This was created for iRulesLX on BIG-IP, for replacement of AD FS to use as a Trusted Identity Provider for SharePoint.
Modified to support multiple FQDNs and Trusted Identity Providers on a single virtual server. This is still SP initiated.
import tgz to BIG-IP - See included PDF
May work better building from scratch in some environments.
IDP initiated use-case requires a single VS, it does not require any SAML IDP or SP configurations as the initial Client Auth can be anything, the WS-Fed assertion is generated on the Server side, and posted to the Application.
For multiple VS scenarios, see included PDF.
Etensive notes are in the code.
Working on adding Ws-Trust support. FederationMetadata is mostly complete, endpoints currently have to be changed in federationmetadata.template, but this will be dynamic in later code updates.
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- 0.2.0 Minor tweaks
- 0.3.0 Multiple FQDN Support added - Jeff larmore
- 0.3.1 STS Federation Metadata Support added; any endpoint ending with FederationMetadata.xml