Windows host
Ubuntu\Linux remote
Git Bash for Windows
Open Git Bash and run
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press enter through all the questions.
This will create a public and a private key in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\ .ssh called id_rsa and
Log in to your server
Make sure that the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file exists.
If not create it.
mkdir ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Switch to Git Bash
Replace the USERNAME and IP with your server credentials.
Enter the password if ~/.ssh/ | ssh USERNAME@IP "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Make sure that the ~/.bashrc file exists on your Windows machine.
If not create it.
touch ~/.bashrc
Replace YOUR_ALIAS with your alias of choice
Replace the USERNAME and IP with your server credentials.echo "alias YOUR_ALIAS='ssh USERNAME@IP -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Open Git Bash and type YOUR_ALIAS from above
You should now be connected