Why? ..After obtaining a normal accessKey set, the MFA enabled user faces the challege of mantaining a daily set of temp accessKeys+token (session) for use with awscli, sdks and the stuff like terraform.
aws configure --profile awsops
# PASTE keys from aws csv file ...
vim ~/.aws/config
# ADD mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::0000000:mfa/xxxxxxx
Writes a new [default] section into your $HOME/.aws/credentials, after downloading a new SESSION temp access/token set through a "start" profile. Start profile name defaults to [awsops] and should have 'mfa_serial' set, together with accesskeys.
Both the start and dest profiles names can be selected with flags
yaast [-h] [flags] <mfacode>
# or from src :
python -m src.yaast [-h] [flags] <mfacode>
DEPENDS on botocore