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Supports software product teams & coaches handling and visualise performance agile metrics with the Agile transformation


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Vortrics Heroku Travis

Vortrics was conceived from the idea to have a customized Scrum Dashboards as well as a system to analyze every team sprints and propose improvements based on expertise.

Currently I use this app for my own experimentation, creating any kind of graphics that helps me on my daily work and also to coach teams and managment based on real data.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Vortrics feeds from JIRA through its REST API, to do that ask your system administrator to grant you access to JIRA REST API first.

Out client will authenticate against JIRA REST API using OAuth, this way will avoid sending any sensitive data, username and password basically. 'jira-ruby' main page has a complete guide about how to generate all public keys, will need them to connect to JIRA using OAuth (

Generate a consumer key

$ rake jira:generate_consumer_key
You can use this as your consumer key: secretum0elementum

Consumer key is required setting up an application link in JIRA.

Generate a public certification

$ rake jira:generate_public_cert
Executing 'openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout rsakey.pem -out rsacert.pem'
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'rsakey.pem'
Done. The RSA-SHA1 private keyfile is in the current directory: 'rsakey.pem'.
You will need to copy the following certificate into your application link configuration in Jira:

Place both files in root directory


Check out the following link to know how to set up an application link in JIRA. (

vortrics.yml file has a set of properties that handles JIRA mapping fields. Change :fields: list for those you want to process from your JIRA Rest API. Regarding :changelogfields: will process those areas specified here and ignore the rest, by this we want to avoid process the large volume of data comming in this section.

    :fields: key,priority,issuetype,status,componentes,summary,customfield_11802,timeoriginalestimate,components,description,assignee,created,updated,resolutiondate,closedSprints,sprint,histories
    :changelogfields: status,flagged,component


Rapid Rails Themes is a propietary software so you will need to get a licence to make it work. Has recently become legacy as part of

source "" do
  gem 'dresssed-ives', '~>1.0.67'

Jira Ruby provides full integration with JIRA Rest API, it's an easier way to run queries or use predefined method to get information of your projects in jira.

gem 'jira-ruby', :require => 'jira-ruby'


Heroku deployment

$ heroku login
This is the legacy Heroku CLI. Please install the new CLI from
heroku: Enter your login credentials
Email [[email protected]]: [email protected]
Password: *************
Logged in as [email protected]

$ heroku create your-app
This is the legacy Heroku CLI. Please install the new CLI from
Creating ⬢ your-app... done |

$ git remote -v
heroku (fetch)
heroku (push)
origin  https://[email protected]/Eddygarcas/scrummetrics.git (fetch)
origin  https://[email protected]/Eddygarcas/scrummetrics.git (push)

Before pushing all changes into Heroku will have to set up and environment variable with RapidRails credentials

$heroku config:set BUNDLE_GEMS__KISO__IO=xxxxxxxxxxxx
Setting BUNDLE_GEMS__KISO__IO and restarting ⬢ your-app... done, v3
BUNDLE_GEMS__KISO__IO: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Next command should be pushing all changes into Heroku, which will trigger a deployment.

$ git push heroku master
remote: -----> Launching...
remote:        Released v14
remote: deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.

Once has been deployment, open a Heroku console and run Rails database migration command

~/db/migrate $ cd ..
~/db $ cd ..
~ $ rails db:migrate

Built With

  • Rapid Rails Themes - RubyGem which integrates with your Rails project to provide over a dozen themes, components pre-coded into view partials, page generators, scaffolding inegration and Devise support.
  • Ruby on Rails - Web framework


Eduard Garcia Castelló - Linkedin - Twitter


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Historical data analysis

Image of Historical data

Sprint Metrics

Image of Sprint

Cycle Time analysis

Image of Sprint