GTB is a desktop software application for generic raster image processing. Full installation packages, including precompiled executables (macOS, Linux, MS-Windows) of the application, can be downloaded from the project homepage ( GTB is written in the IDL language, and you must be the legal owner of an IDL licence to compile the IDL source code. Further information on the IDL software can be found at: Alternative to using IDL, feel free to recode the IDL source code to the programming language of your choice.
Reference: Vogt P. and Riitters K. (2017). GuidosToolbox: universal digital image object analysis. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50, 1, pp. 352-361, doi: 10.1080/22797254.2017.1330650
This repository provides information on the GTB source code:
- location of the OS-specific compiled mspa executable
- input.tif: test image for GTB
C-source code of GTB-external programs:
- ggeo:
- fsp: directory with source files and instructions needed to compile GTB/GWB-amended version of mspa requiring miallib:
- combinelpt: combinelpt.c
- recode: recode.c
- grayspatcon: grayspatcon.c
- spatcon: spatcon.c
- orig/spatcon: spatcon.c; older version of spatcon, needed for the GTB-Dominance module
GTB-required directories and files:
- mspatmp: directory used for intermediate processing
- spatcon: directory of the OS-specific compiled executables combineltp, recode, spatcon
- spatcon/orig: directory of the OS-specific compiled older spatcon executable
- tmp: directory used for intermediate processing
- *.pro: IDL-subroutines
- *.sav: IDL-settings and colortables
- *.png: images
- *.jpg: images
- *.txt: descriptions
- bash-script to launch a terminal session
- GTB IDL-source code
- changelog:
- GTB Manual:
- MSPA Guide:
- GraySpatCon Guide:
- Vogt P., Riitters K. (2017). GuidosToolbox: universal digital image object analysis. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 50, 1, pp. 352-361, doi: 10.1080/22797254.2017.1330650
- GuidosToolbox is available for free at the following web site: