyproj