This project aims to make the ECCKD gas optics tool conform to the radiative transfer API as defined in RTE-RRTMGP.
The first step is to compile and install the following dependencies:
- A fortran compiler (gfortran, ifort, etc.)
- make
- netCDF
- netCDF-fortran
- hdf5
- The rte and rrtmgp libraries
Currently a simple Makefile
is provided in the base of this repository. This will be replaced with an
actual build system in the future. For now, the library can be compiled using make:
FC=<path to fortran compiler> FCFLAGS="-I<directory where rte and rrtmgp modules are installed> -g -O0" make
Test programs that run the CMIP6 RFMIP RAD-IRF 100 column test cases are provided. They can also be compiled using make:
FC=<path to fortran compiler> \
FCFLAGS="-I<directory where rte and rrtmgp modules are installed> -I<directory where netcdff module is installed> -g -O0" \
LDFLAGS="-L. -L<directory where netcdff library is installed> -L<directory where netcdf library is installed> -L<directory where hdf5 library is installed>" \
LIBDIR="<directory where rte and rrtmgp static libraries are installed" \
make test
Before you can run the tests, you must download the necessay input data. A simple bash script is provided:
After the data is downloaded, the tests can be run as follows:
# Calculates longwave fluxes
ecckd_rfmip_lw data/
# Calculate shortwave fluxes
ecckd_rfmip_sw data/